Just wanted to pop in and tell you all about the win I got with my dog today.
Wish I could tell you exactly what this is, but i don't know if I'll ever know. It started back in late September of 2023. I can't remember why now, but he had a blood test and his ALP was 304. Got it tested again a month later, it was 312. The vet thought he might have been getting over a doggie flu or something. He's healthy and a young dog ( 4 yr old). Vet puts him on a liver supplement, and an antibiotic, and tells us to check it again in a couple months. ALP comes back 456. We try diet change, refill the supplement, et cetera. Next ALP is 420. We wait two more months and test him again. January 2nd, his ALP value is 829.
We tested him for Cushings which came up negative. He had an ultra sound which revealed a small portion of his liver had a white area, but was otherwise normal looking. Everything else is normal. Dr wants to refer him to another vet/medical center for a liver biopsy. I told him I've heard a lot of good things about Ivermectin, and would he be willing to prescribe it to see if it might help anything before we go the biopsy route.
Vet says, nope, and he wouldn't prescribe it unless the biopsy diagnosis came back and called for it, specifically. But, he would give me a different antibiotic to try and he didn't think that would work. I said, okay, let's try the different antibiotic.
Me and my buddy go home. I figured we've got nothing to lose before we have to get this biopsy done. I kept him on the liver supplement (denamarin), but I start giving him horse paste at night before bed, every night.
I marked off 1 notch which is supposed to be equivalent for 50 lbs, then I cut it in half and figure that's about right. My buddy weighs 15 lbs, but I wanted to error slightly over rather than not enough, and prayed. I didn't bother with the antibiotic since I could try that while I'm waiting for the referral to the other vet.
Took him back today to get checked again, and his ALP liver value is down from 829 to 273!! (Vet says the preferred range is under 212.) I'm so glad and grateful to God! The vet thinks it's his antibiotic and was happy with the result prescribed it for two more weeks.
I can't tell him his antibiotic did nothing, and that it's the ivermectin 1.87% paste all along. I wish I knew what the liver problem really is. I also hope it's cured permanently and maybe I never know. At any rate, he's getting two more weeks of ivermectin and then I'll test him again. I'll let you know what happens.
So glad your little buddy is doing better. You're a better person than myself. I probably would have said some obtuse things to the vet as his method could have taken the life of your 4 year old dog. I digress and am happy the ivermectin worked for you.
I didn't take my dog to yhe vet for 16 years. No shots no nothing. Now all the sudden they are freaking out about why the dog hasn't been cared for. I told them it has been cared for, it was protected from you. They hate me. They ask why and I say the dog is now 18 years old and healthier than ever. Why do I need you?
This is why the counties pass laws for shots and what not. This has to end. We need RFK Jr. for dogs!
We had two cats who lived up to like 18 years old and we've never taken our cats to the vet for anything other than the vaccine they got when they were kittens. I know vaccines are bad and yeah that was back when we didn't think much about the vaccines.
But yeah, without taking the cats to the vet, they lived a very long life.
OTOH, my mother-in-law kept taking her dog to the vet and it unfortunately passed away at like 8 years old or somewhere close to that. They also had another dog, who also unfortunately passed away at like 6 years old because my father-in-law accidentally gave the big dog dose of flea treatment to the small dog (a little bigger than a toy dog).
If not for vet intervention, many animals would have lived a long life, I'm sure, besides having to take your furballs in for when they're very sick or when they need a cast if they broke a bone.
Agree, the same vax bs has been going on.
Same for me
Why can't you tell him? You're the customer, you can tell him whatever the hell you like, and if the vet isn't an idiot, perhaps he'll learn something.
Once your dog is in the normal range, I'd take him back to the vet and give him all of the pills he prescribed and say, "Here, I didn't need these after all." If he bothers to ask you why not, tell him the ivermectin worked just fine. You may be saving the life of someone else's pet by telling him.
This exactly. By telling him he's wrong, you might be saving the next dog that doesn't have a great owner like you.
I know you're right. We have more than one animal, and not many vets in our area. The place we're taking them is supposed to be the best around here. We wanted to have a place to take them if we need to. The nearest emergency vet service or anything like that is over an hour away. We are looking for alternatives. I don't mind driving. And we don't want any more vaccines.
