CherokeePede 10 points ago +10 / -0

The anti white stuff is amplified in yhe media and corporate america. The vast majoroty of people in the hood are still like this.

CherokeePede 2 points ago +5 / -3

I think he us right. Dont need to destroy Israel to get that swamp drained as well. And do so peacefully.

CherokeePede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sweet. Now do employers. Where is their penalty?

CherokeePede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think a lot of people woukd watxh. Not because she is sucha great leader but in a Jerry Springer, pure entertainment kinda way. Just to see how bad it is and hiw long she can make it before she loses her shit live.

CherokeePede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Always thought that was about Killdawg. What if it was Kamala this whole time?

CherokeePede 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was not Hunter who was bribed. It was Hunter and Joe who blackmailed them. Leave it to Fox to play Biden appologist

CherokeePede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im thinking more of yhe college lib that recently graduated and hasnt had their student loans forgiven and cant afford food and is looking at having to live with their parents for the next 10 years

CherokeePede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, votes that were electronically added to totals or changed after an in person vote was cast would also not have a correlating image file or audit file. My question is were the missing ballot images from certain machines or cards? Was it an entire memory card missing or were there instances of a memory card having some ballot images and not others.

CherokeePede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop answering for her and make her spell it out in her terms why congress makes them pick one of 2 why she makes a ruling at all and why always leaning left....far left. In her words. Make her bury herself

CherokeePede 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not a single ounce went over my head. Im not going to cheer on yhe guys who talk tough and do nithing else. This guy, Cruz, and others are all the same. Make it look good for the base. He didnt show anyone her politics because he didnt let her answe it was just his opinion. He may be right, may be wrong. But I am tired of the simple question no answer routine. Just like when Cruz scolded the acting director of the SS. It looks cool for them in the media but they dont go any further than that. May as well be reading their sternly worded letters out loud.

CherokeePede -1 points ago +2 / -3

All he did was state what she wrote and stated his opinion. Its a waste of time. Their answers may be long winded but hearing the insanity in their words is more damaging than his opinion of their words. It also helps hide it. Dems can just point to the fact they werent given a chance to explain. America is none the wiser. Not more informed on anything but his opinion. And Im glad you brought up the time. Because I see him as wasting it. Everyone knows there will be a long answer and he spends tine aski g her "did you say that?" Why ask at all if you arent going to get an answer. He is wasting his own time with highschool level questions.

CherokeePede 8 points ago +9 / -1

Still get tired of these jackasses not letting them finish. Let them fully explain themselves. Let them bury themselves. Interrupting them may score internet points but it doesnt do anything other than feed ignorance. She was about to prove that the government is defining things in such a way that judges are going to be hand tied. They cannot go one way or another. Judges dont make the laws they have to pass judgement based on what the laws are and the lefts insanity is making it impossible to be impartial. And just like Ted Cruz frequently does, he pretends to be internet tough guy and stops her from answering. Repeatedly.

CherokeePede 7 points ago +7 / -0

And all average persons will be told "you lost money" and everyone will find out later the Gates/Bezos of thr world reaped major proffit

CherokeePede 9 points ago +9 / -0

anyone know anything about Gonzales? Soros funded, ties to Clinton's etc?

CherokeePede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if Yearick was cleanup. The car had explosives. Could have been there to get rid of thenlid if he got back to his car. Remote could have been planted after the chaos ended.Esp if the other guys wife was first in scene.

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