A little expensive than what Alldaychemist sells for but nice to know there's an alternative and local to us, rather than Alldaychemist being in India and takes 3-6 weeks to deliver.
Interesting, never heard of that method. I've been doing the 4oz water with 5% Lugols in it, only one drop so far because I haven't been taking the companions (Selenium, ATP Co-Factors, etc). But I stopped for a while because I keep forgetting to take it due to my busy schedule.
When things settle down, I will resume. Same for my wife, who needs it more than I do. She suffers from muscle pain/cramps/stiffness among other symptoms and after 2 weeks of taking Iodine, her symptoms got better (she's able to move around more, felt more energized, her muscles felt better and she's able to move freely with less restrictions), but like me, her schedule got busy and she stopped taking it.
I know you said you tried fasting and carnivore diet but couldn't due to "side effects",
But I'm wondering if you also eliminated sugar when eating food?
Have you tried Iodine? I've read that Iodine really helps eliminate cancer by providing the necessary nutrients for your body as well as helps with your stomach issues like acid reflux.
Think he was trying to say MMS. Either that or Hydrochloroquine but AFAIK, they're in pill form as I have some and I have never heard of it being in liquid form?
I use Alldaychemist and just recently, I ordered some HCQ and Meben from them.Been using them for almost 4 years now and I'm pleased with them, though the shipping time ranges between 2-3 weeks and 4-6 weeks so plan accordingly.
IVM really helps as it knocked out colds in the family as well as this persistent cough I had for a few weeks until I tried IVM and it took care of my cough in 3 days!
In case you are unable to view the tweet that's embedded in this post:
The pictures attached to the tweets:
Not familiar with that series but then again, I haven't watched anything made post-2016.
Of course it would have John Cusack and Rainn Wilson, not surprising at all...
I've heard if you spread 5% Iodine on your throat area, it will take care of the strep throat almost immediately.
Yes he said cuz he said if it wasn't for H1B, he would have never came to America to "found" his businesses here.
So he came here by way of H1B visa.
Guess that's his way of saying he was cheap labor the whole time and not on O-1 visa, the visa held for the 0.01%ers, aka the extremely intelligent immigrants with high skills.
No you've not been paying attention at all. There are many reasons why there are lazy, fat and "useless" Americans.
Food for example, they have a lot of chemicals in it that lead to increase in starvation and desire for more sugar and junk food. Forever chemicals also lead to cancer and many more.
Oh and let's not forget how much the government hate us Americans, they've been abusing our morale, to the point where we feel it's not worth going on because there are apparently "better" people to do the job in the form of DEI hires and H1B visa hires.
Oh yeah, plus there's the shitty education that many schools are using with Common Core and passing a lot of lower class students in impoverished areas in the city. You get a "D"? No problem! You pass! Illiteracy for both reading, writing and math, is on the rise, thanks to poor education and the constant need to be on their phone all the time doing dumb Tik Tok dances.
The many issues on how Americans have gotten fat, lazy and "useless" are exactly what President Trump want to address in the next 4 years with the assistance of RFK Jr, Linda McMahon, Lee Zeldin, et al. President Trump knows America is on a huge decline, the worst ever, and he's here to fix all of the problems so we all will have a better tomorrow.
They're not fat, lazy and "useless" because they want to, they got to that point because of the stupid government poisoning Americans from the inside out with many elements.
Take me for example, I'm a college graduate with several certifications to boost my skills. I haven't found a job in I.T. ever since graduating from college over 20 years ago. I applied to over 5,000 jobs since then. After 10 or so years, I've stopped trying because I've only gone on like 3 or 4 interviews since then. Can you think how much that does to my morale? Since then, my motivation has taken a blow. But I still want to work. I know I need to work. Also I've been in great shape my whole life and I have been eating the same amount of food. In the last 10 or so years, I've gained weight, despite eating the same amount of food and the same kind of food with some "junk" here and there. I still try to keep in shape but I noticed it's getting harder and harder to lose weight. It's obvious the government have done some shit to our food and obviously they've dealt a huge blow to my morale by making me lose motivation as the days go by.
