That topic is GOTCHA' TOPIC in the HOPE that SteveM could not answer and HE KNOCKED THE SKIN OFF THE BALL WITH HIS ANSWER!!!!!!!
The "newsies" are showing just how stupid they are and the viewer ship is going to start declining...\ .. Heading for the dumpster mighty quickly, I daresay!!!!!
That's because you just don't get it. They need people who are different doing menial tasks for them so that they get the little dick tingle of being better than others.
Yeah, that's a big tell, isn't it?? That's like Piglosi tearing up the documents at the SOTU address....I can't be bothered with listening, let alone decorum, so I'm going to go through the motions that this is just over with. LOL. Screw you, Jakey.
I can't believe (I can) libs keep going back to this. Miller is awesome, but he could have skewered him even worse like "Jake, don't make me call Ice on CNN. You're not keeping some underage illegals in back there to clean your toilets."
Thank god someone classier than I said it in a way that really drives the point home.
Yes, by making the argument "They pick our crops! They clean our toilets! They clean our homes and mow our yards! Who will do it if they're not here?" Is EXPLOITATIVE.
The democrat party has ALWAYS been about importing and exploiting minorities for cheap labor. Its why they fought the civil rights act, its why they founded the KKK, its why they fight tooth and nail to keep black people in the 'inner cities' where they can never get ahead, hispanics doing menial labor, etc etc.
Stephen Miller is PERFECT! Mealy-mouthed Jake Tapper always sounds as if he has a mouthful of mashed potato, and his opinions are always leftist. He is no fun to watch and I've never heard a sensible utterance from him.
By the way, he has the same mouth as Amy Klobuchar and Swalwell. Interesting that they are all leftists. Must be something about genes?
It is very similar in the UK. It is often claimed that without foreign labour no fruit would ever get picked no houses would ever be leaned etc.
In the next interview they will slam Big Business for exploiting immigrant workers.
If only they stopped to think about the assumptions behind their statements. Do they think that all foreigners are capable only of menial jobs? If a conservative said that on TV he would be ridiculed to Timbuctoo and back again.
Lamestream legacy media and those talking heads only push approved party agenda and topics. Cannot wait for a day when these people are put on trial. He's there trying to convince us that water is not wet. Glad more and more people can see thru their shit and now see behind the curtain. The day that they'll be afraid to walk down the streets couldnt happen quick enough.
Idk, maybe that's what the robots are for. I mean let's face it, if people don't want to do it, it's just a robot and you write them off like it's farm equipment
"Who's going to build our crops and build our homes" is the weakest argument I've ever heard re: stopping illegal immigration.
But who will pick the cotton?
That Miller is on CNN at all definitely means Tapper and/or CNN are flipped now.
Suppositories incoming!
That topic is GOTCHA' TOPIC in the HOPE that SteveM could not answer and HE KNOCKED THE SKIN OFF THE BALL WITH HIS ANSWER!!!!!!!
The "newsies" are showing just how stupid they are and the viewer ship is going to start declining...\ .. Heading for the dumpster mighty quickly, I daresay!!!!!
That's because you just don't get it. They need people who are different doing menial tasks for them so that they get the little dick tingle of being better than others.
I love how Jake Tapper slaps his stack of papers against the desk when his soul gets crushed by the truth. His career is over.
Yeah, that's a big tell, isn't it?? That's like Piglosi tearing up the documents at the SOTU address....I can't be bothered with listening, let alone decorum, so I'm going to go through the motions that this is just over with. LOL. Screw you, Jakey.
I can't believe (I can) libs keep going back to this. Miller is awesome, but he could have skewered him even worse like "Jake, don't make me call Ice on CNN. You're not keeping some underage illegals in back there to clean your toilets."
I love how Stephen dares Fake Tapper to bite the hand that feeds him, or to admit on camera that he's also personally bought into the scam.
Thank god someone classier than I said it in a way that really drives the point home.
Yes, by making the argument "They pick our crops! They clean our toilets! They clean our homes and mow our yards! Who will do it if they're not here?" Is EXPLOITATIVE.
The democrat party has ALWAYS been about importing and exploiting minorities for cheap labor. Its why they fought the civil rights act, its why they founded the KKK, its why they fight tooth and nail to keep black people in the 'inner cities' where they can never get ahead, hispanics doing menial labor, etc etc.
Yo Jake!
“Who's gonna pick all them cotton once slavery is abolished?”
Stephen Miller is PERFECT! Mealy-mouthed Jake Tapper always sounds as if he has a mouthful of mashed potato, and his opinions are always leftist. He is no fun to watch and I've never heard a sensible utterance from him.
By the way, he has the same mouth as Amy Klobuchar and Swalwell. Interesting that they are all leftists. Must be something about genes?
It is very similar in the UK. It is often claimed that without foreign labour no fruit would ever get picked no houses would ever be leaned etc.
In the next interview they will slam Big Business for exploiting immigrant workers.
If only they stopped to think about the assumptions behind their statements. Do they think that all foreigners are capable only of menial jobs? If a conservative said that on TV he would be ridiculed to Timbuctoo and back again.
Rather like saying people who are not white cannot afford or have the know how to get ID - the stereotypes are created by liberals.
That always drove me nuts, like they are too stupid to bring a drivers license. Why couldn't the libs see the irony, their racism?
That is the big mystery to me too - how can they not see it??
We already have a Guest Worker Visa.
If they don't have this visa, then they are no different than any other border jumper.
Tapper sounds like a typical smug rich dem. Just trying to talk over facts being presented.
I dont think even Tapper realizes how racist his argument is.
The ol who will pull the weeds amd mow the lawns. Those are great businesses for Americans to run self employed.
And some still wonder how come CNN viewership is in the tanks!
Ouch bam💥
Lamestream legacy media and those talking heads only push approved party agenda and topics. Cannot wait for a day when these people are put on trial. He's there trying to convince us that water is not wet. Glad more and more people can see thru their shit and now see behind the curtain. The day that they'll be afraid to walk down the streets couldnt happen quick enough.
Why does everyone seem to forget about green cards? There's a bunch of green card carrying field hands in Phoenix.
More of this!
If we free the slaves, who will pick the cotton. You don't expect white people to do it, do you?
These people are high on the smell of their own stank and have no self awareness.
Look up who owned the slave ships.
Idk, maybe that's what the robots are for. I mean let's face it, if people don't want to do it, it's just a robot and you write them off like it's farm equipment
This guy knows some shit.
Tapper goes by a few names. Thumper and Pillow Biter are two of them.
Make the term "illegal alien" great again