The map shows:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Texas
- West Virginia
The map shows:
Now do Fenbendazole.
edit: Yes, you can buy Ivermectin and Fenbendazole at Tractor Supply. Normies aren't going to do this. We need cute bottles at Walmart for cheap, like GreatValue brand cheap.
Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Albendazole, prescription-level Methylene Blue (guaranteed to be free from heavy metals), etc.
Would love to see better approvals for supplements as well, conversely. An independent testing operation or something like that, that is prevented from capture (no small task). To guarantee efficacy.
Better yet, NO approvals. NONE.
Just endorsements with citation of standards noted, and easily visible to public.
But first, let’s walk these people back under their own system.
This is what I struggle with.
I do not like gate keepers.
But also I do not like fraudsters and I do not want a low-info public to be poisoned.
The temptation is to say "caveat emptor" and let the market take care of all of this, but medicine these days is so complex and drugs interact with other drugs in sometimes unexpected ways. Can we expect people to know that past a certain point, if you are taking D3, you need to also be taking K2 or you might fuck yourself up? Or the idea of a "fat soluble" vitamin v a "water soluble" vitamin? Most people can't even correctly put on a Band-Aid. Sigh.
I would like to see purity standards for drugs. For example, some of the Methylene Blue on the market contains "heavy metals". Would like to know that the public is free from this danger. Do not want to sacrifice truth, free markets, natural price discovery, etc. in exchange for that "purity guarantee" though.
EDIT: With all of this said, if we could just get the "Food Pyramid" deleted, the "Sugar Good, Fat Bad" lie deleted, the "Cholesterol is Bad" lie deleted, and all/most of the industrial waste out of our packaged goods, those would be big wins for the USA.
“Your metabolism works by putting food into a bucket, and when that bucket is set on fire, the degrees of temperature the water goes up is the amount of calories you’re ingesting, because your body works just like a steam engine, which is what your farts are, just big smoke billows.”
They think we are retarded, and they’ve been right.
There’s not no reason for the gatekeeping, but they’ve also shown how useless they are anyway.
This is pretty much exactly what most people think.
Also I think most people would see no difference between a handful of grassfed beef and a handful of Doritos.
We are far from Eden. Hah.
Fenben is OTC
Well yeah, in vet supply stores. So is Ivermectin.
I can't walk into Walmart and buy Ivermectin or Feben in pill form in a cute bottle like I can Tylenol. This is what is needed for many normies to wake up.
First mistake is walking into Walmart, but yea, I get what your saying.
Heck I'll go one further, gubbermint should hand them out like they did usaid funds.
It's getting really old, you all acting like these meds are unavailable. Let me guess, you think meds labeled for humans are made in a cleaner facility? Laughable. Got your fenben right here -
I don’t think most here think these are unavailable. It’s about the lies perpetuated that normies still believe and widespread availability with clear dosing for humans without guesswork. IVM as horse paste and FDA telling us we aren’t farm animals (while simultaneously herding people like farm animals at fairgrounds for testing, ironically) was powerful to and damning to many people. I know people who believe in IVM that won’t take horse paste. GL with normies, even with pills. This is way bigger, imo.
So do I - me.
I just want the convenience of being able to pop a pill already dosed for human use without that 'delicious' apple or bitter flavor that comes with the other delivery methods.
Now to see how the pricing compares to the OTC horse paste.
And here's what the Canadian government is DOING to Dr. Makis for continuing to bring life-saving information to people around the world:
Unfortunately the RCMP will not just be unhelpful, but they will actively work to sabotage the case. This would be like taking evidence of Hillary’s crimes to the FBI.
Florida better join
??????? Ivermectin, fenbendazole, prazantaquel, and other cancer fighting meds are just down the road from you, sitting on the shelf at Tractor Supply. Ivermectin is available in all 49 contiguous states because TS is. I dont understand you people.
Wait - we have 49 contiguous states now? Did Canada finally join?
Alaska and Hawaii are not contiguous states, so we have 48.
Took horse paste two weeks ago the second I felt that oncoming cold feeling. Woke up the next day, pooped my brains out but was otherwise back to 100 percent. I was definitely going to get a cold, that feeling is unmistakable. This is like the 5th time since COVID that horse paste has eliminated a cold before it hit
Take it as a prophylactic. Fixed my constant sinus infection problem.
