Cuttinmuffins 50 points ago +50 / -0

AIDS is not an organism, AIDS is a syndrome that results from HIV. You don't get an AIDS test, it is diagnosed by the progression of symptoms indicating the the failure of the immune system. There is no AIDS test, there is HIV testing. If immune deficiency is caused by a vaccine, you should not have a positive HIV test as the vax is corona virus. That said if CV is mfg'd with a portion of HIVs genetic material, that still would not cause a vaxxed individual to test positive for HIV, it would be due to the viral infection, but I would suspect the chances of that are close to zero. I would add that reports to this point indicate that CV is attacking different cells in the immune systembthan HIV does, which again suggests a different organism that would not be the HIV that current tests register. Just a little critical thinking.

Cuttinmuffins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny, I've had a copy on my wall for the kids for years and I can honestly see no difference. Maybe someone spilled some coffee on his or something.

Cuttinmuffins 2 points ago +2 / -0

As important, don't vote new RINOs in. Know who you are voting for. Take the time to research you choices.

Cuttinmuffins 4 points ago +4 / -0

What we need is a clear, standardized path for citizens to recall rouge 'representatives' like JHB and Liz Cheany. Victory at the polls is not a mandate to do whatever the fuck you like. That is the amendment that needs to be added, a way to hold accountable those who lie their way into office.

Cuttinmuffins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup. Capitalism busts when greed and power lust are not controlled. Really, there are good points to every system, our social security is one example, if managed correctly it is good and helps at end of life but it is not managed correctly. Our corporations are not managed correctly either. Capitalism is not working just like socialism and communism, we just controlled the beast a little longer. I think the long buried 13th amendment would have helped, but that's the rub, laws are not enforced. I always thought that the Ben and Jerry's rule was a great start. All positions were bound together from the CEO down so that if one got a raise or financial bonus, all got one as well and there were set ratios to tie wages together. If the board wanted a cush raise, the whole company needed to be incuded. That went out the window when they were bougut out. I think another interesting idea is capping board payroll and compensation and putting the excess back into the company, or wages, or used as tax somehow, anything to strip the potential for powermad megalomaniacs to drag us to where we are now. There has to be limits in order to grow, take cancer as an example, unbridled cell growth overcomes all else until it kills you. I would say that globalism is the end result of unregulated capitalism and it leads to communism just the same as communism is the best control mechanism on a society wide basis. It seems capitalism is just the long road there. Wall of text, yeah I'll shut up now.

Cuttinmuffins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Him and Jimmy Dore. They are both still socialist in their politics. I don't see how they can look so openly at the results of policies they would still support and not fully get it. They blame greedy politicians and 'muh it's never been implemented right'. crazy when it's so in your face that you see it, but you don't see it. It's nice to see some truth coming out of the left but they are still the left and continue to push views and policies that will lead right back to where we are now.

Cuttinmuffins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, we just had about three flights of copters pass over in the past 1\2 hour and another one is approching now. Crazy night.

Cuttinmuffins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta come up with reasons to ask for the 10s of billions they seem to launder every year. It's just another way to clean the 'taxpayer dollars' name off the money just like cartels clean the drug money name off their money.

Cuttinmuffins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ibuprofen is generic, it can be made by anyone. Dimetap and Robitussin are cough medicines formulated from generic active ingredients, just buy the generic form. Advil is just branded ibuprofen. Pfizer doesn't make shit on anything but patented medications, that's why they are skirting regulations any way they can. When only the bottom line matters, everything else is just an obsiicle to keeping your company afloat while enriching upper management.

Cuttinmuffins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now do JHB! I can't believe she is so out of touch that she would even bother running again. I think she is hoping that StJohn and Kent split the primaries enough to let her squeek by.

Cuttinmuffins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just in case we aren't on the same page, The mandate is for any facility or practioner that accepts medicaid/Tricare /Medicare...any government funds. Not funded by, accepts government funds. That is virtually all facilities.

Cuttinmuffins 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah, so sad how many people will pay for this joke of a ruling with their lives. As a nurse I will be leaving the profession along with my wife. We truly have zero representation now. The thousands of dollars spent on school and the thousands of hours bringing us to vetran status in our specialties wasted. We will be forced to sponge of family members until we can put our lives back in order. The healthcare system will collapse under a lack of skilled professionals, putting anyone who with heatlh issues requiring care at risk of injury and death. Fucking sick and stupid. This is no victory. This is a continuing death sentence for the USA with a spoonful of sugar to distract from the reality.

Cuttinmuffins 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many lies. These people are fucking sick.

Cuttinmuffins 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no mandate for flu vaccines. Been nursing for 20 years and I do not take that shit.

Cuttinmuffins 7 points ago +7 / -0

How are American citizens who work in healthcare any different form anyone else. Makes no sense that these are even two separate cases.

Cuttinmuffins 6 points ago +6 / -0

You acctually need an uncorrupted DOJ before you can expect any meaningful actions.

Cuttinmuffins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Am I the only one who thinks that looked blatantly staged? Police don't back off from a small group of hippy ass protesters and old ladies. Yeah I see what is happening down there and they need help, but to me this looks like a msm ff to make the aboriginals look violent.

Cuttinmuffins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think she is owed an apology from those here on win who drug her through the dirt earlier this year for the same issue.

by 369Q
Cuttinmuffins 6 points ago +11 / -5

So just let them die till they figure it out? If that was the plan Trump wouldn't say good things about the vax, pushing the vax just makes him seem part of it all.

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