"Whether it was intentional or accidental, those who created the virus are responsible for the deaths of millions. Then to make things worse, the establishment weaponized the situation to expand their power, shut down the economy, exterminate small businesses, steal trillions of dollars from the People, while censoring and smearing anyone who dared to veer from the prescribed narrative.
In addition, they covered viable treatments like Ivermectin, and coerced/forced billions to take their “vaccines”, which were neither safe nor effective.
So no matter how you want to slice this pie, our health agencies, intelligence agencies, media, and pharmaceutical industry, all committed crimes against humanity. It’s just a matter of to what degree.
The next contingency in the Deep State plan, is to obfuscate their involvement in bioweapon development, and offload all blame on China.
I’m not saying China are completely innocent, but I am saying with 100% certainty, that US health agencies, via USAID, were heavily involved, and not just in Wuhan, but around the globe. Do not let them convince you otherwise.
Since at least 2022, China have been claiming that C19 was NOT their doing. They agreed with Russian MIL’s findings that the US are developing bioweapons in Ukraine, and are violating the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). China are behaving as if they are victims of a biological attack, they claim the US are the ones who did it, and they have been demanding transparency for years.
Meanwhile, the US formally claimed that the virus was naturally occurring, went extreme lengths to cover up any talk about the potential of the virus being man-made, and refused to acknowledge the accusations from Russia and China.
What’s my point?
China are not behaving like the guilty ones. The US are. China have been sayin for years the virus was man-made, and the US deployed all assets to ensure the world believed it was naturally occurring. If China were responsible, why would they be bringing attention to the idea that it was man-made, and why would the US be the ones covering it up? It doesn’t make sense.
Could China have played a role in the development of SARS-CoV-2? Absolutely, and if they did, all parties involved must be prosecuted. I’m just saying that the US were involved for certain, and we have the paper trail to prove it.
See these clips from Chinese Defense and Foreign Affairs spokesmen from 2022. Their words might shock you:"
I don't think Covid killed millions, I think it was the fake protocols and the vaccines. Old people frequently died from the seasonal flu, nothing unusual there. But putting people on Ventilators and Remdesivir killed otherwise healthy people who would have recovered, especially since the cures were hidden.
But the vaccines have reportedly killed around 15million people. This is what needs to be investigated. Especially since they are still pushing this out into the world!
Nobody has produced the covid molecule for examination. Period. Only what has been produced in the human bodies through vaccine. A doctor in Idaho can only find antibodies in vaxxed people.
My understanding is that with all we know about the virus now, it has so many things about that we're not known in 2019 that you simply couldn't take a virus so some CRISPR stuff and get COVID.
There are components of HIV stitched into COViD too and they are in a configuration where they are effective. This was discovered early on by Indian researchers. They called it "fortuitious" that the HIV protein sections were in a working configuration. This was tongue in cheek, they had discovered that features of HiV had been added to this bioweapon.
I remember this being a giant concern early on. In fact, I think a Noble Prize winner said this was a smoking gun, but then he walked it back when other scientists pointed that coronviruses have furin cleavage sites and this does happen in nature.
And since then as more and more scientists studied SARSCOV2 we found an FCS by itself it not enough to infect humans.
Scientists call the ability to infect and cause disease "pathogenesis."
We now know that multiple elements are needed.
An FCS (this was known before 2019)
The length of the loops of the spike on the FCS (NOT known in 2019 and I believe unique to SARS-COV-2.)
Another feature upstream and separate from the FCS that affects glycosylation which how carbohydrates bond to proteins (NOT known in 2019.)
This study demonstrates that in addition to the furin cleavage site (FCS), both the length/composition of the exterior loop and glycosylation of the QTQTN motif are necessary for efficient SARS-CoV-2 infection and pathogenesis. Disruption of any of these three elements reduces SARS-CoV-2 replication, alters entry pathway utilization, and attenuates in vivo disease. Together, the work highlights the complexity of spike activation beyond just the presence of an FCS
There is no spike protein, because there is no virus.
This is like debating how long the horn is on a unicorn. First, you have to prove that a unicorn even exists.
Same with any virus.
No lab ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD has any sample of SARS-CoV-2 ... because it does not exist.
Virology turns out to be a scam fake science.
ALL virologists who think they are studying a virus use the same process to do so.
That process CREATES "artifacts" (pieces of material/debris).
An electron microscope is the ONLY type of microscope used to study this.
