As many of you know, lots of scientific articles speaking of cures etc. are reliably scrubbed from the net all the time.
The impetus for this post is my desire to expand on a comment I made a few days ago on how to detox from the jab.
I spent quite a bit of time trying to find the sauce but have concluded that it has been scrubbed from pubmed.
Now you're left with two options.
- Trusting me that the study is real and was indeed conducted and published (only to be later deleted)
OR - I'm just making this shit up.
The better question is:
"What do you have to lose?"
A few dollars?
What do you have to gain?
The preservation of your LIFE.
Tough decision, I know.
The Bottom Line
I have read scientific studies that proved the chlorine dioxide denatured (destroyed) the spike protein 'in vivo' (inside a living body).
I have read scientific studies that proved NAC, a cheap, common supplement (temporarily banned in 2022) is known to denature and sequester graphene oxide in vivo.
The spike protein, while relevant, gets way too much attention v. Graphene oxide.
It's my opinion the latter could be far more sinister because graphene oxide can be made into a radio frequency antenna.
Read that again.
Just imagine the implications.
Chlorine Dioxide
Within days of Trump's famous statement (that the MSM twisted) about 'injecting some disinfectant', the Oval Office was cleansed with chlorine dioxide gas. Remember this was during Covid.
When done in the right way, chlorine dioxide is indeed safe to be injected and at that time, there were videos, if you knew how to find them, describing exactly how to do it. Here's the documentary on chlorine dioxide made by a male nurse who sought to debunk it, only to realize upon further research that "the crazies drinking bleach" were actually correct.
NAC (Banned briefly in 2022)
In late 2022, the FDA changed its stance on NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), stating that it could no longer be marketed as a dietary supplement because it was being investigated as a potential drug, effectively banning its sale as a supplement.
Interestingly, NAC is actually used in laboratory experiments to dissolve/remove graphene oxide from tissues & compounds.
I know we all love sauce and I tried fellas.
If you or someone you love got the jab, and you want to live, you have very little to lose in trusting someone on GAW who has demonstrated a particular affinity for obscure, radically effective cures. (Vitamin C + lysine artery cleanse)
God provides you everything you need, including the people (some of whom, if you knew who they were you would be astounded) that you interact with here, to give you valuable, life-saving information. Use it.
I initially wrote NAD. I created this OP while I was driving 🤫
This was a mistake because I mixed up my notes and acronyms. The supplement is NAC (N-acetyl cysteine).
Sauce: "Biocompatible N-acetyl cysteine reduces graphene oxide..."
Moar Sauce: "Chlorine Dioxide eradicates 99.99% of spike protein." Credit: u/Joys1Daughter
Vitamin C + L-Lysine works WONDERS dood
Indeed, and one day it will be widely known as the end-all be-all absolute destroyer of Atherosclerosis.
God bless you John and great to see you. I actually remember reading some of these posted on X . I'm saving this to share. 🙏🤍
Thanks Joys1Daughter and it's great to see you as well!
I'm thinking of doing another round of the vitamin C- Lysine regimen, but this time taking blood pressure readings throughout the four weeks. Although my calcium scan did not show improvement, perhaps my blood pressure (which I haven't measured in a few months) will show an improvement. I am wondering what the precision is in the CAC scoring; perhaps it has a fairly large range such that when in the hundreds, it could vary by a few hundred depending on who does the image analysis.
You can add 1000 mg per day of the amino acid L-Proline.
Dr. Linus Pauling added this to his regimen later on.
For many people, including my father-in-law who achieved 100% clearing of his arteries, L-Proline is not necessary.
What I would like to know is how do you feel u/PhDinNY?
I likely had the current version of covid a couple months ago, and the 2nd CAC scan was after that. I don't know if it's age, or something else, but I certainly don't have the energy of 20 years ago :) I'm in the process of getting hip replacement surgery because the arthritis in my hip has reached a point where even moderate length walks cause a lot of pain. I thought golf would be the one physical activity I could do, and it turns out it was the WORST thing! I almost couldn't walk after playing golf (riding a cart) a few weeks ago! I guess it's the hip rotation involved with golf :)
Found this John...
Bingo! Thank you u/Joys1Daughter!
Anything I post on here, whether of the medical OR the esoteric/occult (i.e. hidden) sciences, can be verified by anyone who wants to dig deeper.
My knowledge doesn't come out of a vacuum, but rather from hours upon hours of research and careful analysis that I do on a daily basis.