It’s better not to tell them ,, soon they’ll take our pets away as they do our kids , my 8 year old at the time had a Grand mal seizure, it was horrific , she had a few mild ones before thst . She was diagnosed with epilepsy and put on strong meds , I knew she’d end up in renal failure by the time she was an adult if I put her on that amount of pharmaceuticals . I quit my job and started studying the brain ,, it’s a long story , but she never took those meds and never had another seizure . We had to go to the neurologist once a month and then once every six months until she was 18 years old , I threw the prescription out every month, but we had to lie to DR. if not they would’ve had child services at my door. Once my daughter was older in her teens the doc started questioning her as to how many pills a day she took . My daughter would always say ,, mom how many am I supposed to take again . I know vets are different but I swear they’ll start calling the animal cops on us soon !
Good for you! The medical tyranny needs to stop. These testimonies need to get to RFK JR 'S ears. (Most likely he is already on it, but it helps.)
Bobby K is an animal lover too! So he will care. I'm counting on it!!!
It's not paranoia... all signs indicate vaxx corruption and more, in veterinary. And we have the same situation with a fam member, constant battle to keep him of med that would in fact kill him. We will not comply!!
Oh definitely, I keep begging my daughter not to do this to her dog ! I get text all the ime from the vet . Your dog needs this this this like every year so many ! I gAve my vet my dogs medical card from Mexico stating he had all the jabs ! . There I get the syringes Of poison and it is up to me to give ,,,, or not give the vaccines , my vet fills out card that they were given just doesn’t s as y the TV were given to me , you need that card here ,
Please explain. I am very much interested in doing this for my babies.
I don’t know if you live near a border town . I actually got the cards for many on this board but I don’t go to mecico much anymore . In Mexico if you have a good vet . They will give you the syringes of vaccines in good faith wink wink . You are supposed to do the shots yourself . They fill out the vaxx card for what they gave you . Thry are accepted in California becsuse many people go to TJ and encinada for vets because they are better and a 10th of the price . For example . I have two vets that I deal with in Mexico one in TJ one in Ensenada I do a lot of animal rescue and fund a lot of support for those who rescue down there, a few weeks ago a husky was attacked by some wild dogs and was basically sliced beyond what you could imagine, nearly dead, the Husky was in the hospital for 3 days and had continuous treatment including syringes of pain medicine for about two weeks, the whole ordeal cost me about $1200 it would’ve been 10,000 to 15,000 or more here in San Diego . So anyway a lot of people here truly go to Mexico with their dogs or get medicine there for their dogs so California accepts the VAX cards from Mexico because they know that a lot of people use not only gets but people doctors there.
Bummer, not nowhere near the border, but thanks for the info.
Vets are like doctors. I went to a doctor once a new doctor and he put me through this test that test so on and so on I finally said no and he got mad at me. I told him to go to hell.
My husband thought that was good because they are checking everything. When my husband went to him he was on no medications now he is on 10 different medications because the doctor says he needs them lol.
Vets are the same as the doctors they will do everything except help your pets. My point was I guess is just because everyone says they are best does not mean they are.
People consider doctors that do all these tests the best but they are not the best at all they are doing everything to wrack up the bill. a real doctor or vet knows whats wrong as soon as you tell them the dogs or the persons symptoms.
When I grew up both doctors and vets were like that you tell them your symptoms and they automatically know whats wrong except in cases like cancer which have to be sent out.
Yes I know people will say its because there are so many more sickness now and they would be right there is.
What people dont realize is all the new sicknesses in both people and animals are because of all the medications they keep putting everyone on.
The meds make everything worse, but it starts with vaccines and THE FOOD!
Insert Trump "CORRECT" gif
Your husband reminded me of my friend's father. He refused to see a doctor for 50 years cuz he's scared of them and he don't trust them. My friend begged him to go see a doctor to make sure he's healthy and he finally caved in.
Father saw a doctor and came home saying the only thing's wrong with him is his thyroid. That's it. And the doctor gave him medication for thyroid and he refused to get it. I haven't spoken to my friend in a long time but I recently saw his father and he's still alive and kicking at 80 something years old.
