CovfefeNegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a lot of blood on his hands to stylize all that.

CovfefeNegro -3 points ago +2 / -5

What message does he gibs? There has been zero rationale for why Trump has done/would do that...

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never heard of either of them. Pedo is wearing his pedo shirt with PRIDE tho ain't he.

Payment for kids he provided maybe?

CovfefeNegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

A human male, possibly so yeah.

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0


I doubt anyone becomes emotional when laughing at the flat earthers, you clowns might be mistaking laughter, scorn, mirth, astonishment with emotions.

Here you go, there are many other easy ways to satisfy yourself, believe as you will.


CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I see it I'll try.

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something on your end, but try 'open image in new tab' then save as maybe.

The gif I posted saves for me as simple as that, it should for you too.

Something wrong on your end.


CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure what you're asking, I simply use a hosting service, catbox or ImgBB, and link it to here, they work fine.

All you need to do to 'copy' a gif is save as....


CovfefeNegro -1 points ago +4 / -5

Where in the world do you get that from my post? No, fella or fellette, I did not hope it was a larp, tho it is in fact a LARP writ large, yes.

Live Action Role Play, yes indeed, millions of persons all over the globe who transitioned from being curious hobbyists to being frantically absorbed in research and compiling data, who became a replacement for media and 'official' sources of informations. Otherwise innocent persons who became 3 Percenters and Free Thinkers as opposed to NPC droids and drudges just doing the dance steps. Yes, by design it is a LARP isn't it.

Yet it is also real, as all things which are built do become Real.

Not everyone understands tho, even in here; my post points out that 'Q' lost a lot of credibility when 'Q' responded to the morons of flat earth persuasion. Millions of us had hoped for better from 'Q', and besides there are many many methods of verifying for ones' self that we live on a globe. 'Q' had a yuge variety of questions posed during 'that' Q&A, choosing to answer the flat earthers while ignoring sane and realistic questions was disappointing to say the least, insulting and so out of place it was startling and gross.

We hoped for better from a group we had come to consider as knowledgeable beyond ourselves, only to be slapped down with idiocy.

It reduced 'Q's luster to a dullish reflection rather than a bright shining light.

No I hoped it was more of a serious natured 'Q', I understood all along that it was a LARP designed to cause 'us' to dig and think, which many of us were doing anyhow, it is why we were on the chans isn't it. People wanna forget the 'Live Action' part but that is what made it real and tangible - we did follow hints and clues and we did research, playing the role of a Free Press and Congress which is supposed to be Government's watchdogs, but which role we assumed.

'I' see that particular 'Q' drop as a yuge mistake but maybe there is yet some great reason why it was done and we just don't see it.

Some of us were in this fight for decades before 'Q' came along, it was a shock to see flat earth dignified with a response when so much else went begging.


CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fact check him as you wish, his data is simply not real, not coherent or accurate.

If by 'anti-vax' we are highlighting the fake vaccines issued against the chinese flu then nothing that clown suggests is involved anywhere in 'my' thinking concerning my refusal to be poisoned.

It is impossible to create a vaccine for a corona, medical science used to understand that, not sure why or when the science was discarded but it was.

As for actual vaccines, most of us are in fact fully vaccinated - polio, measles, tetanus and such things, things which it is possible to vaccinate against.

This clown has little fact in his screed, it is based on a false premise; we do not disavow vaccines we disavow the poison presented as vaccine against the chinese corona virus which has been lab manipulated to boot.

CovfefeNegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

It isn't population collapse so much as population eradication.

When I go out back and jerk 12 crappie out of the lake that isn't population collapse, it is 'me' culling the fishes.


CovfefeNegro -12 points ago +4 / -16

Yeah the day when 'Q' replied to the flat earth bois was when a 'lot' of us realized 'Q' wasn't what we hoped it was.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

That weird bird is eating chicken, cannibal?

CovfefeNegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Might keep birds off our stuff, guess it could scare the neighbor kids tho. Have to ponder it a bit...

CovfefeNegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

How much for the scarecrow with the mask on?

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

If God wanted it to be so it would be so, yes it is possible, as are all things.


CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's an idiot so maybe he didn't know, there is a lot that boy don't seem to know.

Yeah I fggered he was sympatico with nazis, hard to believe anyone takes that clown seriously.

CovfefeNegro 9 points ago +9 / -0

If the terrorists riot over that they should all be gunned down in the streets.

God forgive me but yeah.

Dude was on drugs, did a hit and run, got caught, tried to foment racisms, then tried to escape, got his drugged azz tazed and went to hospital where he died later.

If he had not resisted arrest or if he had not done the coke or if he had not attempted to flee responsibility for his criminal actions he would be out on bail now, probably doing more coke.

Anyone who supports him is a terrorist, if they riot or attack Society they should be summarily executed.

CovfefeNegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought he was married to that Kardashian woman he did the porno tapes with, is he no longer Mr. Kardashian?

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