Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except thats not what i responded. You are making up stuff to argue about. I'll wait for you to get what my point was. All you have to do is put in the effort.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, which battery chemistry is BMW using? Oh, thats right: NMC with new annode material. Its going to be roughly equivalent in power delivery to current lion packs used in EVs.

Did you know that in 2010, the USDOE spent 120 million to bring non LiOn technologies to market is less than 5 years that exceeded then-current LiOn capacity? Glad that worked out.

It's almost like....in the last 100 years, energy density in batteries has increased about 8-10x and its been funded aggressively for most of that time period. It's just so....weird how free money is hoovered up from government alphabet agencies. Almost like there's a parasite class selling hopes and dreams, forever promising that everything anyone wants is just around the corner.

But no, go ahead and keep up with the insults because you don't know shit.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't say anything about number of moving parts. You just keep making up new stuff to argue with yourself about, never stopping to think. And all you can come up with are insults when you can't think yourself out of a corner.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does currently say 2030. 15 years ago, it was 2020. Ten years before that, 2010.

But you'd know this if you paused to do more than read hit Google news fluff for your world view.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh huh. All you have are insults. You cant even read a response and keeping yourself on track to what you've actually said. And you're mad you can't edit your responses later to seem lucid to your lefty friends whej you inevitably go back to them to claim a win against a random internet stranger.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because thats a niche. Are you drag racing your Model Y? Do you need to drag race your EV? How many people care about that? Some, yes. But its cost prohibitive to bother with that.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. Its being invented constantly. And it never makes it to market because working in a lab and working in real life are different. They are always "working to scale it to mass production". Look up all the failed battery chemistries for the last 50 years, even the ones based on some form of lithium ion that was gobs better what was in use but still went no where.

Just a few years. Just keep waiting.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +2 / -1

Most of the fallacies of ICE engines already exist in an EV. They are there by government mandate. Its why engines are getting smaller and more prone to break down.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +2 / -1

"I really like how you put everything I Say in quotes, that's so adorable," Oh no. A grammar nazi. I am undone.

"now back to all the retarded shit you just said." And you ignored half of what i said because you can't comprehend. Thats why im leading you through it like a child with quotes.

"Better battery tech is already invented, it's just waiting to come to market." Better battery tech has been invented at least 100 times in the last 50 years. The problem with 'better battery tech' is that it never makes it to market, no matter how many press releases the materials scientists put out hyping people for their work.

"Yes they're faster, a 100k Model S plaid can beat a 2 million dollar Bugatti off the line." Both of which are vehicles people don't buy and never hope to buy.

"Electric motors don't have nearly as many fail points as internal combustion engines do" "Fail points" now? What happened to complexity? Oh, right. You dont understand how either actually works, so you're just groping for whatever will make you feel better about yourself.

"yes we've perfected ICE vehicles to be very reliable" Immaterial. Electric motors have spent the same amount of time being 'perfected'.

"Your water pump broke?" Ironically an component in both designs. What happens when your EV's water pump breaks?

"Oh here's a blown head gasket, oh your oil pump failed, enjoy getting a new engine." Oh, here's a crossed wire. Looks like you need a new battery.

"Things as simple as a thermostat breaking can destroy your engine" Things as simple as a software update can brick your car. You are grasping at outliers. By the way, the thermal sensors in your EV's coolant system failing can also brick your battery and motors.

"meanwhile brushless electric motors can practically run forever with barely any maintenance to the actual motor"

You seriously ignored actual maintenance savings to grasp at situations that are caused by luck or idiocy.

"Ha, the steam engine? Anyone with half a brain can see that steam engines had inherent problems that would make them impractical for every day use." And yet, it found its fanatical adherents.

"IF you just examine electric motors they are far more practical than ICE for every day use." I have examined them. In depth. Multiple times across fleets upto 25,000 units in size.

"They are a not suitable niche, and your short sighted inability to see what the future holds is remarkable." MmmHmmmm

"ICE vehicles will be niche, NOPE, Ice vehicles will be gone" MmmHmmmmmmmm.

