Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eighty one million voters voted for dementia Joe.

Looks like he can't manufacture respect in the same way he manufactured fake ballots.

Are you butt hurt because it makes you look like an idiot for voting for dementia Joe?

Dee68 33 points ago +33 / -0

First all, breathe. Calm yourself.

Do NOT jump into financial instruments you do NOT understand.

By now, you should have cash on hand. Cash will still be useful for quite a while. The dollar still holds its status as the petro dollar.

If, you do not have cash on hand, I would start there. Another post said 5K, sound advice.

Over the past year, this is the strategy I have been following:

Get out of debt. House, vehicles, etc. All paid off. Debt will be the killer as vehicles can be repossessed or you could lose your home.

Major appliances and repairs purchased or completed. This includes back up heating and water filtration. All done with cash.

Silver. I have converted a chunk of fiat into silver. I don't plan on using it.

Health. What do I need on hand, what do I need to learn?

Food prep stocked up.

Barter skills. What skills do I have to barter and what do I need to improve or sharpen here? Steps taken.

Hydroponic gardening. Stated this on a small scale. Also, I have seeds for spring.

My 401K. It's numbers on paper. I am not near retirement age. I am letting it ride.

My bank. I bank at WF and a local bank. WF has 12 trillion in derivatives - which is somewhat concerning. Given WF being part of the CBDC pilot earlier this year, I am betting they wont let it fail. Plus, my accounts are under 250K which make them FDIC insured.

My local bank. Zero derivatives. No need to panic here. Again, FDIC covers the account.

I do not understand bitcoin, so I avoid it. Sounds like fiat but untangible. I could be missing out. So be it.

Bonds. I avoid. These are debt instruments. I am expecting defaults during this time. Losing proposition - even the municipal bonds (city bonds).

I expect things to turn south for a while as people panic. I expect atms to be shut down and bank doors to be shut. I have been working to prepare so I can ride out the storm.

Banking strategy is one part of prep. Good luck.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. General Flynn was on Infowars on Saturday warning about this and telling us to stay calm.

Dee68 5 points ago +5 / -0

Funny. If a fire alarm is pulled and there is NO fire, people seem to manage just fine.

This is an old red herring argument.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that you are tying the two things together erroneously. Here is my understanding.

Banks crash because depositors want their deposits. Bank does not have the money if every depositor wanted their deposits at the same time because it was loaned out.

I think that banks are able to manage under normal situations because all/most depositors generally don't withdraw their money all at once. Also, loans get paid back, but the cash flow is staggered. I.E. my mortgage payment is not due on the same day as yours - not really the business model but the principle stands.

Some are bad investments and default occurs.

Dollar valuation is separate. Let's go back to the mortgage situation. You and I got loan for our homes.

Let's say you are a good risk - gainfully employed, responsible, mortgage payment for your home is less than 25% of your take home pay.

While I am a crappy risk. I took out a loan on a house way beyond my ability to realistically pay. Eighty to ninety percent of my take home needs to go to pay my mortgage - the bank wrote the loan to me because it had a very, very loose credit policy. I default - 80 to 90% is unsustainable for me.

Now, the $$ is gone. It is tied up in the house - so there is at least an asset. Not sure how or even if the loans at SVB are secured in the venture capital world.

BUT, none of this changes the value of the dollar.

The value of the dollar is changed by the money supply. If the FED prints like crazy, it would mean that there are too many dollars chasing to few goods - inflation.

If the FED contracts the money supply, the value or purchasing power of the dollar increases.

The FED can get away with printing dollars mainly because of our petro dollar status. Oil must be purchased in dollars. BUT, if oil could be purchased from Saudi Arabia in currencies other than dollars, the theory is that there would be a glut of dollars on the market as countries move to the new petro currencies. Massive inflation!

Of course, this assumes that the U.S. would not fight tooth and nail to keep the petro dollar status. Remember, we were willing to blow up a pipeline which provided cheap gas to an ally (so they didn't freeze) and was owned by a nuclear power.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

CBDC to the rescue. SVB is the FF.

It is designed to create panic and cause bank runs which will in turn highlight people's lack of confidence in our current banking system.

SVB is the impetus to get us to move to CBDC.

Dee68 11 points ago +11 / -0

For Jane and Joe Normie:

Destroy confidence in banks.

Bank run imminent.

Usher in CBDC to restore confidence.

All part of the plan.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. The behaviors are getting strange.

