For cholesterol you need instant release niacin/nicotinic acid (vitamin B3). You want the one that gives you the flush. I tested it on myself, my total cholesterol dropped by 40 points within 3 months. Also, my HDL (good cholesterol) went higher and LDL (bad cholesterol) got lower. I can’t say enough good things about niacin.
This basically fits into The Great Reset. If anyone remembers the “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy video”, one of the things mentioned was that USA would no longer be the leading superpower. How do you do that? You destroy the US economy and petrodollar. That’s what BRICS was intended for.
Yup! Major Obama vibes. Just like Obama he says all the right things, but has enormous ego and loves the sound of his own voice. Would not be surprised if he was a WEF plant. In fact, that’s a very likely scenario. Why can’t most people see through his bs?
Hashimoto’s is a autoimmune condition. Makes sense that she feels better when she excludes dairy. Look into autoimmune protocol diet, supposed to help to get the antibodies down. Is she on hormonal birth control? That’s what started Hashimoto for me. I’ve been optimized for years now thanks to T3+T4 combo therapy. Just make sure her doctor does not under dose T3 meds. Ideally her FT3 test should be close to the upper border of the lab reference range. Other than that there are a ton of amazing suggestions in this thread. I second Dr Brownstein’s book on iodine.
Interesting, I’m hypothyroid too, but optimized it with meds. Yesterday I added Quercetin to zinc and took it every few hours and by evening I started feeling human again. So far no hypothyroid symptoms, but I’m only on my second day with Quercetin. Will definitely keep an eye on it.
Haven’t tried C60, but heard good things about it. I’d also suggest a good zeolite detox such as advanced TRS. It’s a bit pricey, but if you want something cheaper try food grade diatomaceous earth, which ultimately does the same thing, but slower.
Cassidy and Collins are at it again