Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

We go to hell not because of a book, but because of our sins. The wages of sin is death. That's why Jesus had to die, to pay the penalty FOR us, so we can have eternal life and know God. Can't watch the video right now but if they're saying we go to hell specifically because your name isn't in the book of life, that's missing a step or two. Our name is erased from it when we sin, and kept in it when we place our trust in Christ.

God is full of compassion, that's why he sent His son. Now we can jump for joy, knowing we're forgiven, and after our time here, we'll be with Him in the way it was originally designed to be before sin.

Aditon 3 points ago +3 / -0

When we believe and trust in Christ, the justice for our sins is executed on Him on the cross. That is WHY He had to die like he did. So that there was justice even for the sins of those who believe. Just another reason for us to be serious and contrite about our sins as Christians, because they are all placed on His perfect head. Justice and mercy simultaneously. God is good!

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just got back from a day at church and immediately am thrown into family troubles. Spent the whole day with my brothers and sisters in Christ, laughing and working, and get home to furrowed brows and quiet contemplation. Truly life is turbulent. I'm not even worried because I just know God's got this. Peace on earth? I'll never understand how He does it but wow is He great! Thank God for His word, and thank God for u/ashlanddog.

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

My father recently purchased a quarter cow and it fits well inside his new 7 cuft freezer. Granted, there isn't a lot of room for other things right now, but it fits.

Aditon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I learned about Q during Trump's presidency, but I was so disenfranchised about politics and power that I didn't care. My father and his brother (my uncle) would discuss and share Q information, and I remember being curious, but mainly worried. I trusted my father was careful with information, but Q seemed so outlandish and uncertain to me at the time, so I never spoke with him about it. Fast forward a couple years, and I gave my life to Christ. After being humbled and bowing before The King, I was open to anything. My view on truth and knowledge was revamped, and I was looking for answers to our current situation of corruption and suffering. The Bible helped me have peace with it all, but I still saw a need to understand, in case there was anything I could do. So I talked with my father about Q, and I realized that, while my hesitance was wise, I should have investigated. I missed out on all the main event with Q, and didn't follow until after Biden was elected.

These past few years have been QUITE the roller coaster, as I'm sure you all would agree...

Aditon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, the carbon monoxide is heavier than air, so it would collect on the floor of the mine and build up. This is why they kept the caged birds near the ground, so if the gas was collecting in the mine, they would have time to evacuate.

Aditon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine, even after VERBALLY ACKNOWLEDING that the vaxx indeed is POISON, you still consider this an "us vs them" situation; "I konw there's a lot of antivaxers in this sub that will get a kick out of that." No sir, we are not happy you have been poisoned. No we do not get a kick out of global genocide.

"But yea, I probably won't be getting any more boosters"; This makes you BY DEFINITION an "AnTiVaxXeR"...

Their thinking is so annihilated...

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad to hear that true professionals agree. I've done a lot of learning, and it seems to me that for all intents and purposes we are alone!

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The thing about that statement is that it can be taken either way, in my mind.

"Consider the vastness of space."

The way I see it, is that even if there WERE aliens somewhere out there, the abject DISTANCE that separates us is a virtually infinite sea of space that no reasonable technology could cross. To me, commenting on the vastness of space is calling to mind the miniscule probability that, were they to exist, they would ever reach us or contact us. Ever.

I could see it both ways, and personally if Q said aliens were real, that would just about annihilate any trust I have in Q.

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea give them hotels and free cell phones, too!

Aditon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well technically, education always = indoctrination. The thing is that indoctrination is not necessarily bad. The word just has a widespread connotation that is negative.

You can indoctrinate someone into a good way of thinking that is rational and based in reality. You can indoctrinate someone into the ways of the Bible, educating them on the doctrine it teaches. We're just so used to seeing "indoctrination" in a negative light since we live in clown world.

Aditon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Excellent meme, my friend. My dad and I had a good laugh over it.

I really hope that Bluebeam is legit, it'll be so fun to hear normies talking about muh aliens while I just point and laugh.

Aditon 1 point ago +1 / -0

In his own words: "Guilty as charged".

Take him away, boys.

Aditon 11 points ago +12 / -1

I agree with you, and refuse to jump to conclusions from my comfy armchair at home on that stuff. Too much 5D for my 5head brain.

Aditon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Goodness is not to blame for their pronoun nonsense nor their status of having received the poison jab for that matter. And we CAN thank Goodness for that.

I'm not at all excited to watch the number of victims rise...

Aditon 12 points ago +12 / -0

He truly hates them all. That's the pathetic thing. When you worship Satan, you THINK you're following some big monster leading you to treasure and pleasure forevermore. But he's just using you and will consume you wholly at the first opportunity.

Aditon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Knowing some of the stereotypes associated with the branches of the military, it's so much funnier to see the tranny coming from the AF.

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, this is my gut feeling from everything I've seen as well. Thanks for posting, people need to consider this.

Aditon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy cow haha, with her money and vanity you'd think her efforts would push her AWAY from looking like rotten fruit! But no, here she is, a spitting image of a child's toy crafted from decaying produce...

Aditon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Logic challenges our feelings sometimes, and the left don't like their fee-fees getting challenged.

Truly fascinating to see the illogical tendency of this Marxo-Luciferian Ideology so plainly in the words of ChatGPT. I mean, in two sentences, it declared one thing to be true, then spun words around to enshroud the truth in confusion and darkness. The linguistic playbook of the liar.

It's not about logic or truth for them. It's about what they want. It's about THEM.

Aditon 3 points ago +3 / -0

That shows how little power the "royals" in Thailand have. Their physicians lie to them, showing they answer to someone higher up. They are just for show, just like the royals and rulers of many nations today...

by BQnita
Aditon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Potentially stupid question: is the ">" an ARROW, or a GREATER THAN?

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