I cashed a check yesterday at my local bank. Took the entire amount in cash. We are talking about $600. Was asked to verify the last 4 digits of my social.

I have never had to do this before.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. I am really enjoying Garland Nixon. I appreciate his takes. Found him because of you. ☺


Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

MTG and Kevin McCarthy?

This was mentioned on Bardsfm during the voting for speaker of the house.

Not sure if it's true. Couldn't find much at the time other than the bards speculation.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Math without Borders.

Algebra thru Calculus

We are working thru this now - precalc. The lessons are all on video. Either odds or evens problems are assigned. The others set (odd/even) answers are in back of the book. All solutions to the assigned problems are worked in the video.

The textbooks are written by Forrester - I believe that's the man name. Solid curriculum text. Does not have all the "fluff" one sees in today's typical math texts.

The instructor sets up a zoom meeting beginning of the year as a meet and greet. Several days/times are available.

We did not do the geometry. I purchased Jacob's Geometry and taught my son.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, a WOMAN in a hijab - modestly covered BTW, is harassed by a MAN wearing a short skirt.

It is almost like trannies, because they have no idea what it actually means to be a WOMAN, take issue with actual women who happen to not fit the tranny's imagined stereotype of what qualifies as a WOMAN.


Say what you will about Islam, the woman in the hijab is living the truth of her gender.

The MAN pretending to be a WOMAN is mentally ill.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure, that makes sense. A violent movement like that could do it.

I was told by my doc that vertigo like this usually shows up as part of aging when someone reaches 70-80 years of age.

When it suddenly appears like this in someone much younger, it can usually be traced back to a bad head injury which can knock the crystals out of place.

She must have taken a very hard hit.

If this is indeed the case, it WILL get better. It will just take a while. In my case it was several years.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I slipped on the ice once and slammed the back of my head on the driveway. Saw not only stars but a bright flash of light.


It also knocked the crystals in my ears out of place. Lots of vertigo for a while. Epley helped some. Eventually it settled down after a few years.

I knew what caused it, so was just patient with it. Was super careful on stairs. Good luck.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

The U.S. is the world's bully.

We (U.S.) do not want an alliance between Russia and Germany OR an alliance between Russia and China for that matter.

Divide and conquer OR divide so supremacy is assured.

We (U.S.) will destroy whoever or what ever we need to in order to ensure our supremacy. Watch what we will do to keep the petro dollar alive...

Americans, by and large, have been fed a steady diet of "America is good".

Nord stream is another red pill. It wipes the dream of the benevolent America from our eyes and once again we are confronted with the realization we have been lied to.

Not surprised the U.S. will strong arm the investigation.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's sounds like your wife was rudely awakened to the fact that we are commodities used to make money for the clinics and hospitals.

She has seen the true face of this institution. Trust her.

Also, does it logically make sense that your baby needs all of those shots just to live on Earth?

Isn't there something inside that causes you to say, "wait a minute, this does not seem right?"

RFK Jr. has this as his life's work. Children's Health Defense website is a great place to start.

Doctors and nurses are prone to being bullies. My doctor was a bully.

I am ashamed to admit that I trusted him when he told me the vaxx schedule. I trusted the medical complex. So dumb.

That was 16 years ago when my son was born. I remember holding him down as he screamed getting his shots.

Thankfully he was not vaxx injured.

As I learned more about vaccines during COVID, I am horrified by how I played russian roulette with his life.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

Came here to say this.

Dr. Wakefield has been vilified.

Children's Health Defense - RFK Jr site is what you should check out.

No vaccines!!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

The moral duty is to allow those that voted to be part of Russia to BE part of Russia.

Bombing the snot out of them is morally wrong. It denies them their sovereignty. They voted. Respect that. Ukraine is the bully here to these people. I do not take the side of the Nazis bullies.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has debased herself by calling strangers "a**holes". Having to resort to debasing herself this way is NOT rent free. The "rent" is her debasing herself.

Take another shot, put on your mask, and sit down.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

A friend of ours did this. Came across as a total fear monger. Kinda of like a tin-foil hatted conspiracy coo-coo. So, I ignored him.

This was 16 years ago.

Did the vacinations. Never the flu shot.

Fortunately, my son ended up being o.k. Rarely sick and then nothing more than cold/flu once or twice a year.

After covid, I am now anti-vaxx all the way and owe my friend an apology next time I see him.

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