No human can SEE DIRECTLY anything in/from an electron microscope.
They use a process to produce photos from the electron microscope.
Those photos are what virologists use to claim to "see" this or that.
But what they are actually looking at in those photos is the debris from the PROCESS that was used to end up with those photos.
It is called the "cytopathic effect." It is the end result of this process, which is a FRAUDULENT process.
ALL the so-called "research" that people point to to "prove" this or that about the genome, or the spike protein, or anything else related to the "virus" ... is done IN SILICO -- which means a computer program, and NOT a real world test lab with a real virus sample, because ...
Anybody can create a computer program, and can create it to arrive at per-determined conclusions if they want, and they can run all sorts of simulations.
That MIGHT, in some cases, provide a good starting point for real research, but at some point, they have to take it into the real world (a lab) and test something REAL that exists in reality, and not just a theoretical computer model.
End of debate.
All these lab leak stories are limited hangouts to divert from the truth.
UNC Chapel Hill and Fort Detrick in conjunction with the Department of Defense and some international assistance using proxy labs. Fauci, Daszak, Hotez, et. al. all complicit for mass murder and crimes against humanity. The penalty most certainly requires that of the capital nature. The question is: when? If the public knew the truth, they would revolt. The true nature of this will not be unveilied but will be given a cover story that shies enough gaze away from the culprits responsible for unleashing this crisis on the world.
With Fauci being "pardoned" in US and the evidence being presented to UN/US on biolabs in Ukraine from Russia, I think Putin will ask for Fauci to be extradited to Russia for trial on crimes against humanity for development of virus to kill Russians. All part of Ukraine peace agreement. Hope to see him hang.
The "lab leak" is just another fake narrative. The ruling class combined the flu and the common cold into one thing and gave it a new name. There is no proof that the SARS-COV-2 virus ever existed. The real bioweapon is the vaccines. "Gain of Function" is ANOTHER fake narrative.
People need to understand the concept of "limited hangout."
A limited hangout is a narrative of something bad that happened, but it is fake and used to cover up the REAL bad thing that happened.
The story we were told is that "muh Covid" was caused by a virus that happened naturally in bats, and somehow jumped to humans in China.
Nevermind that Wuhan, China was the first city in the world to go fully 5G.
Nevermind that northern Italy was the second place to "get muh Covid" and also the second place to go fully 5G.
Nevermind that the media propaganda caused mass hysteria, full of false stories, that were used to convince people of false ideas, and many believed it.
Nevermind that the original Pfizer study showed NO proof of real sickness (only self-reporting of headaches and such), and showed NO proof of transmission of sickness -- NONE.
Nevermind that all this happened in Winter, when people get sick every year.
Nevermind that the "cold and flu" season never happened that year, replaced by "muh Covid" in the same numbers as annual cold and flu.
Nevermind that ALL the testing during that time was via PCR, which has been proven to be a fradulent way to "prove" sickness.
Nevermind that the inventor of PCR, Karry Mullis, was outspoken that it could NOT be used as a diagnostic tool.
Nevermind that Mullis mysteriously died just a few months before muh Covid started.
Nevermind that Bill Gates and his depopulation buddies held a seminar a few months before muh Covid to rehearse what the media and others should do if there was a muh Covid "outbreak," and the media and others did exactly that when the plandemic went live.
Nevermind that NO LAB IN THE WORLD has a sample of SARS-CoV-2. No lab ANYWHERE has EVER had such a sample.
Nevermind that you can't make a "vaccine" without a supposed sample of the supposed virus.
Nevermind that German virologist Stefan Lanka PROVED that viruses DO NOT EXIST, and that ALL virologists are following a FAKE concept -- a pseudo-science -- whereby the PROCESS they use to study a "virus" CREATES fragments of material that they then CLAIM is the "virus" -- but when that same process is used without any sample from a sick human, they get the SAME result.
The virus does not exist.
Cold and flu season is an annual detox that does happen (but not from a non-existent virus).
People suffered cold and flu, and it was re-labeled Covid.
Motorcycle accidents were also labeled Covid.
Coughing was labeled Covid.
Everything was labeled Covid.
Several reasons.
One, Congress passed the CARES Act, which gave $$$$$$$$$$$ to hospitals, clinics, and doctors to call things Covid when in fact they had no fucking clue what they were talking about -- but they got PAID.
