Insurrection!!! This must be investigated. All who fight in the streets and out others at risk to overthrow the democratically elected government must be prosecuted. Stating with the Democrats, like Jefferies, who are inciting an insurrection and overthrow. Investigate and prosecute like J6 on steroids.
Sounds a whole lot like you're calling for an insurrection. Remember, DJT called for the J6'ers to go peacefully and you're calling for fighting in the streets. Do you still think there's a 2-tiered justice system in America and you're on the tier that never has to obey the law? I wonder how Pam Bondi feels about it?
Jeffries' uncle is Leonard Jeffries, a Louis Farrarkhan devotee. Hakeem has said in the past "I am close to my uncle", does he mean close to a family member who is OVERLY racist?
UHM UHM, i think this would be under the purview of INSTIGATING A RIOT !!! which is against the Law,but if i'm not mistaken there BLM and ANTIFA have been neutered.
Delightful! Just to be clear....Hakeem Jefferies is calling for INSURRECTION in the streets, correct?? I want to be crystal clear on this...before we snag his ass, drag it to GITMO, fit his nancy-ass neck for a hemp necktie, and HANG his ass (preferably on live TV) from a gallows.
Proof positive the lefties have lost their minds.
President Trump "march peacefully and patriotically.
Jeffries: "and we are gonna fight it in the streets"
** 18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence**
(a) Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.
(b) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that, under circumstances manifesting a voluntary and complete renunciation of his criminal intent, the defendant prevented the commission of the crime solicited. A renunciation is not “voluntary and complete” if it is motivated in whole or in part by a decision to postpone the commission of the crime until another time or to substitute another victim or another but similar objective. If the defendant raises the affirmative defense at trial, the defendant has the burden of proving the defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
(c) It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the person solicited could not be convicted of the crime because he lacked the state of mind required for its commission, because he was incompetent or irresponsible, or because he is immune from prosecution or is not subject to prosecution.
Insurrection!!! This must be investigated. All who fight in the streets and out others at risk to overthrow the democratically elected government must be prosecuted. Stating with the Democrats, like Jefferies, who are inciting an insurrection and overthrow. Investigate and prosecute like J6 on steroids.
Stick it right back up their asses.
I don't know. I think that others should be outed.
Is he Not calling for insurrection??....
Is this not “terrorism”?
Exactly. If we said that when Biden was in office, they would want us arrested. Hypocrites.
They would just “want” it, they would do it, complete with FBI home raids at 5 a.m.
sounds like it to me
With the gold fringe on the flags behind him.
Comms for the "Corporation".
Criminal grifter. Nasty ass.
Race baiting grifter, who would be nothing without “diversity”, or as we know it, division.
A colour blind meritocracy of 3rd generation citizens and most of these clowns would be gone.
lock this commie up.
Imagine that, calling for fighting against policies that help the most people possible!
Populism is racist. We need democracy to keep populism under control.
^ actual quote I read last week (paraphrased)
Democrat default position.
Meanwhile most Americans except for illegals and deadbeats support trump
Hey Hakeem,
Sounds a whole lot like you're calling for an insurrection. Remember, DJT called for the J6'ers to go peacefully and you're calling for fighting in the streets. Do you still think there's a 2-tiered justice system in America and you're on the tier that never has to obey the law? I wonder how Pam Bondi feels about it?
Maybe Gaetz? Who President Trump teased at the at the end of one his rallies, of the cliffhanger that he and Gaetz have a "little secret".
This two tiered shit is over. Arrest this POS let the supremes sort it out
Jeffries' uncle is Leonard Jeffries, a Louis Farrarkhan devotee. Hakeem has said in the past "I am close to my uncle", does he mean close to a family member who is OVERLY racist?
Isn’t he Nation of Islam?
That should qualify him for at least a visit from the FBI, right?
As long as U.S. tax payers don't have to pay for your court fees, medical bills & wakes I say bring it on.
You're going to lose bigly one way or the other....
Be child's play
Is he raciss? Don’t see no honkeys in dat group.
They shoved diversity down our throats but they are exempt. Amazing
Sorry but trannies and post menopausal white women are not a significant fighting force.
I prefer peace.
Bring it faggot! I welcome it.
God help you if you try.
He forgot "Peacefully and Patriotically"...or did he?
and your dumb ass will be out of a job and in jail where you belong.
It's never a dog whistle when Democrats do it.
Come down my street and see how that works.
Sounds like he is encouraging & inciting violence. Is he still on Pfizers payroll?
I thought they only fought when paid? Who’s writing the ViolenceVouchers this time? If you’ve got the money, honey, they’ll pitch your bricks.
Jefferies seems to be an insurrectionist.
UHM UHM, i think this would be under the purview of INSTIGATING A RIOT !!! which is against the Law,but if i'm not mistaken there BLM and ANTIFA have been neutered.
Hell remember when BLM complained about Harris being inserted after the Dem primary?
Delightful! Just to be clear....Hakeem Jefferies is calling for INSURRECTION in the streets, correct?? I want to be crystal clear on this...before we snag his ass, drag it to GITMO, fit his nancy-ass neck for a hemp necktie, and HANG his ass (preferably on live TV) from a gallows.
Sounds like incitement. Treason, and insurrection talk. Someone please explain what this means for him. I'm running out of ways to say FAFO?
He got called on the carpet and his ass chewed for this, already. What a fool.
Sounds like Obama 2.0, Maxine Waters 2.0, Nancy Pelosi 2.0
They always claim we are the violent ones, even as they're saying this. They ALWAYS project their crimes and corruption onto their opponents.
He's sitting up and begging to be arrested and put away somewhere.
So much for being bi-partisan, as he said he wanted during his speech after the Speaker vote.
Proof positive the lefties have lost their minds. President Trump "march peacefully and patriotically. Jeffries: "and we are gonna fight it in the streets"
Sounds fun. Are we going to, like, plan it, or more of a spontaneous thing?
look how he holds his hand out up front like some photos of foreigners iv recently seen
** 18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence**
(a) Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.
(b) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that, under circumstances manifesting a voluntary and complete renunciation of his criminal intent, the defendant prevented the commission of the crime solicited. A renunciation is not “voluntary and complete” if it is motivated in whole or in part by a decision to postpone the commission of the crime until another time or to substitute another victim or another but similar objective. If the defendant raises the affirmative defense at trial, the defendant has the burden of proving the defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
(c) It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the person solicited could not be convicted of the crime because he lacked the state of mind required for its commission, because he was incompetent or irresponsible, or because he is immune from prosecution or is not subject to prosecution.
He's clearly inciting an erection...