Thank YOU John! 👏
Thank YOU John! 👏
Thanks Joys1Daughter and it's great to see you as well!
Yes indeed it does. Has kept my cholesterol going from way over 200 to steady at 142. 🙏 edit: and my father-in-law's as well.
I took this one one time and I got dizzy. Lots of shit makes me dizzy nowadays, so I don't know why.
Works wonders for what specifically? Clearing graphene and spike protein? If so, do you have any references?
Every time I turn around I find my favorite time traveler trying to save the world, or at least our little piece of it. ;)
love you dude (no homo)
That's John for ya ! Smart dude for sure .😎
Much love u/The3rdKey
Thanks for the kind words!
Much love u/The3rdKey
Thanks for the kind words!
I don't disagree with anything you said.
Wanted to add that practical experience has led me to believe that over-the-counter nicotine patches are effective. I don't know if it's equivalent to NAD in any way, or just has a similar-sounding name.
Also that nebulized hydrogen peroxide works the same way as chlorine dioxide: it energizes the blood by allowing it to carry more oxygen in a way that the body uses efficiently, kind of like a poor man's hyperbaric chamber (also effective against many ailments). I believe nebulizing h2o2 is more effective, but possibly less convenient, depending on the individual.
Chlorine dioxide is superior to hydrogen peroxide because it is a more "selective oxidizer."
Also, and this is the most salient, hydrogen peroxide is a liquid whereas chlorine dioxide is known as a "true gas-in-liquid."
Whereas supplements, drugs and chemicals etc. are usually classified as either hydrophilic (go into water-based tissues only) or lipophilic (go into fat-based tissues only), chlorine dioxide, as a true gas-in-liquid, is able to penetrate both fatty AND water-based tissues equally.
This is key frens.
Very very very few if any medicines are able to do this.
Well, nebulizing H2O2 worked better for me than the MMS thing. I bought Jim Humble's book and did it all properly, but my symptoms were alleviated better with the nebulizing treatment.
Maybe it's the nebulizing --- direct infusion to the lungs --- that makes it more effective; maybe it's just me.
Very good point
And to be fair, when I used chlorine dioxide, it was by drinking it in water as per Jim Humble's book. I never injected it.
Ahh thank you u/Mr_A for mentioning that…
Do NOT inject chlorine dioxide unless 100% know what you're doing.
I'm pretty well-versed in chemistry, and I regularly make my own batches of aqueous chlorine dioxide that I keep in my refrigerator, however I have never injected it mainly because I've never seen a need to. Even injecting water into your veins can be risky if you don't know what you're doing.
Can MMS be nebulized? Might that work?
Do you have recommendations for amounts and duration? Thanks appreciate all you do!
You can safely double the dose of whatever's on the bottle of NAC.
Chlorine dioxide is a different animal and I will work on a detailed post about it soon.
Briefly, a dose of 2–5 drops of chlorine dioxide every hour for eight hours per day is a good starting point.
Everyone can learn a lot by watching the documentary about chlorine dioxide that I linked in the OP.
Dr Andreas Kalcker's CD protocols here's just one of his protocols A-Z
general and how to make CD
Thank you! [ I've been taking Vit C & Lysine after suddenly getting a carotid bruit...after jab - noticed right away my BP went down and stayed down...waiting for a CT Scan of the Carotid - but up in Canada might take a few more months!] Really appreciate your information. :)
I've been using the NatriChlor (CDS chlorine dioxide solution) which is pre-mixed and has no taste. I always had issues with the taste of the regular CD.
Any thoughts pro or con on a premixed solution?
MD anon here, thank you for writing this up. I love NAC and it's also good to add that it chelates basically all heavy metals, so technically it can probably even help negate adverse effects from excessive heavy metals. Been using it daily 900mg twice daily, along with CoQ10 and low dose methylene blue for the ultimate mitochondrial stack.
Does it give you heartburn? I took it for a few years, and then stopped for several months, now it just burns my gut, I have to take some food or protein drink, but everything I have read states that it should be taken on an empty stomach. I feel better immediatly when I take it, breathe clearer. I have MCAS, diagnosed 2 years ago, and since then I find myself sensitive to random things I ingest, where I never had before. Still taking it, but worry about if I am absorbing it correctly as I have to have something in my stomach to tolerate it.
-many thanks once again for all you've done here u/JohnTitor17 -You are very much appreciated. 🫡
Thanks u/Tetartos_Ippeas!