Amen. My old vet knew exactly what was wrong with my babies just by me telling him what the symptoms were. He gave me whatever pills or cream of shot they needed and said come back if things didn't clear up. They always did.
I was shocked and crushed when he passed during covid.
I am deworming myself, with fenbedezole! These damn parasites seem to be the problem with in our selves and the same within or government!
Tell me about it, I have a McConnell parasite attached to my wallet, I didn’t even think of using Ivermectin.
Getting ready to do the same.
Update us in the future!
Keep us updated on any findings
Just a little warning: never give ivermectin to a dog with Collie bloodlines, because it can kill them (supposedly). They have a genetic mutation which makes them extremely sensitive to toxic effects from it. https://www.thesprucepets.com/ivermectin-based-heartworm-medicines-collie-breeds-3384696
Parasites. They are main cause of many diseases. The hidden truth.
I love ivermectin, and please do keep us updated!
I am glad your dog is ok my question is WTH are you doing listening to the vet. They are the same as doctors will put your animal on things they dont need and cause a whole lot of damage the dog didnt have in the first place.
Stop taking him to the vet unless he has a broken leg or actually looks like hes dying. They are as useless as doctors.
Biopsy are you kidding me thats just a money grab right there. Even if your dog had a serious problem WTH are they going to do anyway.
I hate all vets I have only found 1 in my entire life that was any good at all and really cared. People today become vets because its a huge money making business.
I also want to know why would you not tell that useless know it all that the ivermectin cured your dog and you are going to find a vet that actually knows what he is doing.
Get heart worm prevention pills for dogs. Most have ivermectin
Heart worm pills have Fenbendazole...cancer cure and prevention. Just not recommended to give Fenben and Ivermectin together. You could alternate.
Great job of parenting your buddy! u/AbjectDynamite I'm praying for both of you! 🙏🤍
Please check out:
We use Tri-Heart Plus (ivermectin/pyrantel). For grins I searched fenben vs iver/pyrantel for heart worm treatment and found that fenben is NOT effective against heartworm. Pyrantel kills heartworms, ivermectin zaps the intestinal parasites as does fenben.
Our vet was not going to approve the prescription for Tri-Heart without doing a heart worm test first for our 10 yr old choc lab. Never mind that he's been on it monthly for his entire life. Initially they also wanted him current on his vaccines. We stood tough and would not cave on either issue. They approved the prescription. STAY STRONG!
Figured since that worked I'd push for approval of the one pound jar of Panacur (fenbendazole). The little packs for single 3-day treatment don't require vet's prescription, but that monster 1 pound jar does and I wanted that for personal stash (wag, wag). They haven't approved it yet, but I'll brow-beat them again if need be tomorrow!
Good for you!!!
Are you aware that you do not need a vet prescription for the parasite meds? Go look at ValleyVey.com. it's all there.
Is that valley vet?
Valleyvet.com is the online supply house for pets and livestock needs
Yes, I'm aware. ValleyVet is our go to. You CAN get the 3-day treatment packs of Panacur (Tri-Heart, etc) without a prescription, but that 1 pound jar DOES require a vet's prescription.
Thank you so much for this info! Well played fren and we've had NO vaccines on our babies for years also! 👏
Will pray you get your Rx and also for the day when all of these items are OTC! 🙏
Vet approved it!!
Yay!! 🎉
Why not together?
Not sure but on protocols that I've read it doesn't recommend using them together... perhaps too strong..
Awhile back, I read that many/most GSDs [German Shepherds] have a reactive genetic issue with Ivermectin, and it should be avoided with them. We use Diatomaceous Earth for anti-parasite protocol [that improves liver function] for us and our pup.
I mix my own hart worm med from ivm and glycol. Mix 9 glycol to 1ivm with glycol .01cc per25 pound.
If your dog starts bucking and neighing it will be your fault! Kek
I would try the same thing for my beloved dogs. I wish this was a "thing " when my beloved dogs got cancer through the years.
Glad your my doing well!!!
Gave ivermectin to a 8 week old pup with “parvo” negative on a worm test positive on a “parvo” test. Next day pup shit out a GIANT tape worm would have been the majority of its intestines taken up by the Judaic monster and within an hour of that was a happy spritely puppy again. Safe to say I do not believe in parvo anymore.