You may say I'm one of those lazy, fat and useless Americans, but because of the shit I dealt with in life, more or less than any other fat, lazy and useless American, I've become like this due to everything not being America First. President Trump's vision for America's future is exactly why I voted for him because this is the same future I want for myself and my family as well as every other Americans. It's more of exactly what we need right now. If we don't secure our future, then all is lost forever for everyone, you including and you will soon become a fat, lazy and useless idiot while the H1B visa red dot idiots laugh at you cuz they took your job for pennies.
Hope this helps you fix your retardation. If not, then you're a lost cause.
You and me both. They are telling me I'm wrong for not wanting more H1B visas to come in and for us to focus on Americans first to find jobs before the greedy fuckers get their hands on our jobs.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I've been unemployed for a very, very long time and I'm sick and tired of it. I want to work. I need to work! Let me work please! I need to secure my future for my family and myself before it's too late! I have the right to be greedy here because those red dot idiots have been enjoying the great life at my expense!
Came here to say this. I'm deaf, if that isn't obvious with my screen name, but yes you're right, that's the "I Love You" sign, the one where you stick out your thumb, index finger and pinky finger out, while your middle and ring fingers are retracted into a "fist".
The reason why we do this is because in sign language, the letter "I" is signed with the pinky finger sticking out only, the letter "L" is signed with both the thumb and the index fingers sticking out only, and the letter "Y" is signed with both the thumb and the pinky fingers sticking out only.
You can see here by looking at the first letter of each word: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/i-love-you-finger-spelling-american-sign-language-asl-i-love-you-phrase-finger-spelling-american-sign-language-asl-white-181904516.jpg
So it's a combination of letters signed out in one sign, "ILY", as seen here in the middle right picture: https://www.speechbuddy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/love-infographic-791x1024.jpg
With the thumb joining the middle and ring fingers in retracted form, to form the "horns" sign (only the index and the pinky fingers are sticking out), that's like the "rocker" or the "longhorns (Texas)" sign but yes I know, it has been used to symbolize the Devil as well.
Same here, I never knew that existed! Would be awesome to own one cuz I'm a Chicago Bears fan and I have a Polar Bear with a Chicago Bears sweater on it!
I commiserate with you and I agree with you that they need to fix the job market. You should be glad you had several jobs prior to being unemployed for a while, while for me, I have not even begun my career since graduating from college 20+ years ago and after 5,000+ applications that went out, I only went on like 3 or 4 interviews and still nothing. It really sucks living month to month on a very, very limited and fixed income the last 20+ years. I couldn't even start a savings or a 401k plan.
What Elon and Vivek said really pissed me off so I had to step away for a bit yesterday and today, until now to come back. I don't know if all of this is a psyop or they both are truly this stupid to think we need more Indians after Tesla laid off about 15k employees and Elon saying we need AI to take over jobs. Why the hell do we need more foreigners to take over our jobs when there are perfectly capable Americans who can do the fucking jobs here in America like you, me and others!?
Hopefully a better tomorrow will come soon for us Americans!
And if Elon Musk is so great and not suspicious at all, then why is he retaining a racist who hates white people on his staff?
"He is a troll"
Really? And I got suspended for being a fucking human.
Yeah I gave up after 10+ years of job searching and I applied to over 5,000+ jobs.
Really hope things will look better for us unemployed very soon! We all need jobs to have a better future.
My main account got suspended cuz Elon Musk was talking about how pedophiles are bad and I added to his comment on that with my own, and I got suspended for what I said.
I was extra careful with what I said by not using trigger words like "fag" "kill" etc (words that requires you to put an asterisk to make it less "offensive") that would flag a suspension and whatever, but that didn't make any difference as I still got suspended.
I appealed over 20 times, and every response I got from Twitter/X was the exact same response, as if my appeal was sent to an automated system with no human interaction.