As soon as I can get it as a pill at a reasonable price I definitely will. The apple flavored Vaseline version is a huge challenge for me 😂😂😂
👍Mix a dose of gel into hot coffee, fren. I dare you to think you can taste it once it’s in there.
Will do. I never would have thought of that in a million years!
Grin. It does represent a challenge. Shoot to the roof of your mouth, followed by your favorite mint.
Those assholes know it is Legal to buy and import, they are stealing our medicine because they are mindless little tools that do what they are told when they are told and could not think for themselves when their life depended on it. I am honestly surprised it does not say U.S. customs.
This is big, this needs done everywhere. If your state is not listed, contact your state congressman and senators, push on them to make ivermectin over the counter. It's already passed the timeframe for it, no reason not to
Can't stress this enough. When I saw a post on X a month or so ago that Arkansas was going OTC I made sure to tag Gov Abbott and AG Ken Paxton here in Texas so they would do the same. Whether the X post tag helped them to make that decision or not, it can't hurt to try.
I bought from one of the online, Indian, pharmacies. My only concern is, how do I know it is actually ivermectin? (how does anyone know?)
I just use reynoldmeds. Reynold has been great and a number of people on here use his site. i get Ivermectin, Doxycycline, HCQ, and a couple of prescriptions I or my wife use that are prohibitively expensive here, but Reynold gets the generic form. They've always been good and worked as intended. One of my wife's prescriptions was listed at over $9k on goodRX for 1 month, and Reynold sourced it for me and it was roughly $300 for 3 months.
There are cheaper places for Ivermectin but like you said - how do you know it is real?
If you order from him, let him know you heard about his site at That's what I saw in a comment on here a couple of years ago. It doesn't give you a discount or anything but I'd think it would be a good thing to let them know where their customers come from.
If you need something different (or a different dose) that is not on his pricelist spreadsheet you can just email him and he will personally do his best to find it for you - quickly. That's what ultimately sold me because he was able to get me what I needed where other sites could not.
We do not need a revolution of these people and what they have done and are doing, we need a purge.
Canadian border agents waste their time stopping ivermectin while neglecting the influx of fentanyl into the US.
This is YUGE news! Thanks Narg!!
C'mon Idaho.
I am the queen of horse paste, but I would welcome ditching the God-awful taste of that stuff to swap for a tidy pill. I'd also enjoy ditching my new skillset of figuring out dosage for friends & family based on what form they bought off the shelf from TSC.
Let's normalize anthelmintics!
I had the crud last week, woke Monday morning with a bad headache and dry cough. I have some Ivm pills bought from India, 12 mg. I started on those immediately. Took 2 a day Monday and Tues w/o much improvement. Woke up Wed and said screw it, took a dose of horse paste, bam 2 hours later felt almost normal. I kept taking it for a few more days. I don't know about the quality of the India pills, is it a less quality product or not really ivm at all? Who knows?
Does anyone have the language/specifics in the bills?
I figure using this as a template to write up a bill for my local rep makes it much easier to get it moving & passed.
I am sirprised -- but pleased -- to see Pennsylvania on that list.
Seems it was delayed in Alabama and it's not truly OTC though, it's actually behind the counter. You have to ask the pharmacist if you can buy some and if they say no, then you shit out of luck.
Heads up to Christians, someone published a cancer guide not long ago, and one listed component was fasting. - oh nice, it was even your thread! Thanks a lot for that one, u/narg!
I’m convinced that prayer and fasting should be our go-to maintenance method, and ivermectin, if we use it at all, should be for emergencies, like antibiotics.
Think “antibiotic immune bacteria” (or an immune system that has been anti-bio’ed so much it can’t break things down with bacteria anymore, which ever way it works), but with parasites.
Mark 9:48 - Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
This is still good news, especially during this transition period, just keep an eye on it. Kinda like how they named a food that produces estrogen in men, “soy”, or Spanish for “I Am”, as if they’re intentionally mocking God.
Whwres florida and Idaho?
Wyoming will be last as usual !
Ole Tater Tot Reeves from Mississippi needs to get on the ball!
Bought some from India back in the height of it. Now I get calls from them five or six times a day
Nice, my state in that list.
AZ…heelloo? Oh, forgot, Hobgoblin. 😡
How on earth is Minnesota on this list but Montana isn’t?