Oh no! Some 'knob' is drawing penises on pro-Hamas graffiti up in Canada! These 'pricks'! So 'cocky'! This has gone on too 'schlong'! The pro-terrorism crowd is really 'aroused' by this! It's totally 'rubbing' people the wrong way! Stop 'jerking' us around! OK, I'll see myself out ------->

Erections have consequences.
Kek. They never learn, their outrage is what we thrive on.
Alright...this comment wins the Internet today.
Tojo has entered the chat.
Next idea:
Put a large cross in the hand and write “Jesus is Savior” on the cross.
I wonder which one would make them madder.
Time for SCIENCE!
Camera, graffiti, compare!
'Handy' post. Clearly making 'knobs' out of the pro'teste'rs. Gotta love the 'Tallywacker' attackers who are correcting the "Left Hand Jive' brigade. Bet they are a 'weenie' bit pissed. At least now their tricoloured logo has some 'balls'
Terrible! Bad! Mod material, here! 😎😎😎
This will also work for the BLM fist
Yes! & I still like Black "O"lives Matter graffiti too ;)
To have your movement...your very existence, thwarted by a nine-year old.
This Is The Way! I am all in. kek
I'm surprised the Moslems haven't objected to that clenched fist image.
The image has been borrowed from Marxism.The image is a Marxist symbol of resistance against Fascist, Capitalist Oppression.
Now I might be generalising here, but that styled fist is a left hand. In some Islamic cultures, the left hand is seen as the unclean hand, usually because that hand is used to wipe their arse.
Displaying the left hand to wave at other Moslems can be considered a serious insult, often resulting in reciprocal violence in some Islamic cultures.
Adding the penis is icing on the cake!
Fun Historical fact. The Nazis had a propaganda photo of Hitler standing with his right hand near his groin.
The British photo shopped a penis into his hand and then airdropped post cards of the image over Occupied Europe!
Bunch of pricks
This is wonderful... those jerkoffs had it coming...
I dont condome this
These obscene additions should be rubbed out.
I see what you did there.
Why it’s funny
Sheesh, what a dick.
Keep dicking around like this u cocky insolent mod, and the cosplayers will storm your temple, with what’s left of their weapons in hand. Just a frenly pubic service announcement. Kek.
No hairy balls ...
Note the punisher ... pain.
Big Mike: "No, no, it wasn't me. But, if you think it was, come watch my new podcast..."
Looks like they've got a handle on this one.
They deserve it.
What a dick.
Careful guys. The left right dialectic of "Israel good hamas bad" is just another way to trap us in their matrix.
Both are bad in one way or another. Both should stay out of our country and off of the world stage.
It must hurt…their knuckles are turning red👀
They deserve it.
Just the tip…of the iceberg.
Someone should draw a pork chop for that hand.
That's awesome! 😂
They're mad it's circumcised, hooded minions are halal
Make Circumcision Jewish Again
They wake up outraged.
Makes sense, I bet the size is the issue... they are used to much bigger dicks than that