I still think Elon Musk is suspicious and a hypocrite on free speech.
Tim Allen
Lol that's funny, but wrong guy. It's Tim Cook, or Tim Crook as I would call him.
Tim Allen is the Arr-Arr guy from "Home Improvement" and "Last Man Standing".
Will I do? I can bob my head like them and I love curry but I poop into a toilet, not out in the streets.
Is the last part preventing me from getting a job?
Hope so as I really do need to find a job ASAP. I still have yet to work at the entry level and I have a college degree and several certificates but I'm sure they're outdated now that technology has changed since. I can teach myself new stuff but at this point before this, I was worried that if I learn new stuff, I will never be able to apply my new skills anywhere as I still have yet to apply my old skills anywhere, other than at home.
At this point, I don't even know if the reason why I'm not able to find a job is because I'm deaf but over 70% of deaf people in America don't have a job. That desperately needs to be changed/improved.
I'm just reading everything about what they said now and I'm pissed. I went to college, I got a few certifications cuz I was told that a college degree wasn't enough to get my foot into the door. I taught myself a lot of stuff that was necessary for my career. I did what I had to do to be able to secure a job and my future.
Of course, I graduated at one of the worst time ever (a bit after 9/11) and not many companies were hiring anyone, but that didn't stop me from continuing to apply for jobs.
10 years later, I continued to apply but no luck. During that time, that was when I got more certifications to bolster my resume. I even worked at a retail job that was somewhat related to my career (fixing computers similar to Geek Squad at Best Buy), and my co-workers told me that if I ever applied for a corporate level job, I would get it right away and within years, I'd be climbing up the corporate ladder to the near top (CEO or CTO). That meant a lot to me because I'm deaf and I'm often been viewed as an invalid who knows nothing other than what's 2+2 equals to.
Then the career field changed and it made things harder for me to be able to apply for a job cuz Indians were taking over everything and I still couldn't get my foot into the door for an entry level job and I was willing to work for less than my skills' are valued for.
Now with the advent of AI, I obviously won't be able to find a job in the near future as AI are taking over everything.
Since graduating from college, I've been unemployed in terms of working in my career field (I did hold a job for a length of time but like I said, it was somewhat related to my career but still a retail job), and my motivation to find a job has declined big time. My morale has taken a huge blow and since graduating, I've applied to over 5,000 jobs and has only gone on an interview maybe 3 or 4 times.
I've chalked it up to me being deaf and companies are afraid to hire a deaf person cuz they're often seen as an invalid or a retarded person but now at this point, I have no idea what their true intentions are, other than them wanting to destroy America from the inside out, starting with destroying/lowering Americans' morale, mine including.
At this point, when President Trump comes back for his third term (kek), I was hoping to find a job again but how soon will that happen? I have no idea, but with all of this talk from Vivek and Elon, is making me feel less excited for Trump's term if he continues to retain them both. This is not a dooming comment or anything but it's just that I'm pissed at Vivek and Elon for basically saying Americans are lazy and unmotivated to work when the problems were that most kids nowadays are receiving poor education, DEI, suppression of hiring white people and many more.
I'm just tired of living month to month on Social Security benefits and "taking advantage" of taxpayers for paying me and my family to live sufficiently. I need to work but if that's not going to happen during Trump's term, then I don't know what will happen as I'm getting older and it's not a promising outlook.
I know President Trump will improve pretty much from A to Z, but that's a hard task to accomplish in just 4 years, which is why I believe President Trump had everything set up during his first 4 years, then continued that during his "second term" and the third term will be the execution stage, where everything that has been planned and set up, are now being executed so there's no red tape or BS to go through and the 180 degree reversal will take place. I truly hope this will also include jobs, where EVERY AMERICAN, myself included, will be able to find a job with ease.
Sorry to sound Reddit-ish but apologies for the long wall of text but thanks for reading my rant.
Been saying "Bidet" to everyone I talk to in RL for the last 4+ years!
They asked for it and I left it blank and they approved it. So basically, no Rx required.