Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

It cannot be trusted.

First clue: Banjo eyes.

Second clue: Lies constantly.

Third clue: Works for CDC.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Big Mike, am I reading this correctly?

Wells Fargo did not receive this notice. This notice is about Wells Fargo's inability/refusal to pay the maturity presentment of CA Community Dev Authority.

Basically, something reached maturity and Wells can't or won't pay. Right?

From the freedictionary:

In relation to Commercial Paper ,presentment is a demand for the payment or acceptance of a negotiable instrument, such as a check. The holder of a negotiable instrument generally makes a presentment to the maker, acceptor, drawer, or drawee.

Thanks. 😊

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Death stare.

My mom's countenance took on this appearance about a week or two before she died.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mary, you are right.

Sadly, I believe that in her case, or any case involving a high profile family, those in charge would have sided with the parents, not the child. The parents would have lied and made her out to be a troubled child who lies to get attention. Psychiatrists and a plethora of drugs would have been brought in to the picture making her profile look even worse. In this case, her father is a high profile and powerful pervert and I don't doubt would have "suicided" her if needed to protect himself.

Also, keep in mind, we have footage of him on camera pinching a young girl's nipple and NOTHING was done.

It's sick and twisted.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the most part, I have stopped using communal women's bathrooms when out and about since it has now become a place for the mentally unstable.

If I have to go, I will only use a fully enclosed lockable bathroom for a single or family use OR I will do kegals.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I have not seen this movie before. Tonight is date night, it will be my movie pick. Thanks!

Dee68 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fair enough. I actually think it is relevant in the sense that the standards we are judging the other side by are the same standards we use on ourselves/our side and vice versa. Too often Trump worship seems to take over and a blind eye is turned. We cannot do this.

This came out in your response - the even handedness.

FWIW, I was totally expecting Trump to publicly start pursuing Hillary once he took office. Instead, IIRC, he stated that he would not for the good of the country. This would have been very early on, maybe even after he won but before his inauguration. And no, I did not save the link. πŸ˜”

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know. This has become a war on women.

It is ironic because in women's sports it is proving undeniably that women and men are not equal.

Collectively we played make believe and pretended men and women were equal. Equal in God's eyes, yes. Equal in value, yes. Physically Equal, no they are not, but it was politically incorrect to point this out, so most of us (myself included) just shook our heads and went on with life.

Now we are expected to play make believe again by believing men can BE women. This time the stakes are much higher.

Trannies in women's restrooms and dressing rooms. Girls getting raped in bathrooms.

Take a look at the trannies in women's prisons, raping inmates, impregnating the actual women prisoners. All of this is allowed!!

The sorority women are experiencing first hand the cost of this mental illness hiding behind political correctness. I really hope that they stay safe and this lesson sticks.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

You make some really good points. I think this is a fantastic learning opportunity for the women.

These young women are adults. They need to act like it. They have agency and are not in a prison. They have choices.

Belonging to a sorority is NOT required for a college degree.

If their housing situation is unsafe, find new housing or make the housing situation safe.

Speaking out can be hard. This is especially true if it makes you unpopular. Welcome to adulthood.

The women created this situation. I do expect them to live with the consequences of their decision and do what is needed to keep themselves alive and safe.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ed Dowd. Cause Unknown.

Dowd has gone through mortality rates and bureau of labor statistics data to show that something is causing a spike in injuries and deaths. This something coincides with the covid shots.

Dowd stops short of stating that the correlation was caused by the vaxx, but the info he is pulling from is publicly available and might be a great place to start.

He is just looking at the data and published his findings.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cody's books are awesome. He also gets into the psychological and mental health aspects of a SHTF situation as well.

The need for very simple tech (toggle switches, easy to use, one step operation) really hit home for me because in a true SHTF situation, your brain is in fight or flight mode and will have difficultly diverting attention to much else.

Also, having candy, 🍬 like peppermint disks, will take the edge off while still remaining fully alert. Board games for kids being necessary for mental health - something I had not considered.

by panamax
Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK. So Ukraine loses to Russia. About time. What do we really think Russia is going to do next? Celebrate by nuking us? Seriously people, haven't we all had enough of pretending Russia is the boogeyman?

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same here. We had up to six cans in the garage back when BO was in office. We would tank up car/truck as needed. This was more for dollar cost averaging the price of gas some what. Not the best plan, but we did it and would fill the cans as the price dropped.

I remember on my grandpa's farm, he had a gas pump. It was an old one like one would see at the gas station ⛽️. The fuel truck would stop by and fill up the tank every so often.

Now this is a totally impractical solution for someone in town or the suburbs, but causes me to wonder if farms can still do this. Does this become a barter situation with a farmstead in a SHTF scenario?

My mom heated her home with fuel oil. I know that this is not going to work as gasoline, but she would have the fuel truck out to her place in the country to fill up the tank every fall and maybe again in the winter depending on the severity of the winter. This kind of arrangement is still in place today.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

NDT was stating a lot of things ABOUT science and was bouncing around with nuggets of science trivia. His basic points being that science must have consensus and peer review. He threw in statistics and basically stated that this was not an intuitive branch of mathematics because it was developed after calculus.

Whenever Del made a point that illustrated advances in science which came from outside the consensus, NDT quickly stated that the original consensus was not in science at all. Therefore, the advancement which came from outside, was true science. It was a side step BS dance move.

When Del pressed for NDT to admit that there are Vax injuries that should be investigated. NDT would not acknowledge the injuries and instead backed away from it by stating that he was not a medical scientist and that he was an astrophysicist.

OK. Fine. But then I question why he was with Del in the first place. NDT was stating to trust the science, but by his own admission this was not his field.

And I question why I should care about ANYTHING NDT has to state beyond space and planets. And his trust the science and scientists stance is suspect because it might not be true science as stated in the previous paragraph. See NDT circular reasoning?

NDT puts himself on stage as this big shot scientist, but runs for cover when it is clearly shown that observational facts are not aligning with the consensus. Basic 8th public school science teaches (at least they used to) is that the conclusion is incomplete at best, if not wrong. More investigation is needed.

Also, back to statistics. Stats clearly show that motality rate of COVID was less that 1%. So where's the emergency?!?!?

Painful to watch. I went from a neutral opinion of NDT to seeing him as little more than a joke.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Seems perfectly reasonable. Just pretend there is a flag there for the guy from the US playing make believe.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure, I'll consider stopping the boycott as soon as Trump stops promoting the vaxx.

This seems like a rich man's trick.

Eye opening documentary for those who haven't seen it.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no such thing as a hate crime.

Killing children is M U R D E R.

The murderer needs to be prosecuted.

And, just so we are clear, committing violence against a person, which I am defining as a physical assault and not just giving someone the stink eye, should be prosecuted as well.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

End women's sports.

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