EDC1745 1 point ago +2 / -1

freemasons aim for a world totalitarian, socialist government.

"Democracy is indispensable to socialism. The goal of socialism is communism" - lenin

the USA is a freemasonic country, created & still controlled by them.

EDC1745 9 points ago +9 / -0

sue them for EVERYTHING you can.

they are hoping you don't.

but... you've taken them this far, keep going & make them regret it

EDC1745 5 points ago +5 / -0

the truth is, they create the diseases. then, create "vaccines" which are not vaccines at all, but more disease & bioweaponry.

it's literally PROBLEM . REACTION . "SOLUTION"

what's the best way to get people to take your poison... tell them straight up, that it's poison?


create a fake problem disease, then introduce a solution "vaccine", which is actually the poison they want us to take?

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

this was the weapon they used on JFK. it's what Greer shot him with over his right shoulder.

the shellfish toxin is why they swapped his brain. imagine if they allowed that to show up in an autopsy...

EDC1745 6 points ago +6 / -0

i don't even feel bad for not understanding a damn thing about this statement


EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sars-Cov-2 has never been proven to exist. Never isolated.

first they called it, NCov, then they just automatically changed it to Sars-Cov-2.

neither time, did they ever isolate & prove the "virus" to exist. they just TOLD us about it.

the PCR "test" shows FRAGMENTS of previous supposed virus' such as Cov-1, which they claim WAS isolated over 20+ years ago. so, the PCR test isn't diagnosing a "NEW" virus (ie; Sars-Cov-2), it simply picks up fragments BASED ON Cov-1. essentially, there is no way to separate PCR results into Cov-1 or Cov-2.....

to all the people, even on this site, who still claim there was a new virus going around or they did GoF to produce a "super virus" or a "bio-engineered virus"... where is it???


where is it, so we can all point at it & say definitively... "THAT is the virus/pathogen that caused all of this" & begin designing tests that can ACTUALLY pick up & diagnose a new Cov-2 pathogen and/or variants.

it's like we're in a clown circus & we all have the prosecution side claiming "Oh, it's real", then because it's THEIR JOB TO PROVE IT.... they don't.... because they CAN'T.... because it doesn't exist.

think about it... there could be 2x scenarios to play out, either:

(1) there is no virus to show, so they have to continue to manipulate & rely upon mis/dis-information, along with the stupidity of the sheeple, to keep the facade going


(2) there is a bioengineered weapon that "leaked" from some lab, which again, if ever ISOLATED & PROVEN to exist in the REAL WORLD.... the many good & just scientists & doctors would have a real cure within days or weeks, all but eliminating any billion dollar profits big pharma could possibly make from pushing their "vaccines" & we would have all these labs shut down, ending their schemes

i think it's a WHOLE LOT EASIER to use disinformation & scare tactics (again, because the general public is so naive & stupid) to TELL people about a "virus going around", than to actually risk creating something & having it spread, while dealing with daily challenges from "conspiracy theorists" to prove the thing even exists.

don't get me started on the numerous "variants" they just throw around, without proving any of them to us.

this whole thing has been a masterclass on scamming

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

i think if Biden's handlers really were in control of the US, we wouldn't be dealing with border-crossing illegals, we'd be dealing with superpowers attacking us left & right. Truly a "trojan horse" situation.

but as it stands, there seems to be 'just enough' bs going on, to wake up the sheeple.

everything just seems PLANNED, in some way or another.

before the Illuminati could take out the USA, the Freemasons who created the USA wouldn't go down without a fight.

we the people have just as much to lose as they do. If the Masons lose, we lose & vice versa, then we'll all be back in the Dark Ages. but, we still need to remember that the Masons are still an enemy of the people. they want a totalitarian world government themselves.

