Anon_69E0A63BD 31 points ago +31 / -0

Yep. I guess if Rand doesn't back down from being a threat to the deep state, then we will hear next that his son's gf was blown up while driving down the highway with a secondary thermite device to melt the engine.

Anon_69E0A63BD 43 points ago +43 / -0

Reminds me of Harry Reid and his "accident" with exercise equipment.

Anon_69E0A63BD 0 points ago +1 / -1

Edit: nevermind I didn't check if that Trump tower had a helipad. It doesn't so this is not applicable.

Realistically, he could have someone fetch whatever he needed.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Welcome to solar weather / forcing interactions with earth weather.

They said the sea temperature had to be in the mid to high 80s to support a hurricane / cyclone strength storm....

They failed to account for alternative sources of energy also being able to power weather on our planet.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, these types of schemes have been wildly successful at removing people from their money since Charles Ponzi in the 1920s.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have yet to recover since 2001.

It's by design that they don't recover. This is the modern way to have in effect a tribute paying vassal state to whatever state holds financial power in the world.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has been my opinion on the Social Security and Medicare programs that they will die or be cancelled at the hands of the late Gen X and early Millennials after people born prior have died of old age.

The programs are simply unsustainable and I would never try to justify burdening future generations with unbearable debt paying for the prior generations. With the current system, these programs will continue to be eroded by inflation as debt and reckless monetary policy destroy our fiat currency's purchasing power. They will be more and more effectively nullified as a value. By the time I reach retirement age, we will find the value prospect of these programs a net negative for everyone. Most earlier generation (older) folk I've discussed this with are determined to get something back out of it since they paid into it their entire life. I expect nothing of value out of it, so killing the program is a simple conclusion for me.

The timing of killing it will be a few years off yet. Maybe twenty years at most, but likely sooner than that with the current apparent path our nation is traveling.

Anon_69E0A63BD 12 points ago +12 / -0

I am supportive of the idea of ending child pornography and sexual exploitation of children.

The screenshot in his tweet doesn't have a bill number assigned yet and precious few details about how the law will actually work.

So going by his general statement of allowing parents to sue platforms that post said material, I am left wondering what that will look like.

It sounds like a civil case from how it is summarized in the tweet.

Will the bill address the evidentiary standards that will be in required to prove that the images are the child of those parents?

Or more simply put, how will the parents have to prove this case to win in court?

Will the child have to be put on the stand to testify thereby having to recall their abuse again and suffer cross examination by the defense? What if the child was drugged or too little to remember or non verbal when the abuse happened, how does the bill account for those situations in it's details?

How does this bill deal with our account for abusive parents who were responsible for the content being posted. They wouldn't sue the site they uploaded to because that would be self incriminating.

I thought a social media site that failed to remove child porn content (when made aware of said content because not removing it after being alerted to the illegal content would be acting in bad faith and basically make the media site an knowing accessory to distributing child porn) could already be prosecuted regardless of the Section 230 law. I don't mind at all that civil cases can be filed (I thought that was already possible and that case law of that already exists).

So I'm left looking for details to better understand what remedy this bill creates that isn't already available if current laws were actually enforced.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Patton slapped a soldier who acted cowardly possibly from battle fatigue of enemy artillery barrage.

If Patton had encountered a woke soldier like this video shows, he would have pulled out his ivory handled pistol and shot the belligerent soldier in the head or heart right there in front of everyone.

Anon_69E0A63BD 11 points ago +11 / -0

God bless those archivists. May their offline information storage space always be increased by a terabyte or two.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope that the units highlighted in Q posts will somehow have been set apart from being assigned these worthless woke soldiers from among their ranks.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've said it before in other threads here, but if we go into a conflict with officers and enlisted who believe their particular "special group status" card (race, gender, sexual preference, political ideology) should allow them to behave like this while disobeying orders from a superior officer / commander.....

We are going to have our nose bloodied very badly. If our units are fielded with people who exist to create dissent present or commanding, they will destroy the combat effectiveness of the entire unit.

