Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t make it up. Go right now to the wiki page for Presidential Records and look at the list of presidents.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

This isn’t about Trump. Or just Biden. It’s about lashing out before Obama is exposed.

Obama is the only president since Hoover who didn’t hand over his records to NARA. Go look at Wikipedia, at Presidential Records. It shows where everyone’s stuff is.

He didn’t follow the law so he could attempt to take all the documents and hide them, and NARA has no involvement with his stuff. NARA and everyone else is desperately attempting to shield the public from this info. That somehow he is completely exempt from the same rules that are getting Trump prosecuted. NARA is in on it. Notice no one there is leaking this info like they are Trump info? They are deep state like everyone else.

I assume Obama stuff was already raided and is part of an investigation. This is just revenge from the deep state and an attempt to get ahead of the Obama investigation by prosecuting Trump.

Considering the circumstances, the fact that Obama didn’t have over any of his records to NARA should be the biggest news in the country. And yet not a word.

There is far more going on here than we can see.

Trump will be fine.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Afghanistan isn’t Quatar, or UAE, or Iraq. Female mutilation and bochi boys are not mainline Islamic practices. It happens in the darkest assholes of the planet like Afghanistan and Sudan.

The most populous Islamic country in the world is Indonesia. That is a mainline Muslim.

They aren’t perfect. Certain branches of Islam are pretty shitty. But on average most of them are just really conservative people trying to make a buck and protect their family from what they see as the evil satanic practices of the west.

And they aren’t wrong. Our leaders are satanic pieces of shit attempting to force global homo on the entire planet.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s not unlikely that there could be a glitch. But out of all the damn media in the entire library of PBS, what are the odds that it cuts to Trump and mail in ballot fraud? Why would PBS have that queued up somewhere where that could happen? It’s not in the news. It’s not a hot topic. If anything, it’s a topic that is never talked about.

And it ends at exactly 17:00. Not a second before. Not a second after.

Impossible. A human being did that. It’s just not believable that a glitch would result in in that topic, or that it would end exactly at 17. Maybe if it was a commercial, or the next program they had scheduled, that would make sense. But not mail in ballot fraud which is not on their media rotation.

How many coincidences until statistically impossible?

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

That idea never made any sense to me.

Unless they surveil you, how could they prove you have a firearm or gold in your house? What’s to stop you from putting them in a bag and burying under a tree? Or hiding literally anywhere on planet earth?

If they come to your door asking for it, it’s because they don’t have a warrant to kick your door in and grab it. Because they don’t have proof that what they want exists in your home. So why not just tell them you don’t have it? Sorry, I lost all my guns a few months ago. No, you can’t come in and search. Get a warrant.

No one owes law enforcement anything. If they want my shit, get a judge to sign a warrant.

Do you really think they have the time or resources to do this for every gun owner in the country? Impossible. Logistically the idea is preposterous.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q isn’t a person. Q+ is.

If you look carefully, there are mainstream media news videos discussing the NSA Q group. They call it ultra secretive and the law enforcement arm of the NSA. During the hunt for Snowden, someone apparently made it public that it was Q hunting for him.

Of course in the current context of Q giving citizens info directly, the media is going to pretend they have no idea what Q is. And they have attempted to scrub any media ever written or created that referenced Q as a legitimate law enforcement agency. But there are still bits and pieces out there.

At one point they treated Q like the CIA or FBI. Now they can’t. Because it would instantly legitimize the drops in the eyes of millions. This is why they are all so panicked and desperate to smear Q. They know it’s real. They know for a fact the NSA does have it all, the drops are real, and they are working to take down the entire corrupt machine.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

When the story is told, I’m 100% convinced he is one of the people assigned to participate in continuity of government, and is far more powerful than he appears. So many clues over the past few years, especially post election theft. Some subtle, some not so subtle.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now you know what the “war crimes” reference to Gitmo 2023 is about.

The violation of likely hundreds of treaties and agreements and possibly the Geneva convention by the Bush/Obama deep state. Developing biological weapons on the borders of your enemy, and likely paying for China to also develop them, can likely be construed as war crimes.

Big no no. All offensive bio weapon development was outlawed ages ago. Just renaming it “defensive threat reduction act” isn’t gonna work in front of tribunals. If in fact they were actively working on making virus and weapons more lethal and deadly.

“Deeper than you can imagine.”

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea. That’s it. The double clap. Video doesn’t do it justice. You can feel it in your gut.

I understand why people got upset about the Concorde. I wouldn’t want to be hearing that every day.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would do it on re-entry as it slowed, I assume as it passed out of supersonic sonic speed back into sub sonic. So loud.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yingling is genuinely great beer. Got introduced to it years ago and never looked back. It’s same price as all the boring piss beer, and tastes much better.

Reminds me of Sapporo, it’s a crisp light beer but not too light. If you like pilsners it’s the best budget choice out there.