Two, the cabal criminals wanted a test run to see what compliance would look like as well as to change what a "vaccine" is so they could create designer poisons in the future, and pretend it was for everybody's health benefit.
Third, it gave them cover for election fraud.
Of the 3, #2 was the most important -- by far.
Then, came the alternative stories to the mainstream fake news story.
Among them was the "it was created in a lab" story.
This is a limited hangout.
It is bad if true. It is worse than a "natrual virus" because it would mean it was man-made and accidentally released due to incompetence.
Those who believe this lie then debate whether it was accidentally leaked or purposely leaked, which would be even worse.
But those stories cover for the truth, which is far worse: there was NEVER any virus, and the entire thing was made up for the primary purpose of getting poisons injected into people to treat them as guinea pigs, so that they could do the next step in the future.
"Gain of function research" is about designing poisons that are disguised as vaccines, and figuring out how to convince people to voluntarily take it by scaring them as much as possible.
Population control is the most likely real story.
ANY other story -- any limited hangout story they could come up with -- is better than the truth, which is: They want to KILL YOU, and they want to do it in such a way that THEY are not at risk; therefore, they want to get you to accept the idea that injecting a mystery poison into your body (something THEY will never do) is a good thing for YOU.
I’m with you, but reminded of that video of a couple helicopters landing in the middle of the street in LA and a bunch of people running out of the building in full biohazard gear carrying a box.
I think there was actual covid. They did engineer a virus. They did intend to kill people. And for those that didn’t die, maybe enough clot shots would finish the job.
It seemed like the assholes at the top were legitimately surprised at how few people were actually horrifically dying. Seemed like there was a plan but things weren’t going to plan. But they had no backup plan so they had to keep going.
Yes. Accidentally is like saying their democracy or climate change. Accidentally to them is purposeful. Their democracy to them is hail satan. Climate change to them is climate in between good vs evil and evil winning.
Many people will accept defeat from evil disguised as things they are accepting of. Like that little girl that models and acts for climate change. We see her as evil, but many Christian’s think she is a harmless little girl.
The Deceiver of Nations can also be called the Deceiver of Narrations.
Weaponized flu virus. When a virus mutates it becomes weaker. A virus by its nature wants to keep the host alive so it can grow. The vaccine is the true culprit . Every year unhealthy people die from complications of the flu. Since the vaccine they're dying from heart disease and cancer
It was most definitely released along with the testing of this bird flu crap. The timing they these viruses showed up were perfect. No way it was nature or by accident.
"Whether it was intentional or accidental, those who created the virus are responsible for the deaths of millions. Then to make things worse, the establishment weaponized the situation to expand their power, shut down the economy, exterminate small businesses, steal trillions of dollars from the People, while censoring and smearing anyone who dared to veer from the prescribed narrative.
In addition, they covered viable treatments like Ivermectin, and coerced/forced billions to take their “vaccines”, which were neither safe nor effective.
So no matter how you want to slice this pie, our health agencies, intelligence agencies, media, and pharmaceutical industry, all committed crimes against humanity. It’s just a matter of to what degree.
The next contingency in the Deep State plan, is to obfuscate their involvement in bioweapon development, and offload all blame on China.
I’m not saying China are completely innocent, but I am saying with 100% certainty, that US health agencies, via USAID, were heavily involved, and not just in Wuhan, but around the globe. Do not let them convince you otherwise.
Since at least 2022, China have been claiming that C19 was NOT their doing. They agreed with Russian MIL’s findings that the US are developing bioweapons in Ukraine, and are violating the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). China are behaving as if they are victims of a biological attack, they claim the US are the ones who did it, and they have been demanding transparency for years.
Meanwhile, the US formally claimed that the virus was naturally occurring, went extreme lengths to cover up any talk about the potential of the virus being man-made, and refused to acknowledge the accusations from Russia and China.
What’s my point?
China are not behaving like the guilty ones. The US are. China have been sayin for years the virus was man-made, and the US deployed all assets to ensure the world believed it was naturally occurring. If China were responsible, why would they be bringing attention to the idea that it was man-made, and why would the US be the ones covering it up? It doesn’t make sense.
Could China have played a role in the development of SARS-CoV-2? Absolutely, and if they did, all parties involved must be prosecuted. I’m just saying that the US were involved for certain, and we have the paper trail to prove it.
See these clips from Chinese Defense and Foreign Affairs spokesmen from 2022. Their words might shock you:"
They essentially told everyone a few months before the pandemic.