"and hydrogen engines will be the niche which will only be used for enthusiasts" Uh huh. Another technology thats been just 5-10 years away from fruition for half a century. Just like cold fusion, solar panels, and wind mills.

" EV's will be the norm, sorry to break the truth to you." Your twisted world view echos the WEF's.

"You can keep buying your mexican made shitty ICE vehicles from woke shitbird companies like Ford, and Jeep while I'll buy a truly American made vehicle from a someone who truly appreciates free speech." And who buys his components from places that use child slave labor and environmental destruction for his power source.

And would it break your brain to know that all the vins I own start with the number 1?

"Oh and please don't bother putting everything I said in quotes, with your responses directly after the quotes, it's quite annoying to try to an read it like that. You can just rebuttal what I say, I know what I said you don't to quote everything." The only way to teach a child he's wrong is to rub his nose in his own fantasy and ridicule him for it.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Ok pay me for my delusions." No.

"Electric drivetrains are far superior to ICE vehicles almost every way except the batteries." And what ways are those?

"The batteries suck" Yes, they do. For the same reasons that you talk about flammable liquids. Condensing a massive amount of energy to a small space is inherently dangerous. You can't avoid this by preferring one explosion to another.

"better battery tech is coming." As said by the battery industry for 40 years, and while they have made progress it's not going to happrn soon.

"Once better battery tech is here there is nothing keeping EV's from dominating the market." Uh huh. Then let it dominate the market without subsidy when that pipe dream becomes a reality.

"Electric drivetrains require less maintenance" No, they don't. How often do you have to maintain a transmission in your vehicle? Every 80,000 miles? Versus about 100,000 for the drive motors? Yeah, so much less maintenance.

"do not require over complicated transmissions" Build a transmission, then build four drive motors. I'll wait for your eyes to open.

"they're faster" In comparison to what? The strangled 4 cylinders you pay for in a $15,000 vehicle or a 6-8 cylinder you can get at the same price point?

"Incredibly more reliable than an ICE engine" ICE engines operate for millions of miles. The recent spate of unreliability is because of government fuckery.

"Sending electricity over wires is far more efficient" Not when counted properly. An ICE is far more efficient at generating electricity and delivering it locally than it is to generate it at a power plant, converted to AC, send it long distance to your home, convert it to DC, and then charge your battery.

"safe than filling up giant tanks with flammable liquid" This is just wrong. Not only do batteries contain explosive liquids, but you are artificially holding back a massive electrical arc. Any damage and it's like you're back driving a ford pinto with a gas tank next to the rear bumper. And electrical fires are much harder to put out than gasoline fires.

"and driving them across the country, or sailing them across the ocean" How does your intended purpose matter?

"They're also quieter" True

"and way more convenient than ICE vehicles." How are they "more convenient"?

"You're just like the guy who refused to accept ICE vehicles in the 1900's...." You're just the guy who hopped on the steam engine vehicle and ignored the problems others see with them becuase you just know, deep down, that you can't be wrong.

"Unfortunately the Pedophile piece of trash in the White House, and his retarded cabinet with their short sighted tunnel vision were unable to let the market decide on EV's and tried to push them everyone, so now people like you are raging against EV's when you shouldn't be, because they are superior for daily driving to ICE vehicles." People like you have been brainwashed by the pedophile pieces of trash over the last 20 years to think that EVs are some kind of competitor. It doesn't matter that people like me have taken government money to convert fleets to electric and know first hand all the bullshit surrounding them and what they can actually do and can't actually do.

They have a suitable niche, but it's not the end of ICE in any way shape or form -- unless the government forces it. And their reasons for forcing it are obvious.

Ausernamegoeshere 3 points ago +4 / -1

What advantages do they offer?

And it is fair, because EVs are a niche. Heralding the doom of the gasoline industry because one EV is finally in the price range of a fully loaded SUV sounds a lot like the Year of the Linux Desktop, but for cars.