Boozy_McFuckFace 5 points ago +5 / -0

The sonic boom generated by the space shuttle coming into the landing strip is still the loudest single sound I have ever heard in my life. Entire house shook, you could feel it in your chest, would shake dust off the rafters.

Shuttle was big as shit and had a ton of mass, I would think it would create a much more dramatic boom than a fighter jet. Although I have no idea if size and mass has an effect on the intensity and travel of the boom.

That shit was incredibly loud. Seemed like the entire state should have heard it.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sonic booms can be impossibly loud, but tend to sound different than explosions. I used to live under flight path for space shuttle returning to landing strip and the boom it generated would shake windows for half the damn state.
It’s a clap or double clap. Sharp edged sound, and short. It’s a crisp sound. Somewhat like the first harmonic of a lighting strike.

Explosions from bombs or fuel tend to be fuzzier and more drawn out. A prolonged fuzzy boom with varying octaves. It just sounds different.

If you heard this boom and it was instantaneous, fast and crisp, short, it was likely a sonic boom. They can carry far more energy than you would think, I still haven’t heard anything as loud as that damn shuttle sonic boom and that was decades ago.

Boozy_McFuckFace 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is bigger than it sounds.

Ask yourself why. What deep stater on earth would willingly do this? Do you understand the flood of videos that will no longer be removed?

Godamn right this is a boom. A big one.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is an Ascension Island out in the middle of fucking nowhere between Africa and S America with a Space Force base on it.

Another possible clue.

Boozy_McFuckFace 24 points ago +24 / -0

He was already wealthier than anyone of us will ever be. If he didn’t want to take it, he likely knew the risks. So what good is is the paycheck if you have to be crippled to get it?

I am not wealthy, and would have quit my job instantly if it was attempted to be forced on me. He has zero reason to risk his health. Now he loses the money from that movie, any money from all future movies, and basically lost every cent he has ever made because now he is too crippled to enjoy a single dollar.

Real smart move there genius. He will now spend every waking second of whatever life he has left regretting that choice. And on top of that, there will be no lawsuit and payoff for his injury. The movie producers are not going to apologize. The very people that ordered him to cripple himself are now going to work very hard to ensure that the story is spun that this was merely bad luck. No one in the medical industry is going to help him get his story out, they will also assist in the coverup. And Hollywood is never going to hire him again, he’s toxic.. They are going to attempt to memory hole him just to get the entire story to disappear.

This is why you stick to your instincts when they tell you to do something. His brain was telling him to avoid the poison. He didn’t listen for a few million bucks he didn’t even need.

Boozy_McFuckFace 6 points ago +6 / -0

That another one.

This is going to keep happening. One by one. The media quickly announcing it and then burying it. Desperately attempting to stop people from putting 2 and 2 together and realize almost a hundred members of congress have resigned mid term or announced early retirement in since 2020.

These people are parasites. Once they get in they never leave. So why are so many walking away? And these aren’t the handful of patriots. Every single one is scum.

Boozy_McFuckFace 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Those who foolishly sought power by riding the tiger ended up inside.” JFK Jr.

This was said by the Arizona AG at the signing of the turnover for governor. There is still an active investigation in his office for the election. We just saw news that everyone is quitting from her office. Q told us about this YEARS ago. Maricopa was one of the first places mentioned to awaken us to the rampant Democrat cheating occurring. Before the 2018 midterms. Q also recently made another drop mentioning Maricopa and patriots in hiding in their system. Remember the electronic surveillance aircraft flying over Maricopa in both 2020 and the week long governor election debacle.

These people are fucked. We were told to look at Maricopa. And now we have been shown. It’s not a coincidence that their scam is falling apart right in front of us. You have to show people. You can’t tell them.

It’s easy to get disheartened cause nothing is happening. But it is happening. We are still in the awakening stage. The arrest stage is waiting in the wings. It’s gonna be all at once. Not piece by piece. Biblical.

These people are stupid. They are lucky if they don’t end up in front of a firing squad. Their time is coming. The stage has to be set to prevent cries of dictatorship when they are all arrested. The optics have to be prepared.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

They know. It’s no secret that Q group is the NSA law enforcement branch. There were multiple news casts mentioning this during the Snowden ordeal. The media of course got amnesia and now fails to mention this in relation to the drops. Those within the upper echelon of all the agencies know exactly what is happening here. As does Congress and the media. What’s the FBI gonna do? Track this down to the NSA? And then establish a paper trail that validates Q as real? No. They got told to fucking drop it, and to rely on their friends in the CIA to fight Q via their control of media.

This is part of the reason for their sheer unhinged desperation attack Trump to this day. And attacking us. The reason they are indicting Trump as fast as they can. Adam Schiff personally is called out multiple times, with details such as “6.8 million” in relation to corruption. And he is one of the most vocal and repeated Q deniers. Every single bad thing that happens he instantly blames on Q anon conspiracy theories.