Also, Fauci told us that there would be a "surprise outbreak" in the next administration (i.e. Trump's).
And we had Event 201 that simulated a "surprise outbreak" of a corona virus from China.
911 also had "training exercises".
I don't think Covid killed millions, I think it was the fake protocols and the vaccines. Old people frequently died from the seasonal flu, nothing unusual there. But putting people on Ventilators and Remdesivir killed otherwise healthy people who would have recovered, especially since the cures were hidden.
But the vaccines have reportedly killed around 15million people. This is what needs to be investigated. Especially since they are still pushing this out into the world!
I believe that you capture the reality eloquently, I'm just not versed to say it like I see it! Thanks!
Just so you know, these are Clandestines words....😃👍😎
Check BlueCanaries first before attributing talking points to him
What's the best evidence SARS-COV-2 was man made?
The genetic sequence was patented ----- way before the pandemic or mRNA.
Nobody has produced the covid molecule for examination. Period. Only what has been produced in the human bodies through vaccine. A doctor in Idaho can only find antibodies in vaxxed people.
IIRC they did Massively Parallel Sequencing
IIRC this can give you identifiable markers.
You might be referring to what user lostmyeffingpassword referred to
Please see his comment and my reply
Is this what you meant?
The furin cleavage site.
In silico = computer simulation.
Never done with a real SARS-CoV-2 virus, because NOBODY has a sample of that virus.
No lab anywhere in the world.
Therefore, ALL the supposed "studies" have been done "in silico," which means via computer simulation, not in the real world.
We now know that is not enough.
Please see my answer here
Here is the patent, it was made in Pirbright in the UK. Filed in 2015 and accepted in 2018.
This is not the virus that causes COVID-19. This is not SARS-COV-2.
This not a bat virus like SARS-COV-2.
This is a bird flu.
It's a "strain of avian coronavirus previously known as infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is the only coronavirus that infects chickens."
"IBV belongs to the Coronaviridae family, genus Gammacoronavirus "
SARS-COV-2 is not a gammacoronavirus. It is a betacoronavirus
Evidence of CRISPR manipulation
What's the evidence?
My understanding is that with all we know about the virus now, it has so many things about that we're not known in 2019 that you simply couldn't take a virus so some CRISPR stuff and get COVID.
I'd have to look it up. but I believe there are artefacts in the genetic code if it has been manipulated by CRISPR and they are present in COVID
Here is an article giving the principle of CRISPR and bioweapons anyway:
There are components of HIV stitched into COViD too and they are in a configuration where they are effective. This was discovered early on by Indian researchers. They called it "fortuitious" that the HIV protein sections were in a working configuration. This was tongue in cheek, they had discovered that features of HiV had been added to this bioweapon.
edit. here we are: https://sundayguardianlive.com/news/fauci-described-indian-research-man-made-covid-outlandish
It's so damning, Fauci had to address it.
Please stop with your "concerns". I think you know this stuff already.
The insertion of a furin cleavage site at the S1 S2 junction.
This was done in a computer simulation, right?
Never done with any actual virus, because NOBODY has a sample of the actual virus.
I remember this being a giant concern early on. In fact, I think a Noble Prize winner said this was a smoking gun, but then he walked it back when other scientists pointed that coronviruses have furin cleavage sites and this does happen in nature.
And since then as more and more scientists studied SARSCOV2 we found an FCS by itself it not enough to infect humans.
Scientists call the ability to infect and cause disease "pathogenesis."
We now know that multiple elements are needed.
An FCS (this was known before 2019)
The length of the loops of the spike on the FCS (NOT known in 2019 and I believe unique to SARS-COV-2.)
Another feature upstream and separate from the FCS that affects glycosylation which how carbohydrates bond to proteins (NOT known in 2019.)
Essentially this means putting a FCS into another virus is not enough
There is no spike protein, because there is no virus.
This is like debating how long the horn is on a unicorn. First, you have to prove that a unicorn even exists.
Same with any virus.
No lab ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD has any sample of SARS-CoV-2 ... because it does not exist.
Virology turns out to be a scam fake science.
ALL virologists who think they are studying a virus use the same process to do so.
That process CREATES "artifacts" (pieces of material/debris).
An electron microscope is the ONLY type of microscope used to study this.
No human can SEE DIRECTLY anything in/from an electron microscope.
They use a process to produce photos from the electron microscope.
Those photos are what virologists use to claim to "see" this or that.