EDC1745 0 points ago +2 / -2

imo fwiw, ignore the woman & let her figure things out herself. file for divorce & focus everything you have one (1) the Lord God (2) yourself (3) your child. Food, shelter & protection. If the woman isn't providing those things, forget about her because as it reads, she has forgotten about you.

you & the child need the transportation. the woman can get out & find herself a job & her own transportation, you don't worry about her, she's an adult.

if she wants to be separated, let her have that. file the divorce if/when you can, as soon as you can.

seek any assistance you can qualify for, such as low-income housing, food stamps, see if you can refinance the vehicle, etc.

see if you bank allows for "overdraw privileges", so you can access a few hundred dollars early in case of an emergency like re-po of the vehicle or utility shutoff, etc. (just make sure you deposit it back next paycheck)

sounds like she's been using you brother, to get herself in a position where she wanted to be & when she got there, she doesn't need/want you anymore. extremely, extremely cruel actions for someone to take.

if she isn't working & helping you support the child or any other financial responsibilities, FORGET ABOUT HER BRO. cut her loose & realize you have something that matters WAYYYY more & that is your little daughter.

the woman can take her degree she used you to get & go find a job. or, she can go apply for at walmart or where the hell ever she wants, it's not your job to baby her anymore.

i think be reading some comments below & your OP, you know what needs to be done. cut the woman loose, forget about her (because she has obviously forgot about you now) & focus on those 3x things I mentioned before (1) the Lord God (2) yourself & (3) your daughter.

God Bless bro!!

EDC1745 2 points ago +3 / -1

Israel & Is-Ra-El are not the same thing.

its sort of like how the USA before & after 1913 isn't the same.

so, what's the common denominator? something, something, Rothschilds / Zionism / banking, something, something...

if THE PEOPLE, not only of Israel or the USA, but all around the world, can get together, fight the division propaganda against us all & throw out the fiat, interest slave owners... we can have peace in the world, unlike anything we've ever seen before.

when the chains are broken & the lies are exposed, people can live again. this goes for the PEOPLE of Israel, the USA & all over the globe.

its like the old garden of Eden. Of course, we will have occasional disagreements with our enemies, but we don't kill them. Its only until the snake entered & corrupted everything, did death & murder begin to occur.

EDC1745 6 points ago +6 / -0

direct energy weapons.

the towers TURNED TO DUST... in mid.... air.... before... they... were... allowed... to hit... the ground

otherwise, all of Manhattan would have been flooded by the sheer weight of the debris

by raxlore
EDC1745 6 points ago +6 / -0

income taxes are necessary to pay back the interest on the fiat printed out of thin air & "borrowed" from the private federal reserve, duhhh .. sarcasm

income taxes are a scam & a surefire way to tell who the slaves are & who aren't. there is no other reason, it's that simple.

the vast majority of people think income taxes go to schools & roads... the others just think "duurr, i don't know... i just don't wanna go to prison"

i keep telling people... this Great Awakening will fast forward when people stop paying income taxes.

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

i've said it a thousand times before... the STATE of Is - Ra - El (look into what Is, Ra & El really means) & the PEOPLE of Israel (notice its all one word here)... are NOT the same.

Is - Ra - El ≠ Israel

British Is-Ra-El-ism

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

manufactured hate

manufactured terrorism

this is the group that is the enemy of the people. undercover feds, trying to create & stir up hate & division, when there WOULDN'T BE ANY otherwise.

fuck these people trying to divide us.

they've gotten their asses kicked & their stupid ass masks ripped off to be exposed to the public before, so now they've retreated to "soft territories" like Greenwich, CT.

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

GOP are pawns of Freemasonry & the state of Is-Ra-El / Mossad / CIA

DEMS are pawns of Freemasonry & the state of Is-Ra-El / Mossad / CIA

Hegelian Dialectic... puppets of the same master

but we all know this already, many don't unfortunately...

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is why Is-Ra-El (Freemasonry controls the CIA & MOSSAD / Hamas / ISIS, etc. they are all one in the same) carried out October 7th, 2023.


[they] create the problem.

[they] carry out the attack.

[they] come in with the "solution".

it's actually very simple what they do & they continue to do the same things, OVER & OVER & OVER... & very, very few people can catch on to their game. everything is MANUFACTURED.

