Drudge Report has been a sell out for a few years now
What happened to the bottom part of Que Mala’s body?
So is Nancy Pelosi & her gangster friends getting more prisons ready for these protestors? The attorneys have to be ready to imprison all these people like they did J6 folks.
Have any more names come up as suspects besides Mark Violets, Thomas Matthew Crooks, & MAXWELL YEARICK? I feel like we’re all being played, while the big cover up is being put in place.
That’s the first thing that came to my mind!
I live in an area that will experience “totality.”Businesses in my area are either selling you glasses or giving them out for free. The schools are scheduled to close down. I understand all the hotel & B&Bs in my area are booked. I love to watch sky events, falling stars, watching the space station fly over, etc. I live in a rural area on a piece of land that has a great view for an eclipse. I have been feeling off about this day & we’ve decided to stay in that day with our 3 pups. I’m not sure if it is Holy Spirit telling me, I’m obedient when I hear from Him. I just feel it very strongly not to be outdoors. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one getting this feeling.
Praying for y’all & your pup. For strength to see this through. We met a man over the summer that used that med for a complete healing from cancer.
“Leave the World Behind” made me throw up in my mouth a few times. I was too invested in my time that I couldn’t turn the dang movie off. If you need a movie that screams WOKE, watch this one.
One of my relatives is renting a two bed, two bath apartment for $2400 a month, their rent is going up $400 a month. They’re trying to move out in a few weeks. Anything nice & in a decent neighborhood wants you to make three times what your rent payment will be per month. The dad is a school teacher & the mom is a stay at home mom. What they can afford, according to the three month rules, is $1600 rent payment & trust me - maybe in a very crappy neighborhood they could find that price. I don’t know how young kids are able to afford to move out on their own.
So sorry for your loss. May the peace of God surround you.
Q drop 3625 dated Nov 24, 2019 - —[HUNTER]s become the HUNTED
Really sad. I listened to this band years ago. One of the other band members’ dad & brother have big churches. We need to wake up & start reading the Bible for ourselves & asking God to lead & guide us. “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24
Will they serve years & years in jail like the Americans that were set up on J6?
They probably got kicked out of the castle in England & now she wants to come to the White House? NAH!
Bless the ones that are behind for real reasons but still have to pay their dues & penalties.
directed-energy weapon (DEW)
She needs a nursing home not a seat in public office
I guess we’re watching the comedy part of the movie. Enjoy the show!
Saddest part, his voters don’t see it or don’t want to admit it. They don’t see the lies, the elderly abuse, & the destruction of our nation.
We have to ask God to heighten our discernment, too. Another clue: who is all over YT & who has been kicked off? Look out for the Profits & paytriots.
Interesting how these fires stay on their proper borders, too.
Create when TDS is strong.