Thanks u/Tetartos_Ippeas!
NAD or NMN? Never heard NAD but they tried going after NMN in 22. I could be mistaken. NMN is a precursor to NAD.
Apologies fren, I incorrectly wrote NAD. NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is what the scientific studies identified as a graphene oxide dissolver.
Some of these studies I read were done years before Covid and they were remarking how it was commonly used in a laboratory setting to dissolve a graphene oxide lattice that they used to grow cells on in a petri dish.
Once the cells grew on the graphene lattice, they used NAC to dissolve away the graphene oxide structure so they were left with just the tissue.
No worries even better. I did not realize they attacked NAC as well
I thought NMN is a precursor to NAC?
Hey bud sorry I got my notes and acronyms mixed up. I meant to say NAC
Yes I think they tried to ban NAC, which is why other options showed up. Amazon took part on the banning operation. This is unreal. Fake scientific consensus leads to fake news breaks, then corporate America points to the fakery and takes action.
This is a massive coordinated conspiracy of Ive ever seen one. Using lies to kill people. I fully understand why all those old war movies, people hated communist.
No fren it's NAD
Have you checked the wayback machine for the scrubbed article? It can be hit and miss, but I've found a lot of "lost articles" there.
Yes and no luck.
I have probably over two dozen hours of research invested into just the information in the OP.
I did the Vitamin c / Lysine regimen twice now for 2 weeks, I have no idea if it helped because I avoid the Dr.s. I have a little blockage. Only minor irritation of my stomach and that's taking both at the same time.
My mother did the lysine/vit c for one month, doing only 2k, instead of 4k.. she was afraid. She started at 1k, then stepped up to 2k. After a month, she went down to "maintenance" of 1k.
She had a 70% blockage that reduced to 50%. Her dr said she could do 3k safely and didn't seem surprised by the result.
We are trying to get her to do "boost" months, back up to the 2k or 3k, but she is stubborn.
She had stomach issues coming back off of it (she at first had tried to cold turkey to 0). So, we recommend doing steps up or down of 500 or 1k to help avoid that.
If you can do it for 2 weeks a few times a year that should be all you need.
Best of luck Fren.
I’ve done it a few times for a few days a week, but definitely not consistently over 6 weeks. Sometimes morning only, sometimes both morning and evening. Some people did do it correctly and did see improvement, though. Others said, “I’m not trusting anything from the Internet” and took another booster… I imagine any period of time where the effect is able to interact has helpful benefits, just won’t see any sort of resolution for a much longer period of time. Then again, I don’t have a known problem.
Another great post with information that can really help regain our health.
President Trump was talking about intravenous UV light (nature's most POWERFUL DISINFECTANT) therapy. Injecting bleach into your veins was the fakenews's idea.
Yes I remember that but light is not "injected."
Trump specifically used the word "inject".
Chlorine dioxide ≠ sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
In the same way that sodium chloride, i.e. table Salt is NOT the same as bleach.
This is easy to confuse if you're not well-versed in chemistry.
Dilute Chlorine dioxide is absolutely 100% safe to be injected if you know what you're doing.
There's countless YouTube videos of doctors doing it.
Speaking of chemistry, I'm thinking to put together an instructional video on how to manufacture chlorine dioxide gas-in-liquid.
The process is very simple.
Do it. Do it. I dare you to do it.. Much love. ;)
I split my thumbnail once and it grew back yellow with fungus. I then took a pumice stone and ground the nail down paper thin and soaked in 1 part bleach 4 parts water a few times a day for a week. Killed the fungus quite well. However I just did that on my own and it may be that weaker and less soaking would have worked just as well. It was just my own plan.
Thank you for the info! I have NAC and MMS (chlorine dioxide) and I even got some calcium disodium EDTA. I've gotten slightly fanatical about supplements since Covid, although I've always been a fan and never got flu shots. My favorite supplements are zinc and quercetin when I feel a cold coming on, and it never materializes.
When making or mixing Chlorine Dioxide be very careful with what water you use. Do not use bottled water as all of them I tested have water purifiers in them already. Well water is best as it has no modifiers. Test the water you use for a PH of 7 before making and a PH of 6 after making. All of the bottled water I tested had a PH of 6 before mixing and a PH of 2 after mixing. This can be very dangerous. WATCH the water
L-Lysine Defense Immune Support Complex : (