  1. they want certain things to happen, within a certain timeline

  2. these things they want, do not occur naturally, because "normal" people are just living day to day

  3. these terrorists then coordinate & carry out attacks on innocent people. they DO NOT CARE if you are good, if you are American, Palestinian, Israeli, Christian, Jewish, Black or White. Because THESE PEOPLE are of their OWN.

if they want an "anti-semitism" bill to pass, they will run false flags every day of the week, until the bill gets passed. they will pay "protestors" to sit in tents they provide for them & they will activate CIA / MOSSAD agents to pretend they are students, while having them co-ordinate their "protests".

(If you are not one of them, you are nothing, but means to their end)

EDC1745 4 points ago +4 / -0

my comment is not directed towards OP, just generally using "you, you're", etc.

our government doesn't print the fiat. it takes out "IOUs" basically with the PRIVATE "federal" reserve.

the PRIVATE "federal" reserve then adds interest to every piece of fiat printed, so its impossible to pay back.

hint whoever owns the printer, owns you if you agree to pay them

every tax "return" is done the same way. so you think you're getting something back? WRONG. you're putting yourself & your neighbor into more debt slavery, because more fiat is printed, resulting in more debt, so people can get their measly "return". now they will owe [them] even more, great....

think you're providing the country with resources when you pay income taxes? WRONG AGAIN. when people pay income tax, all your hard-earned "money" ONLY goes BACK to the PRIVATE "federal" reserve, to pay on the "IOU" for the printed fiat's debt.

it doesn't go to healthcare, infrastructure, social security, emergency personnel, teachers, , etc.

i don't know what else people think their income tax goes to, but it ONLY goes to ONE THING... to pay back a fictional debt on an IOU for printed FIAT to the PRIVATE "federal" reserve.

the "federal" reserve is NOT federal. its PRIVATE.

EDC1745 3 points ago +3 / -0

the less contact people have with the FBi, the better. fuck'em. they are very corrupt & despise people.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

something i used to wonder when Q would post is, "what if no one is asking Q the "right" questions" & so i believed that members of "Q team" would pose as an "anon" to ask Q a question, in order to steer the conversation or the anons in a certain direction, such to fit a timeline, etc.

i strongly believe this is what the CIA & FBI do... when there are no natural protests, they pay operatives to infiltrate campuses, disguise themselves as student protestors & start the protests themselves.

when there is no natural terrorism occurring, they create the leaders & groups, while pulling off attacks on innocents people as the puppeteers of the whole thing.

when they want a particular thing to occur, such as shutting down of free speech, they fund protests of a particular "target-victim" group, such as "the jews"... thus they gain the shut down off free speech, by way of "clamping down on anti-semitism" protests.

when something isn't naturally happening, they MAKE IT HAPPEN.

its all Masonic CIA / MO$$AD / FBI b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t

EDC1745 4 points ago +5 / -1

Q post #2,398 Nov 03, 2018 3:09:12 PM EDT

just remember, he isn't using HIS money to fund our enemies..... he's using TAX PAYERS MONEY

in essence, if you continue to pay income tax to [them], you're funding your own enemy

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

most people who have abortions, use it as a form of "birth control". they have NO intent on parenting the child, with or without money or help from the daddy government.

they just want to have wild, unprotected sex while often being under the influence of one or multiple drinks or drugs.

very, very few abortions are a result of rape or incest. those are understandable, especially for underage victims.

for adults, i believe prison terms should start being introduced for taking the life of the unborn. both for the consenting adult(s) AND the doctors.

EDC1745 2 points ago +2 / -0

good thing he didn't have a gun in his hands...

completely unhinged, him & the phone lady

EDC1745 1 point ago +1 / -0

yet people will rush to file income tax to get their "returns", which puts them further into fiat debt...

i've said it a million times... things will never truly change, until we all get on the same page & STOP. PAYING.

if they come after you, they'll have an entire block to deal with. or an entire town.

an armed populace, standing up against a broken, despotic system is something they KNOW they can't win against.

everytime you pay taxes, you're telling them you are their slave & incentivize them to continue their bullshit, while mocking you every. step. of. the. way

they are literally the "elite" of a fictional, "printed out of thin air" empire. they own nothing & have no real power.

why do we let it continue for?

Jesus stood up against them. We need to as well. we need to COMMUNICATE with our neighbors & family.

for those of you that are Christian, truly Christian... what is there to be afraid of in this world?

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