He is on a mission to destroy their party.
Was it Huber from Utah that has a team of 470 ?
You might ask Billie The Kid about that. In the newest movie series he protects the poor Mexican farmers from a secret society called the Santa Fe ring.
Who is John Gault ?
October I think ?
I am expecting the FED to unexpectedly raise rates soon. That will cause mass panic.
So a pedophile is blackmailing a homo ?
Age of Aquarius !
Like death blossom ?
We have a right to protect our livestock !
Trump card !
Conspiracy Analyst!!!
I have been thinking about the song (Age of Aquarius) for a couple weeks. I haven't heard it in years. I dont know why I would think of it all of a sudden. So I looked it up on you tube with lyrics and found out we are now actually living in the age of aquarius 2024 -2025.
Was that him the other day saying everyone in congress has an Israeli handler except him & maybe a couple others ?
And us people on SS get 3.2 % inflation raise !
Same here in Wyoming !
I recently replaced my aluminum roasting pans with stainless steel. But need to get wife used to glass bowls instead of plastic.
Not much difference between Kumala and a side of beef !
That would be racist. And anti DEI !
I have dibs on her icecream & freezer !
Sure glad my dating days are over. Or I might have to go crocodile Dundee.
I bet he does the Snake poem.
That is why my wife has to potty train the kids at school. Parents are too darn lazy and not consistent with their kids.
Her name was pencil neck !