Surprisingly, it operates just fine. Sure, I have a hundred or two tabs o crap that I can cull, but my tabs are kinda like my garage, a total disaster (not chronological), but I can find stuff when needed.
It's when you create tab folders in the browser, and opening any one of those tab folders creates a browser top that looks the same as when the folder isn't open due to the tab count. That's when you know you have a real prpblem
I've played around with the AI detectors for awhile now. I tried a couple of my own photos on this particular AI detector tonight and they both were rated more human than AI.
I've discovered over time that the AI detectors can detect when a photo has been touched up/photoshopped in some way. You can sometime discover exactly where this was done in the photo by cropping out sections and running them through the detector.
Say, for example, the entire photo comes out 30% AI and 70% human. By chopping up the photo and examining the pieces, you can usually determine where the 30% of the changes were made. The areas that are altered are high on the AI score and low on the human score.
Back when Trump was shot in Butler, I ran tests on the photo of the deceased shooter on the roof. At the time, many anons felt that the ear had been shopped. The face was thought to be Yearick's and the ear was thought to be Crooks'. My informal tests seemed to indicate that the ear was shopped as that section of the photo came out higher on the AI side than the other sections of the photo.
The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025. She has no deployments. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion, Ft Belvoir, Va. Her awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon."
In uniform one wears the hair up, typically in a bun below the headgear, and Lobach appears do have done. She has very long hair, though, to get into a tight bun every morning. Long hair = heavy, harder to keep up.
Seems like an additional risk/ me chance of tangling with equipment or an enemy...
But, maybe it is traded like a mustache in the brew shoe Navy. But still the chance of an enemy grabbing you by your mustache in a struggle is fairly low.
These sites don't mean much. Some selfies of mine have a higher probability of being shown AI. I suspect it's just the selfie distortion effect that makes the AI detector think it's AI.
When you're a mod, you have to frequently drop what you're doing to check on the board to keep things running smoothly. Sometimes it takes awhile to get back to the stuff you want to see, especially when a video is more than a few minutes long. 😁
The angle of this photo is so odd that at first glance, it looked (to me) more like a fake astronaut pic where they're in 'zero gravity' supposedly floating around the ISS or something. Wonder if they took one of the fake NASA photos and plopped her head/face (and long hair sticking outside the helmet - which is another bizarre element) on top of someone else's body - LOL!
AI Detector used:
Original post found here:
I was wondering why her long hair was hanging out. Seems like a hazard.
Agreed. My B.S. meter went to 11.
And her chin strap is loose. Odd photo
My eyes keep getting drawn to how many tabs you have open... 👀
I always have a bajillion tabs open, too.
Tabaholics Anonymous. First step - admit you have a problem. I have a problem. 2807 tabs open on my phone.
How is it even functioning
Surprisingly, it operates just fine. Sure, I have a hundred or two tabs o crap that I can cull, but my tabs are kinda like my garage, a total disaster (not chronological), but I can find stuff when needed.
It's when you create tab folders in the browser, and opening any one of those tab folders creates a browser top that looks the same as when the folder isn't open due to the tab count. That's when you know you have a real prpblem
Lmao! I have 22 open and it's to the point that I'm feeling the impulse to prune it back!
22? Yur still in kindergarten, kid.
I had over 500 open before I broke my old phone /: so much lost
Mods gotta mod. 😂
Those are rookie tab numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up!
I'm sorry, Cap'n, but I canna give you any more! The di-lithium crystals will blow! 😂
My sister troubleshot my mom's phone to figure out why it was so slow; realized she had 147 tabs open.
"Memmorrryyyy ... need more memory. My User is so cruel me."
I counted 28 tabs opened.
Child's play.
She-yat... that looks exactly like MY browser....
This photo was made just for fun because her hair is down instead of pulled tight, her helmet does not fit and her straps is not fastened. IMO
That would be the logical explanation. But why be in uniform with hair down? Simply for a photo opportunity?
It is like a selfie----simply for a photo.
Holy shit that's wild
Scary movie.
Has anyone scanned a pic of themselves in a selfie with a complex background to see if it's accurate?
I've played around with the AI detectors for awhile now. I tried a couple of my own photos on this particular AI detector tonight and they both were rated more human than AI.
I've discovered over time that the AI detectors can detect when a photo has been touched up/photoshopped in some way. You can sometime discover exactly where this was done in the photo by cropping out sections and running them through the detector.
Say, for example, the entire photo comes out 30% AI and 70% human. By chopping up the photo and examining the pieces, you can usually determine where the 30% of the changes were made. The areas that are altered are high on the AI score and low on the human score.
Back when Trump was shot in Butler, I ran tests on the photo of the deceased shooter on the roof. At the time, many anons felt that the ear had been shopped. The face was thought to be Yearick's and the ear was thought to be Crooks'. My informal tests seemed to indicate that the ear was shopped as that section of the photo came out higher on the AI side than the other sections of the photo.
So just over half the photo has been edited in some way
Interesting. Thanks for the input.
Trying to cover for the 'copter being operated remotely, perhaps...
The U.S. Army said: "Cpt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, served as an aviation officer (15A) in the regular Army from July 2019 to January 2025. She has no deployments. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion, Ft Belvoir, Va. Her awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon."
How does a person receive so many medals if they’ve never been deployed?
They're nothing special. 4-6 years of active duty and most people have them. The suspicious thing is the AAM. Officers rarely get something so low.
Yeah but if she was a WH aid since '21 that means she only was active from June 2018 to Jan 2021. And part of that was flight school.
Military social aide is not a separate tour, it is an additional duty for selected officers in dc.
Aren't there regulations about hair length? Like.not past your collar?
In uniform one wears the hair up, typically in a bun below the headgear, and Lobach appears do have done. She has very long hair, though, to get into a tight bun every morning. Long hair = heavy, harder to keep up.
I did it without problems; unfortunately, the new woke military allows for laxness in appearance standards.
Seems like an additional risk/ me chance of tangling with equipment or an enemy... But, maybe it is traded like a mustache in the brew shoe Navy. But still the chance of an enemy grabbing you by your mustache in a struggle is fairly low.
AAM, that raised my eyebrows too
These are nothing special for a Captain.
Sounds like she's enlisted.
Sounds like she's made up.
Lol ding ding ding ‘
Just wondering, as an aide to Biden, could she have been the target?
she was not an aide to Biden, she was an escort for VIPs during social events as an additional duty
I think the ai used Dark Helmet from Spaceballs as a reference
These sites don't mean much. Some selfies of mine have a higher probability of being shown AI. I suspect it's just the selfie distortion effect that makes the AI detector think it's AI.
Was she the pilot? I read on another thread that the pilot was a black female. Odd two stories have come out about the same pilot.
My aren't we tabby?
You have more than me!!!!
When you're a mod, you have to frequently drop what you're doing to check on the board to keep things running smoothly. Sometimes it takes awhile to get back to the stuff you want to see, especially when a video is more than a few minutes long. 😁
Here is another photo.
As I responded to your original post, AI detectors are extremely unreliable and inaccurate. This doesn't prove or disprove anything.
Even ai can't believe they let her be a pilot
The angle of this photo is so odd that at first glance, it looked (to me) more like a fake astronaut pic where they're in 'zero gravity' supposedly floating around the ISS or something. Wonder if they took one of the fake NASA photos and plopped her head/face (and long hair sticking outside the helmet - which is another bizarre element) on top of someone else's body - LOL!
I'd like to hear some theories on why Trump / white hats would allow an AI pilot to be the narrative...
Nice work, LW.
Thanks, fren! 😊