Sisters dog has brain tumour, ordered frenbenz to her door. Has yet to dose him with it :/
Holy moley! Very interesting. I will remember this! Parvo is dreadful.
I know ivermectin affects stomach flu so why not an intestinal issue like parvo? My son got stomach flu and took one dose of ivermectin and the flu symptoms left in 3 hrs.
You 100% should tell the vet that you didn't use the antibiotics and instead used ivermectin.
See the look on this overeducated derps face.
Ther are immune to receiving any knowledge outside their institutional paradigm. He/she will simply become indignant.
Time for a new vet, then
We had a cat diagnosed with FIP, feline coronavirus last May. Emergency Vet told us it was fatal. My 7yo loves her. She is very sweet. I thought she just had an upper respiratory and eye infections. She was a stray that I think was dumped near our second home. So we were not in town a lot and she went downhill fast. She had the ocular/neurological version (blood coming from her eye) which means it had crossed blood brain barrier which is the hardest to cure. Because…yes, in Europe they can give shots for it with success. FDA not approved so we can’t. Didn’t even realize this until an hour after vet visit I was doing research. With the hope of a cure I reached out to a FB group and in 48 had the non fda approved shots. Gave her those for 84 days and thousands of dollars. I was not going to let the gov tell me I couldn’t help this cat. After the 84 days sad to say her eye blood was worse than ever. But she was still alive. Out of options, not able to spend more $ in shots I gave her horse paste…in 3 weeks the eye blood was gone. It has been 9 months and no eye blood. She is healthy and gets a monthly routine dose. I worked at a vet for 6 years in the late 90’s early 2000’s and had never seen a cat with FIP…never even heard of it. what did they do to our animals??
Might want to look into MMS. I read a story about someone who had a cat who went missing for weeks. One day the cat finally came back to the owner and the owner let the cat in but noticed the cat wasn't the same as before.
The cat was dehydrated, covered with some kind of bugs and many more. Wouldn't eat, wouldn't do anything but sleep. The owner knew about MMS and how it worked wonders with pets so they decided to give the cat MMS in their drinking water. It took some time but the cat finally drank some and over time, the cat rebounded back to its old self, playful, eating and doing what it used to do before going missing.
Also, pardon my French, but what the fuck is "Feline coronavirus"?! Did they just make up yet another "mysterious" disease? I'm familiar with Fel-V as one of our cats had it and we had to put it to sleep cuz it was in so much pain. Course, this was before we knew about IVM, Fenben, MMS, and many other wonderful solutions.
Thank you, will look into MMS, have never heard of it. FIP is feline infections peritonitis and is feline coronavirus and same here, never heard of it before all this. For some reason in a very small percentage of cats it mutates and is fatal. I wonder if it has something to do with vaccines. I would like to know how many that get it have in fact been vaccinated. This cat was a stray but has a spay scar and is therefore most likely vaccinated at some point. She often gets sniffles and I don’t think her immune system will ever be quite right again.
Then I would recommend you take a look at MMS. It should fix her immune system and from what I read online, there are a lot of pet owners who administered MMS to their pets and their pets bounced back to being healthy 100%. Plus they will develop an affinity to MMS in their drinking water and will refuse to drink normal water, from what I also read so far.
Another dog story.
Along with my dog's heart meds for late stage congestive heart failure, I've been giving him 3-5 drops of chlorine dioxide (premixed kind, NatriChlor, keavy's corner, not promoting this just info) in his bottle of filtered water, think hamster bottle as he's a little, 13-14 lbs.
He's already lived 6 months longer than they anticipated (no future apts). He is not collapsing/syncope like he did and his quality of life for now is pretty good. He absolutely Loves all kinds of people food.
p.s. I did a similar thing for my guinea pig and she lived 2 months longer.
Great news, fren. Also look up castor oil packs for livers. I don’t see why they wouldn’t work wpfor dogs.
You’re a blessing thank you for this tip !
My cat on Fenbedazole agrees, and says "Good job" to your pooch.
You should've told him. Huge red pill.