But what they are actually looking at in those photos is the debris from the PROCESS that was used to end up with those photos.
It is called the "cytopathic effect." It is the end result of this process, which is a FRAUDULENT process.
ALL the so-called "research" that people point to to "prove" this or that about the genome, or the spike protein, or anything else related to the "virus" ... is done IN SILICO -- which means a computer program, and NOT a real world test lab with a real virus sample, because ...
Anybody can create a computer program, and can create it to arrive at per-determined conclusions if they want, and they can run all sorts of simulations.
That MIGHT, in some cases, provide a good starting point for real research, but at some point, they have to take it into the real world (a lab) and test something REAL that exists in reality, and not just a theoretical computer model.
End of debate.
All these lab leak stories are limited hangouts to divert from the truth.
I like this. Swing for the fences
It has nothing to do with swinging for the fences.
It has been proven by actual science (in 2021) by German virologist Stefan Lanka.
But most people here on GAW refuse to look at the evidence, much less understand it or talk about it.
I bet 99% here cannot even explain the process used to "study a virus."
Everybody just ASSUMES it must be real because "people got sick" -- yeah, like they do EVERY Winter since before you were born.
If you are interested in the research that was done on this, check this out. He has done the real research, and funded a real study:
You just told me virology is a scam and as evidence you cited a virologist.
UNC Chapel Hill and Fort Detrick in conjunction with the Department of Defense and some international assistance using proxy labs. Fauci, Daszak, Hotez, et. al. all complicit for mass murder and crimes against humanity. The penalty most certainly requires that of the capital nature. The question is: when? If the public knew the truth, they would revolt. The true nature of this will not be unveilied but will be given a cover story that shies enough gaze away from the culprits responsible for unleashing this crisis on the world.
Sad very sad but I’m afraid you’re correct!
It was a DoD (Pentagon) operation.
I don’t think it exists. I know it didn’t need to exist for them to do all that they did.
You are correct. Fear was the dis-ease of mind that got people to the vax. Then the problems started.
With Fauci being "pardoned" in US and the evidence being presented to UN/US on biolabs in Ukraine from Russia, I think Putin will ask for Fauci to be extradited to Russia for trial on crimes against humanity for development of virus to kill Russians. All part of Ukraine peace agreement. Hope to see him hang.
This is a fantasy
Why is this fantasy?
Because it's never going to happen.
Russia is never ever going to ask for it.
And it would never rise to the level of an actual extradition. It was made up by folks on the Internet. It's not a real thing.
Is that why the flu disappeared for 2 years because we were too busy getting covid?
Leaked at just the right time for the US election.
As soon as it started, I knew. "This is about the election." Ray Charles knew and he's blind and dead.
To think that big pharma wanted to lock files away for nearly as long as the American public has waited for the JFK files.
The "lab leak" is just another fake narrative. The ruling class combined the flu and the common cold into one thing and gave it a new name. There is no proof that the SARS-COV-2 virus ever existed. The real bioweapon is the vaccines. "Gain of Function" is ANOTHER fake narrative.
People need to understand the concept of "limited hangout."
A limited hangout is a narrative of something bad that happened, but it is fake and used to cover up the REAL bad thing that happened.
The story we were told is that "muh Covid" was caused by a virus that happened naturally in bats, and somehow jumped to humans in China.
Nevermind that Wuhan, China was the first city in the world to go fully 5G.
Nevermind that northern Italy was the second place to "get muh Covid" and also the second place to go fully 5G.
Nevermind that the media propaganda caused mass hysteria, full of false stories, that were used to convince people of false ideas, and many believed it.
Nevermind that the original Pfizer study showed NO proof of real sickness (only self-reporting of headaches and such), and showed NO proof of transmission of sickness -- NONE.
Nevermind that all this happened in Winter, when people get sick every year.
Nevermind that the "cold and flu" season never happened that year, replaced by "muh Covid" in the same numbers as annual cold and flu.
Nevermind that ALL the testing during that time was via PCR, which has been proven to be a fradulent way to "prove" sickness.
Nevermind that the inventor of PCR, Karry Mullis, was outspoken that it could NOT be used as a diagnostic tool.
Nevermind that Mullis mysteriously died just a few months before muh Covid started.
Nevermind that Bill Gates and his depopulation buddies held a seminar a few months before muh Covid to rehearse what the media and others should do if there was a muh Covid "outbreak," and the media and others did exactly that when the plandemic went live.
