Dogsoldier2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Joe Tippens used Pancur (brand name) which you can purchase anywhere that sells pet supplies. Tractor Supply is one place that I know sells it, but there are other brands.

Dogsoldier2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Every 5 or so months my wife and I take 12mgs of ivm daily for 7 days with no side effects. As for fenbendazole I'm not sure. A few years ago I heard Joe Tippen in a local Oklahoma news interview say he still takes it since it cured his cancer back in, I think 2016. He takes 1 gram (1000mgs) a day 6 days a week if I remember correctly. He added that no cancer has been found in him but he added, "why take chances?"

Dogsoldier2 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are a lot of holes in your argument. I could go point by point pointing out the validity of my argument and plugging the holes in yours, but I have a life. You are definitely one of the brainwashed. Sorry, but it isn't my job or my desire to try and deprogram you.

Dogsoldier2 1 point ago +2 / -1

the South fired first at Fort Sumter.** The comparison to Zelensky is absurd.

The South was another country, the CSA. They had told Lincoln if he tried to reinforce Fort Sumter they would fight. That was Lincoln's chance to attack a foreign country. You'd think we would have attacked Middle East countries to free their slaves. Or north African countries that still have legal slavery.

Lincoln was fighting an internal rebellion, not suppressing democracy, he kept elections even during war.

So voicing disagreement with policy is now rebellion? There goes the 1st Amendment. Thanks for making my point. Also you can't suppress democracy if you don't have a democracy. We aren't and never were a democracy. Find that word in the Constitution, I'll wait.

Southern leaders were clear about their motives.

So, a few potential quotes by a couple of politicians is your proof? God forbid we go to war over shit Romney, Pelosi or any politician says.

Gen. Lee and many others freed their slaves before the war. Grant still owned slaves after the war. And tell me why there were slaves (legal) in the north after the war. The flowery speech known as the Emancipation Proclamation didn't even apply to the north. It applied to the Southern States of which Lincoln was not a president or even a citizen.

Maybe the late Prof. Walter Williams can explain it where you can understand it. He was one of the few I would listen to when he filled in for Rush Limbaugh. I'd listen to Rush and Walter, others didn't interest me.


Dogsoldier2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now the dems are going to accuse Trump of giving a weaponized speech.

Dogsoldier2 1 point ago +3 / -2

Wrong as usual. Slavery never became an issue until later in the war when people in Baltimore rioted over sending their sons to die in an illegal war. States Rights and taxation without representation was the cause of the war. The South was an agrarian society and as such the population compared to the North (industrial society) was very small. Because of this the Northern states had more representatives and they had placed exorbitant taxes and tariffs on the South.

Slavery in the South was already steeply declining before the war started. Compared to day labor (hired hands) slaves were expensive to buy and their upkeep was costly. Very few Southerners owned slaves and almost none of the Confederate soldiers had slaves other than a few officers. Most were just dirt farmers, only large farms and plantations had slaves. Black slave owners number over 3500 and they owned over 12,000 slaves. Most of these in Louisiana. Around 43% of black heads of house in the South were slave owners. Many of those were former slaves that had risen to the rank of slaveholder.

Abe Lincoln was determined to go to war. So determined actually that he was willing to stomp on the Constitution wherever he desired. In today's world he would be a globalist, in his time he was an industrialist. He started corporate welfare (should have had DOGE back then).

I hear people saying Zelensky is a dictator because he stopped elections, killed or imprisoned his political enemies and shuts down media. I agree, he is a dictator.


Abe Lincoln did those exact same things. Yet he is on Mt. Rushmore. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned over 14,000 Northern citizens, one of which was a legislator for Maryland. He sent troops to shut down Baltimore newspapers that didn't agree with his policies. And he arrested and imprisoned Frank Key Howard the editor of the Baltimore newspaper The Daily Exchange. Frank Key Howard just happened to be the grandson of Francis Scott Key the author of The Star Spangled Banner. Lincoln had him imprisoned at Fort McHenry the very fort where his grandfather wrote the poem that became the National Anthem.

Howard later wrote a book about it, Fourteen Months in American Bastiles. Two of the publishers were arrested.

So no matter how much the "winner writes the history" the truth is out there if you are willing to do the research.

Dogsoldier2 35 points ago +35 / -0

This why it didn't freak me out. I figured Trump was playing 5D Chess I just didn't know it would be this good.

Dogsoldier2 5 points ago +5 / -0

My favorite is, "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius" (Kill them, for the Lord knows those that are His). That's the phrase reportedly spoken by the commander of the Albigensian Crusade, prior to the massacre at BΓ©ziers in 1209. It's better known now as Kill them all; let God sort them out.

Dogsoldier2 8 points ago +8 / -0

Deport the rag head mole back to hell where it was spawned.

Dogsoldier2 17 points ago +17 / -0

No idea, but I'm sure they knew about it. Now I'm wondering if it would help with early onset dementia.

Dogsoldier2 20 points ago +20 / -0

Another reminder, there was no such thing as a "world war" until the federal reserve act was passed. Up to that point they had all been local wars.

Dogsoldier2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just received an order from Reynolds a couple of weeks ago with no problems. They have pretty good customer service so maybe you could email them and see what's up.

Dogsoldier2 10 points ago +10 / -0

I've been getting my ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at the site below. You can get fenbendazole most anywhere that sells veterinary supplies, like Tractor Supply for instance. Pancur is one brand name that many people have used.


If you haven't read Joe Tippens site about how he cured his cancer it's well worth readying. He also describes his protocol: https://mycancerstory.rocks/

Dogsoldier2 7 points ago +7 / -0

A lot of people thought Randy had gone crazy when he started outing the evil bastards in HW. He ended up having to go on the run because they were out to get him. He didn't go crazy, he was spot on all along. There's one Q reference to one of Rand's tweets but the Twitter link is no longer active.


Dogsoldier2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Although that abbreviation is sort of a one-off for Q the more common abbreviations and their meanings are listed in alphabetical order here:


Dogsoldier2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here are facts about Ukraine that would be common knowledge if the media was honest & did its job:

  • Putin invaded largely because the U.S. broke its word/agreements on eastern expansion of NATO.

  • The US & Europe rebuffed Russia’s efforts to join NATO so he was never let into the club while

  • The US moved missile defence systems to the door of Russia, rubbing his face in it.

  • Then don’t forget the U.S. & Ukraine dismissed the will of the Russian-speaking people of Crimea to be part of Russia & covered up the mass murder of thousands across eastern Ukraine, to include Lugansk, Odessa & so on.

  • The CIA carried out a color revolution in 2014 to overthrow the Ukrainian govt & installed the leader THEY wanted - not the Ukrainian people.

  • Western Ukraine was the headquarters of the Nazi SS during WWII and those same Nazis are still active in the country today, as evidenced by the division of Nazis in the Ukrainian military known as the Azov Battalion.

  • The US & Europe have been arming, funding, training & equipping actual Nazis in Ukraine for years while screaming about Trump supporters being Nazis.

  • There is a long history behind this & one critical point concerns Alan Dulles, former head of the CIA who protected Ukraine’s Nazis from facing justice at the Nuremberg Trials - why?

And why does no one ever ask that, to include all the Jewish organisations out there? No one is curious about the US protecting the Ukrainians in the Nazi SS?

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