And the only way they get Corolla-level cheap on EVs right now is through even more government subsidy. So I have to pay for your delusions.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +5 / -1

Fallacy in your argument: Anecdotes don't counter numbers.

There are Toyota Corollas out there that have 2 million miles! Therefore....nothing. It's a pointless detail to throw out.

Slicing the numbers down to individual models was a financial review of wins/loses with shareholders until about 15-20 years ago, when it was the only way to even get the EVs to show on charts - and everyone was desperate to present the narrative that there was no downside to EVs.

Total gas/diesel vs EV sales show that EVs are still a niche market with the larger influx of sales being to counter social issues the last few years. A small example of this would be Ford built a 55/45 EV/Gas mix of Mavericks in their first production run. Actual demand via preorders was the opposite, about 60% Gas vs 40%. They still sold the EVs because people were desperate for vehicles and the production of their pre-orders preferences was delayed by all the covid hoopla. That was an artificial depression of gasoline sales and artificial inflation of ev sales. But EV sales were still heralded as highest evAr with no investigation of the whys.

This is an area where you need to watch for the games being played by governments and corporations getting bank from governments to cheerlead the EV for their own benefit.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because Model Y debuted in China in late 2022 and was used as a social counter against Japanese auto sales (that have always been discouraged by the CCP). Over a third of the sales that JATO counts for all of 2023 are to Chinese markets.

The latter half of 2023 saw a very marked increase in China assaulting western products at market. Expect that position to falter as a result.

Additionally, individual model sales tracking only really became a "news item" when it started to benefit EVs "being close" to beating the traditional OEMs. And thats how all the news articles are written about the Y. Its "upset" the market or caused a "seismic shift" in the auto industry.

But look at total gas/diesel sales vs EV sales and suddenly the real story emerges: EVs are a niche market, often supported by government fleet orders.

Funny how cutting the data until the narrative the paper wants to reach just works out every time.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +2 / -1

It doesn't need to be in real time. Its used when interest in you is found.

Let's say you run for office - they'll log in and find out that at 15 you sent a text that said "my teacher is a bitch" and it'll get leaked and you'll be cast as a misogynist who hates children and teachers.

Ausernamegoeshere 2 points ago +2 / -0

That doesn't seem right. The wording is self evident. Caesar had issued coinage. He can do with them what he pleases, even take them back. God has issued you a holy spirit. It has little to do with taxes and money.

The physical world isn't God's blessing.... His word is.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Optical line of sight signals have carried ridiculously high speed information for decades.

Lifi on a random led bulb is not going to happen because the data needs to go somewhere, which means you'll need a base station that transmits the light and tranceivers on all of your equipment. Oh - and line of sight to the base station. Even non visible spectrums will need fine tuning to your particular house because different materials block different types of light.

Basically, they built a perfect way to tranfer things between your xbox laptop laptop and tv....if by excellent, you mean the most expensive and kinda limited utility wireless option available.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

"It's about "fair outcomes" in hiring..."

So it's racism of low expectations. Sounds like DEI, ESG, and Affirmstivr Action to me.

Ausernamegoeshere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it's been the sole metric trumpeted by the media for some 30-odd years. 2008, when inflation was crushing the middle class, well that was no problem. When the teeter affected the parasites' money supply, suddenly it was bad in the media.

President Trump is a show man. I assume he was training people's attention on the same stocks = good red ball that the media used for years while dling things that made the parasites suffer while we got the kick backs.

I don’t know Trump, though. He could buy into the lie that the financial system is a necessity, also.

I draw my conclusion based on him saying that since covid was destroyed by sunlight, maybe there was some kind of light we could put in our veins. I don't think he was actually advising us to shove penlights into our bodies, i think he was just leading the media around by the nose.

Ausernamegoeshere 4 points ago +4 / -0

The stock market is an indicator of how the wall street economy is doing. Basically, how much money the uniparty and global elite have.

Main street economies are only loosely tied to it. Whats good for the financial sector and whats good for the middle class aren't related anymore.

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