Frankly, if we get in an armed conflict of any kind and a unit in the theatre has a person(s) like this in their ranks, they would be better off shooting that soldier / officer in the head prior to battle. Otherwise, those units will be rewarded with annihilation for their acceptance of wokeness on the battlefield.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Innovative can kicking....

Also known as an inflationary tax on the people.

If they manage to eliminate every negative consequence on the markets and banks by simply printing more money, the only way this all ends up is hyperinflation of the US dollar. And in that situation, everyone loses (except the elites and politicians who will no doubt be able to trade their worthless dollars for something more stable just before the bottom falls out because they received a heads up to the coming inflationary collapse).

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Pence's tribunal, conviction, and sentence are deemed to be one of the public ones, I will make it a point to watch his sentence be carried out.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

When gender and sexuality comprise far too much of your daily thought process and identity, you get this kind of outcome.

Too distracted with themselves to be bothered to perform their job function properly.

Oh look my inaction brought down a whole bank, but it's not my fault because we had to fight the patriarchy and the evil "CIS" folk who don't embrace my lgbtxyz ideology as much as I embrace my ideology. The task would have been overwhelming for anyone, but I performed better than most would have. We really started making good headway against the evil "CIS" folk. Then they attacked back by triggering a bank collapse. It was their fault as I was performing my duties better than any other could.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given Cramer's history, he'd be running his market interference (buy buy buy) gig just to make his cut. I don't think he would need to know any details. His type operation tends to run better and have less personal liability if he doesn't know details.

Anon_69E0A63BD 103 points ago +105 / -2

You know this would be an interesting way to have people's property forfeited publicly without the public knowing there was an asset forfeiture event. Have them put all their money in an exclusive bank. Collapse the bank. FDIC only guarantees 250,000 of the account's balance.


Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


Between Epstein island and the Harvey Weinstein stuff that The Oprah appeared to be involved with, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is how they forfeit the property without alerting the public.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not confirmation. Also, these numbers will be revised down to nothing over the next 6 months.

But yay for government statistics always using goal seek to hit the mark.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pending cases being "fast tracked" where the people charged have been sitting in jail for nearly 2 years now and all the evidence has been available to the prosecutor since day 1 when charges were filed.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Russian" in scare quotes = blamed for it.

[Ukrainian] in brackets = actually did it.

Just like all the other MSM reporting of atrocities that comes out of Ukraine today.

Anon_69E0A63BD 12 points ago +12 / -0

It is not enough that the levers of power in this current rendition of our government be returned to us "the good guys".

Restoring the true Republic for our nation will require that the largess and excess that is the nature of our current government be excised. 90% of the bureaucracy would be gone if we returned the true Republic. We would be left with empty positions, but they would many fewer positions to fill.

A partial listing of agencies that I envision ceasing to exist include.

FBI CIA ATF DHS (CBP and other critical agencies would be separate out again) HHS IRS EPA FTC FDIC DOE DOL DOT

If we take away these agencies, a lot of positions go away too.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bigger than Carter checks out once again.

Year 1979

Individual capital gains tax rate 35.0%

Corporate capital gains tax rate 30.0%

Anon_69E0A63BD 11 points ago +11 / -0

Agreed. McCarthy didn't want to be listed by the MSM as a casualty of a "Russian" [Ukrainian] missile attack.

Imagine if McCarthy had been dumb enough to go like the deep state wanted.

They would kill McCarthy, blame Russia, get blank check funding for Ukraine money laundering, and sell the American people on declaring war on Russia directly.

WW3 would be globally hot inside of a week. The deep state could have their nuclear holocaust by 2 weeks post McCarthy death in that scenario.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

I reject the premise that the poll provides a valid comparison.

I trust the evidence. I neither trust Tucker Carlson or the J6 Committee outside of what is specifically supported by the totality of evidence.

In this framework, one can decipher that J6 was lying from the evidence of their actions during the investigation. One can also see that Tucker has so far provided evidence contradictory of the J6 group conclusions and demonstrating that J6 did indeed hide or alter the original evidence they used for their conclusion. In as much as Tucker presents unaltered evidence showing the events true to what happened, the evidence will be trustworthy. If/when he deviates from that simple path, then his presentation will become suspect of being misleading.

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