I had never heard the word "autopen" until this scandal broke - although I was aware of the existence of such a machine which could write signatures by guiding a pen.
How stupid is the design of the machine though to write each signature exactly the same? If it introduced random variations, as does a human when making repeated signatures, then nobody would ever know.
Not disagreeing with you at all
The guy's point though - they had the choice of all the much easier target protestors, but why did they pick this particular protestor with such an "interesting" background?
One of the reasons Julian Assange got released was the lack of clarity as to whether the First Amendment does or does not apply to a non-US-citizen.
This Mahmoud guy seems an unlikely pick for a test case - seems he could have been or still is working for the British. It's certainly not what it seems, just a regular troublemaker being kicked out of US.
You Americans and your obsessions with Lord. I really dislike having to read your Lord this and Lord that all the time.
Go and see some actual real Lords. As the saying goes you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
tl;dr lords are not good
Kind of ironic that a hotshot spelling exam can't even spell correctly: "Physiology - what does the liver secrate"
I would fail to understand some of these questions. "Diagram: The Lord loveth a cheerful giver". What does that even mean?
Of course it's kinda tempting but if I were the guy introducing the tranny I would have just not bothered to announce any title such as Mister. Just let it go.
Any guy dressing in women's clothes, in public, and even actually pretending to be one, well they clearly have serious mental issues and need proper help rather than making a big scene to stress them even more about it.
I know it feels like if you accept him/her/it as an authentic woman then you have been pressured into going along with the fraud, but ultimately it's none of my business how someone else wants to live their life.
All this gear is not free, we pay $$$£$ for it.
Story tries to sound like ungrateful Europeans better watch their step.
Had me worried there! Our (UK) clocks don't change until 30 March.
It's not as simple as Blacks v. Whites
There are several black races (mostly immigrants) who don't get along with each other. The English Whites are not exactly best buddies with the Dutch Whites either. Not so simple as draw a line on a map.
Not heard anyone say that before. Just searched for a Q post with lil x, nothing found. Help me out?
English bloke here - I'm glad you Americans enjoy using our language! It is a pleasure for us to license it for your use. I hope you read the small print about the ongoing fees. Send me an email for my account details.
My physician recommended that I have an MRI scan. I was fine with this until I discovered that as contrast agent to enhance the magnetic imaging they would inject me with liquid gadolinium, which is one of the rare earths shown in the table. I had never heard of it so did some research and all I found was people who said that they had been badly damaged by the gadolinium remaining permanently in their body including brain tissue because it can cross the barrier. Some had lawsuits.
The idea is that this stuff is injected into you and then the body naturally flushes it out afterwards. This only works if your kidney function is A1 and maybe not even then.
The majority of gadolinium products were banned as dangerous by the European Medicines Agency but then nearly all unbanned again after they decided that "the benefits outweighed the risks".
I got the scan anyway without the gadolinium and the results were still OK.
I love paying taxes so that our money gets sent to Ukraine, and 10 percent for their Big Guy.
Hollywood has always portrayed us English as the black hats. How about Alan Rickman playing the bad guy in Die Hard.
This was scripted and expected and I think your summary of the reasons behind it is a good one. This is circus-level kayfabe alright.
The film/TV studio which Zelensky originally founded has posted a revenge photo - Zelensky is famous for playing a piano with his dick and here is a piano they have named Trump.
(that site censored in many countries so you may not be able to see without a VPN)
I don't think it is a Tamga. It is a Tryzub which is the official Ukraine coat of arms.
Many of our government workers don't have a government-assigned email address. If you're a manual worker who moves stuff around in a warehouse then why would you need it.
When I was there the English-speaking whites used to call the Dutch-speaking whites "crunchies" and "rock spiders". No idea of the etymology. Was not a slur as such; more like a disrespectful put-down.
Africa is a big place. You could comfortably fit the USA inside of Africa and still leave space for 20 other decent-size countries.
Would it have hurt to say where the bit of scrubland in the photo actually was? A bit of context as to what money they got and clearly didn't use properly? Although it would have kinda spoilt the feelgood about looking down on the ignorant thieving savages.
Here is the regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2025/89/oj/eng
It has to have this on the label when sold in the EU:
“UV-treated Tenebrio molitor larvae (yellow mealworm) powder”
"This ingredient may cause allergic reactions to consumers with known allergies to crustaceans, and products thereof, and to dust mites"
“Containing vitamin D produced by UV treatment”
Here in UK we are not in EU anymore but they still like to adopt EU regulations. I can't see us taking on this one, hopefully, because food manufacturers like to max the market for their product by labelling "suitable for vegetarians" or "suitable for vegans" and of course inclusion of the bug powder would prevent that.
That's not very Presidential behaviour did we elect the wrong guy?
"Fossil fuels" us a term itself created by the climate hoaxers, to reinforce the impression that they were finite and would run out within some number of years Real Soon Now. Of course when the date arrived and nothing had run out then the datefaggers just did it again with a new date.
Before the climate scammers created "fossil fuels" we used to call them by their true name - hydrocarbons.
I hate it when people tiptoe around the subject I wish she had come right out and said what's on her mind
Security is difficult. It's great to have the massive dangerous-looking guy up front, and perps think "I'm not even gonna". But you also need the normal-looking person further in whom nobody really notices until they get busted and are like "how did that happen?"
In special ops teams body bulk is to an extent discouraged. If you have to evacuate a casualty then you need to be able to lift that guy.
No disrespect intended to green shirt man of course..
Sometimes their definition of service is different from mine. I appreciate actual service, such as getting my order right and bringing it without delay. I DON'T appreciate fake service like pestering me every few minutes and interrupting my conversation by asking is everything OK. Yes it is because if it wasn't I would have asked you to fix it. I also don't like a general obsequious manner such as overdoing the calling me "sir" every other word.
Eating out in the US really does suck in comparison to where I live. @BerlinWallCrosser upthread has got it right; restaurant staff should be paid a decent wage just like any other job and not be compelled to screw money out of customers.