Nevermind that NO LAB IN THE WORLD has a sample of SARS-CoV-2. No lab ANYWHERE has EVER had such a sample.
Nevermind that you can't make a "vaccine" without a supposed sample of the supposed virus.
Nevermind that German virologist Stefan Lanka PROVED that viruses DO NOT EXIST, and that ALL virologists are following a FAKE concept -- a pseudo-science -- whereby the PROCESS they use to study a "virus" CREATES fragments of material that they then CLAIM is the "virus" -- but when that same process is used without any sample from a sick human, they get the SAME result.
The virus does not exist.
Cold and flu season is an annual detox that does happen (but not from a non-existent virus).
People suffered cold and flu, and it was re-labeled Covid.
Motorcycle accidents were also labeled Covid.
Coughing was labeled Covid.
Everything was labeled Covid.
Several reasons.
One, Congress passed the CARES Act, which gave $$$$$$$$$$$ to hospitals, clinics, and doctors to call things Covid when in fact they had no fucking clue what they were talking about -- but they got PAID.
Two, the cabal criminals wanted a test run to see what compliance would look like as well as to change what a "vaccine" is so they could create designer poisons in the future, and pretend it was for everybody's health benefit.
Third, it gave them cover for election fraud.
Of the 3, #2 was the most important -- by far.
Then, came the alternative stories to the mainstream fake news story.
Among them was the "it was created in a lab" story.
This is a limited hangout.
It is bad if true. It is worse than a "natrual virus" because it would mean it was man-made and accidentally released due to incompetence.
Those who believe this lie then debate whether it was accidentally leaked or purposely leaked, which would be even worse.
But those stories cover for the truth, which is far worse: there was NEVER any virus, and the entire thing was made up for the primary purpose of getting poisons injected into people to treat them as guinea pigs, so that they could do the next step in the future.
"Gain of function research" is about designing poisons that are disguised as vaccines, and figuring out how to convince people to voluntarily take it by scaring them as much as possible.
Population control is the most likely real story.
ANY other story -- any limited hangout story they could come up with -- is better than the truth, which is: They want to KILL YOU, and they want to do it in such a way that THEY are not at risk; therefore, they want to get you to accept the idea that injecting a mystery poison into your body (something THEY will never do) is a good thing for YOU.
Just be a good little slave, and STFU.
THAT is the truth.
I’m with you, but reminded of that video of a couple helicopters landing in the middle of the street in LA and a bunch of people running out of the building in full biohazard gear carrying a box.
I think there was actual covid. They did engineer a virus. They did intend to kill people. And for those that didn’t die, maybe enough clot shots would finish the job.
It seemed like the assholes at the top were legitimately surprised at how few people were actually horrifically dying. Seemed like there was a plan but things weren’t going to plan. But they had no backup plan so they had to keep going.
No and no.
Why don't you INVESTIGATE the claims?
Not interested in understanding the issue?
Just want to follow your favorite "expert" without utilizing your own critical thinking?
Very possible, with the fake vaccines.
What of the reports of dozens of Wuhan residents that were walking bioweapons being flown to every major city in the world in 2020(???)
Maybe those Chinese in Italy were putting up the 5G towers. I really don't know.
But it doesn't matter because viruses do not exist, and illnesses are not transmissible.
Someone let me know when the class action starts paying out... I was hospitalized multiple times.
Hunter Biden's travel schedule November 2019 bears a close look.....
Yes. Accidentally is like saying their democracy or climate change. Accidentally to them is purposeful. Their democracy to them is hail satan. Climate change to them is climate in between good vs evil and evil winning.
Many people will accept defeat from evil disguised as things they are accepting of. Like that little girl that models and acts for climate change. We see her as evil, but many Christian’s think she is a harmless little girl.
The Deceiver of Nations can also be called the Deceiver of Narrations.
No reason for bauchi to be pardoned
Show us the pathogen. I believe it doesn't exist except nine peoples minds. The real pandemic was the fear that got people to take the shot.
Weaponized flu virus. When a virus mutates it becomes weaker. A virus by its nature wants to keep the host alive so it can grow. The vaccine is the true culprit . Every year unhealthy people die from complications of the flu. Since the vaccine they're dying from heart disease and cancer
I blame Foulchi
It was most definitely released along with the testing of this bird flu crap. The timing they these viruses showed up were perfect. No way it was nature or by accident.
Gee, you think so?