Same here, I take the same dosage you take. I have not had my levels measured but I can also confirm that I just don't ever get sick. At times maybe once or twice a year I can feel 'something' coming on and my immune system starts kicking into overdrive. I can feel it because I'll start feeling a bit tired or groggy, like I need a nap. So I lay down for a while but each time I'm fine again within about 8 hours.
Is this gonna turn into a scene like at the end of the Two Towers where the ents bust open the dam?
But seriously, this isn't some random shit that "just happened" or that people just stumbled on. A real estimate at the size, it's location, details like this? This shit has been known to some people for quite a while now. Who??
I wonder if the shitlibs over on fednews are aware of this. Will probably claim bogus numbers, or that they're traitors, whatever. But deep down you know that hearing this information will hit them hard - exactly as it should.
Its well known he hates those euro-fag leaders as much as we do. I am hopeful that within a year or two Trump and Putin can work together to turn the screws on them for all the fucking over they've wrought onto the world for the past decades.
I and the vast majority of American citizens pay the majority of federal taxes (via income tax) which funds our government. It is the largest of all tax bills I pay every year, when compared to others such as property taxes, sales taxes, state level income taxes, vehicle registration fees, etc.
If my federal income taxes were cut in half, that would make a huge difference in my life. Hell, if they were cut by a quarter, that would still make a big difference in my life.
Hey OP, maybe print up some of those graphics of phoning into ICE any anonymous tips, you know the one states it's the law and all that. Go around town at night and tape them up on light poles in a lot of different places.
Let these fuckers feel the heat for a change.
Fuckin do it already!