Maybe a kamikaze training mission.
It's backwards though, in the Rothschilds one, the plane (bad guy) intentionally crashed into the helicopter. In this case the helicopter looks like it intentionally crashed into the plane.
Yup. Wouldn't that be "Conspiracy to commit..." take your pick immigration fraud, harbor fugitives, etc, etc? Where my lawfags at?
He should bring in Joe Arpaio to run it, would drive the left insane (insaner).
Tired of the "drip drip drip", ready for "the great rope shortage" to begin.
Pbman2, I think we still have a Press Secretary opening if you're available....
They should stay in their lane, aren't there kids that need molesting?
Just downloaded and started reading, thanks for the recommendation.
Is this for real?
The LAFD Assistant Chief looks like such a delicate, feminine flower. Are we supposed to believe that she beat this woman like a bull... dog?
Watched this a while back after hearing about it on GAW. It's solid, good message.
So then, how should "Trust Kansas" be interpreted?
Make this racist POS famous.
They should track the costs of these individuals, and if any wants to try to return later, step 1 would be pay off all debts incurred (deportation costs, unpaid bills, etc.)
The MAGA one.
It's an ancient body of water where oil drilling has been banned.
Won't matter. Crimes against humanity are tried in the international criminal court
Might be why Q said "remember THIS DAY" for Jan 19 instead of 20th.
He is. I hope to see him hang.
Hanged. Mike Obama is hung.
Isn't that what Walter White used to make meth on Breaking Bad, and didn't his character have lung cancer?
Found it, she's replying to Shifty.
Anyone have a link to her saying that 2020 is an "ongoing investigation"?
I hope Tonya Harding has an airtight alibi.