We once had nuclear weapons too. Thank fuck the boomers dismantled them before gleefully handing our country over to people who still consult chicken bones to see the future 😑
The whites should get out. In a few years the rest of SA will be wearing grass skirts and bones in their noses. You can take those idiots out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of them. It will just decay into another communist shithole.
The left would call them racist. I understand the desire to keep the homeland but it's fighting a losing battle. The blacks will invade there next. Orania is still governed by SA so they'll be called invaders and the UN will concur. It's a losing cause. Might be better to either take Trump up on his offer to bring in the farmers and the rest go to US or Australia or become Kiwi's. SA is setting itself up to fail completely and then the Chinese will come in bearing gifts to the natives that can't fix a broken toilet and do a deal to take whatever precious metals, rare earth, diamonds or anything else of value in exchange for fixing basic services.
Their roots are in SA. Ancestors died securing that land. Hard to walk away from. I wouldn't give up on USA. My ancestors were pioneers. Fought and died for this land, and they bled making it into something. I wouldn't run away for refuge, I'd die to secure it.
You could but if you move away, the country will completely fall apart. Maybe that needs to happen? They might wake up to the fact that they need the white man. Maybe the communist leader gets overthrown and whites are welcomed back. I’m thinking this will happen to Cuba. Eventually the population gets fed up and tosses the government and they embrace democracy. Then Cubans who came here will want to go back and help build a new free nation.
I was listening to a Boer gentleman on Tucker Carlson recently. He mentioned that the government ineptitude leaves them fearing the mob more. Sounds like something you can outlast if you're part of a break off society like Orania.
I don’t know how you hold off all those crazy natives. Seems pointless to me. Let them experience life without food, without medicine, unable to run the infrastructure or fix anything. Life will be hell for them if the power grid goes down, sanitation plants aren’t maintained, internet stops working. It would be like neuron bomb went off. 6 months of that and half would die of starvation. Maybe then they’d see the value of an educated white person. They won’t value the whites until they experience life without them. Leave now and the sooner you’ll be back. Transfer your money to safe off shore banks and take a long holiday. They’ll be begging you to come back.
During the apartheid era, South Africa suffered under sanctions from many of the world's 'leading' countries. Sanctions including military hardware.
So they started building the stuff themselves.
South Africa was self-sufficient in military hardware, because they had to be. For a time, they were renown for making world-class artillery pieces. At one point, they successfully developed home-grown nuclear weapons.
South Africa remains the only country to have developed nuclear weapons and then voluntarily given them up.
The Country that previously had the entirety of the Southern Half of a Continent shaking in its boots. And despite Embargos and trade blockades with literally everyone. And was still a functioning and fairly wealthy State.
The German Air Force used to be strong too but it goes to show that it takes a few politicians to steer the people away from what matters most which is health, liberty, safety and self defense.
Honestly... South Africa is probably much safer without their airforce planes flying. Less debris falling from the sky.
We once had nuclear weapons too. Thank fuck the boomers dismantled them before gleefully handing our country over to people who still consult chicken bones to see the future 😑
The whites should get out. In a few years the rest of SA will be wearing grass skirts and bones in their noses. You can take those idiots out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of them. It will just decay into another communist shithole.
At the very least they need to consolidate and form more communities like Orania.
The left would call them racist. I understand the desire to keep the homeland but it's fighting a losing battle. The blacks will invade there next. Orania is still governed by SA so they'll be called invaders and the UN will concur. It's a losing cause. Might be better to either take Trump up on his offer to bring in the farmers and the rest go to US or Australia or become Kiwi's. SA is setting itself up to fail completely and then the Chinese will come in bearing gifts to the natives that can't fix a broken toilet and do a deal to take whatever precious metals, rare earth, diamonds or anything else of value in exchange for fixing basic services.
Their roots are in SA. Ancestors died securing that land. Hard to walk away from. I wouldn't give up on USA. My ancestors were pioneers. Fought and died for this land, and they bled making it into something. I wouldn't run away for refuge, I'd die to secure it.
You could but if you move away, the country will completely fall apart. Maybe that needs to happen? They might wake up to the fact that they need the white man. Maybe the communist leader gets overthrown and whites are welcomed back. I’m thinking this will happen to Cuba. Eventually the population gets fed up and tosses the government and they embrace democracy. Then Cubans who came here will want to go back and help build a new free nation.
I was listening to a Boer gentleman on Tucker Carlson recently. He mentioned that the government ineptitude leaves them fearing the mob more. Sounds like something you can outlast if you're part of a break off society like Orania.
I don’t know how you hold off all those crazy natives. Seems pointless to me. Let them experience life without food, without medicine, unable to run the infrastructure or fix anything. Life will be hell for them if the power grid goes down, sanitation plants aren’t maintained, internet stops working. It would be like neuron bomb went off. 6 months of that and half would die of starvation. Maybe then they’d see the value of an educated white person. They won’t value the whites until they experience life without them. Leave now and the sooner you’ll be back. Transfer your money to safe off shore banks and take a long holiday. They’ll be begging you to come back.
I agree. If you will not fight to protect and preserve your homeland and your heritage...what WILL you fight for? The right to eternal obliteration?
And after China gets what they want, they will leave also.
Australia has fallen...safer here
And back to cannibalism because there's nothing else to eat.
It's not just the air force that has collapsed due to lack of maintenance.
Power and Water infrastructure too. And rubbish collection.
Ah yes. Their famous rolling blackouts.
There was also that time half a city was without water. And it took them like 2 weeks to determine someone had turned a valve and closed a Water Main.
During the apartheid era, South Africa suffered under sanctions from many of the world's 'leading' countries. Sanctions including military hardware.
So they started building the stuff themselves.
South Africa was self-sufficient in military hardware, because they had to be. For a time, they were renown for making world-class artillery pieces. At one point, they successfully developed home-grown nuclear weapons.
history / analysis
... and after 30 years of communist rule, it's all gone to shit.
The Country that previously had the entirety of the Southern Half of a Continent shaking in its boots. And despite Embargos and trade blockades with literally everyone. And was still a functioning and fairly wealthy State.
My how things have gone down hill
The German Air Force used to be strong too but it goes to show that it takes a few politicians to steer the people away from what matters most which is health, liberty, safety and self defense.
funny thing is, I don't think South Africa could manufacture spears today that are equal in quality to those used in the 19th century.
And the level of organization and preparedness would be hard to match what they were capable of years ago.
It's not the dirt that produces peach trees. It's the information in the seed that turns the raw materials into food.
It’s like Canada… only something like 45% of our military hardware is operational. The rest has been so badly maintained it can’t be used.
Most of Western Europe is like this too unfortunately.
Is it time for Roland the Headless Thompson gunner?
Free country? You get what you pay for.
And they can no longer grow food because they allowed thugs to steal farmland from actual farmers.
I support Orania taking over South Africa.
The problem is ... who would want it?
Wakanda just gonna happen overnight once they kick out whitey
It is not a black and white issue. It is a communist one African tribe and khazarian Jew against all others issue.
98%? Well heck they still have 2%! That's not too bad considering.....
If you read these drops, there's a common thread/theme...