Wow, that is great. When using an acronym (ALP), it is useful to spell it out the first time, so everyone can be fully informed. I don't know what it stands for, but i doubt I am the only one. One time I was at a conference at Harvard, of all places, and all the speakers came out and spewed a lot of acronyms. This was Harvard, and does anyone want to admit they don't know something? So when someone on stage asked if there were any quesions, I asked if they could stop with the acronyms or at least spell them out for us. This was a room full of behavioral professionals, and when I asked this, a loud collective sigh of relief went out through the whole auditorium. Never be afraid to look "stupid" when you need more information: It just looks like you want to understand, and any teacher will tell you they LOVE that.
FYI - K9 Heartworm medication IS Ivermectin... and should be given once a month for maintenance to keep their parasite load to a minimum.
ALL K9s have parasites. It's absolutely UNAVOIDABLE. If they're running around on grass, near farm animals, eating grass etc - they're injesting eggs. There's no way around it.
Cats are also loaded with parasites even though they may not go outside. There's a chance it's in their food, they hunt and kill a mouse, a cockroach, a silverfish, a housefly...etc.
My dog had a persistent cough that lasted for a while and the doctor who owns a pharmacy that I get my ivermectin from gave him a prescription for me. Just a word of caution, the dosing is different for dogs and you have to be careful not to give them too much because it could be adverse. Interesting thing is that ivermectin is in heartworm medicine for dogs. "Stop it ya'll."
How awesome is that. The world is a better place because of every breath he takes. You are an awesome doggie parent. Thank you for loving this little one enough to go against the current. We want pictures of him playing in the sunshine fren.
Wow, good to hear. Our pets are our family. They are your children, and just like babies, can’t tell you what is wrong. As a retired RN, I have come to the conclusion that doctors and vets no nothing. I only wish I knew back when, what I know now. Hope your little guy continues to thrive.
Good for you! Dump the vet. It's a waste of your money. Ivermectin and fenbendazol cures parasites, cancer....etc. For people too. Glad your doggie will be doing better! And notice a bit of difference in diet certainly.
By the way they this to all of us as well .
I’d tell the fudge packer it was horse paste.
WOW! Great healing!
pure speculation, but it could be iatrogenesis.
the vet loaded him with different drugs, trying to nail down the problem, only to make him sick by mistake.
it's an entirely heard of phenomenon, especially in hospitals. Doctors/vets are human after all.
You are one smart and inspired dog parent!!! Get some doggie probiotics to help recover from the antibiotics.
Vets and vaccinations and wily nily steroids....and ignorance..they kill pets. Vaxx companies pay vets to over-push.
Where is the cheapest place to buy ivermectin? That drug is so cheap to make but these online vendors are gouging people.
Hurray! So happy for you and your pup! Thank you for sharing your story. Cheers!
Praise God!!! That’s wonderful news. Keep doing what you’re doing! I have a similar vet problem. Anything I say is automatically not the problem. On top of that, I just took one of my dogs there for a check up before teeth cleaning. I was quoted $1100-$1600, depending on what needed to be done. I had her teeth cleaned a year and an half ago and it was about $380 with a couple of extractions. I’ve been with this vet for about 10 years. I felt like it was a slap in the face. I didn’t pay that much for my own extractions. My son took his cat to his vet for a bad tooth. The dentist confirmed it was an abscess and pulled the tooth right there. It was an easy pull as the abscess had already popped a couple of days before. He gave her, (the cat), an antibiotic shot. He only charged my son $150 for everything. I’m going to call them and see what they quote me.
I am so glad to hear this helped them. Please do update us, I would love to know what happens.
If you’re interested in actual canine nutrition and health, there is a treasure trove of info for your dogs on a FB page called Cathy’s Yorkie Tips and Tricks. The info can be helpful for many breeds. The groups espouses species appropriate diet and natural flea/tick prevention. Much assistance when working with vets, etc.
Thank you! I'll check it out. Flea and tick and worm prevention is the only reason i take my dogs to the vet anyway. If I can get an alternative I'll never take them again.
Cathy’s has many suggestions for flea/tick and worm prevention that are not medicinal and do not require a vet. We use Wondercide for flea/tick and will begin diatomaceous earth for worms. Also pulsed pumpkin seed.