They know a war is happening between the Clowns and Q. They do the only thing they can do. What has worked for them for decades. They use the media to attempt to get people not to even look into Q, or read the drops. The media should be absolutely outraged that no one has been able to arrest anyone related to Q. And Congress. But they aren’t. Because they can’t be publicly, that would open a whole can of worms. So they just dismiss it as a conspiracy theory and smear the movement.

With Trump coming back to Twitter, and their loss of control, the storm tweet prophecy becomes more and more likely. And they know it. They are desperately attempting to take down Trump using the control they have left in law enforcement. Everywhere. They are trying to get him, before the knock comes to their own doors.

Boozy_McFuckFace 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems so.

I’m still curious about the recent public facing hints that continuity of government will be needed. Something is off. We aren’t being told something.

The survey flights are extremely curious. The resources and money spent on them the past few months or so is staggering. If you lump all of them together and see where they have surveyed it’s essentially every medium or larger sized city in the country. Almost every inch of the eastern seaboard has been systematically surveyed.

Why. It doesn’t add up. Something is afoot. I was hoping the rinos wouldnt cuck. What else could be occurring that would precipitate public COG.


Boozy_McFuckFace 10 points ago +10 / -0

It must be painfully embarrassing to be one of these guys. Dedicate their whole lives to the machine, to the corporations. The ones that used to control the news and thought flow like a vise. The entire country would get their news from a small handful of networks.

And now one is is watching. Their nightly views are embarrassing. No one is reading their tweets. No one cares. Every single day since Trump announced they have attacked him and anyone who supports him. They assisted their friends in the deep state with fake Russiagate, 2 impeachments, they stole an election. They called Q a conspiracy on a daily basis.

And yet Trump grows stronger month by month. The Q op grows bigger. The rejection of the legacy media grows bigger every year. The great awakening is now blowing up the biggest beer brand in the US. Target is running scared. Disney is imploding. Hollywood is imploding. Twitter is free and controlled by a master troll who’s likely a part of the plan. The world is tossing out the dollar, and Saudi Arabia is stabbing Biden in the back. Ukraine is on its way to becoming a Russian territory. The entire planet is throwing off the shackles of the bullshit neo liberal world order.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. This guy was supposed to be seen as a trusted authority. He was supposed to reach millions and millions of people. He was supposed to control us. He has given his entire life to the machine for these rewards.

And yet here he is crying about Q to a handful of limp wristed socal liberals. His social media numbers are downright embarrassing. No one is watching. No one is reading. He has little engagement. He’s crying out to an empty room.

We are winning. They are losing. And it’s making them salty as fuck.

Looking forward to Trump stepping back into the Oval Office. These cucks are gonna cry so much.

Boozy_McFuckFace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Depends how complicit they were in election theft. Trump dropped a pretty big hint when he said Rupert Murdoch should have claimed he didn’t know anything about the election rigging. That it was treasonous.

How long have they assisted the CIA with the electronic rigging? Who knows what? Who told Bret Baer to call Arizona?

No one escapes.

Look on the bright side. The media has lost its power. Look at their numbers. 200k a night. 500k a night. 1.1 million a night. It’s a drop in the bucket. No one is watching. Tucker got 12 million views in 3 hours.

Their power is a charade now. A paper dragon. No one is reading the post and nyt. 330 million people in the US. And the post gets 500k subscribers. NYT gets 580k. CNN gets 300k on a good night. Only 100k of them target demo.

They are shouting into an empty room. Their reach and control is an illusion. Joe Rogan and Tim Pool and independent YouTube creators are absolutely blowing them out of the water. It’s not even close.

Keep tracking firing and resignations. By 2024 there won’t be anyone left in media from the Russiagate years. CNN is almost completely purged.

Hidden hand.

Boozy_McFuckFace 9 points ago +9 / -0

Someone came in their office with a folder, described in detail all the crimes of their career, and told them resign or face prosecution. Immediately. “We have it all.”

The same process that was used in Saudi Arabia, then the Vatican, then the EU.

This started in the House awhile ago. Making a list of politicians from Congress that announced their retire or resignation mid term is likely 100+ by now. Statistically impossibility. The media is desperately trying to make all this appear normal, and making these people disappear off the radar as fast as possible. It’s not just the House and Senate. Susan Rice retired mid term. Where the hell is Mitch Mconnel? He’s off the radar completely now.

They are being knocked off one by one. The trend will continue unabated for the next 2 years. The media will continue to minimize it as much as possible. Announce their retirement, and never mention them again.

Easy to verify. I expect the number to double by a year from now if this trend continues. 70% of government.

Boozy_McFuckFace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because real investigations dont have leaks. They are attempting to put people in prison. Not trying to smear them on CNN. The entire point of all the Trump investigations was as a media tool. They knew they were never gonna put him in prison over Russia. They knew there was nothing to find. But they were able to leak nonsense to the media for 3 full years of his presidency.

When your plan doesn’t include daily leaks to the NYT and CNN, the risk of leaks goes down. Leaks would also jeopardize prosecution. A problem the deep state didn’t have, because that wasn’t their goal. Their goal WAS the leaks.

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