Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0


Let's see Cohen try that with Lindsey Graham.

Anyway, that's exactly what you do -- let everyone know immediately. State the facts. And leave!

I love Ron Paul.

He's amazing.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

The older I get, the less makeup I wear.

Instead of lipstick, I mostly use lip balm. Tinted.

I use Burt's Bees because I think there are fewer toxins.

I don't wear mascara at all but I do like a little eyeliner.

Now, if I were going to make public appearances I'd probably wear more but for everyday looks, that's about it.

I do try to keep my skin clear and even.

Here's a tip: add some iodine to the soap suds you use on your face. Let it sit for a minute or so. Then wash it off. Really cleans deep down.

I use Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap on my face AND my hair.

And I do NOT use perfume. Who knows what they put in that mass-produced stuff.

If I like the smell, I might use it in my hair or on clothes, but NOT on my skin.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

Y'all, please stop saying it's a gaff.

He knew exactly what he was saying.

Biden's a psychopath, in my opinion.

He LOVES doing deviant stuff and rubbing our faces in it.

Daring us to acknowledge it or do anything about it.

Remember how he rubbed that little girl's nipple on camera?

All those kids he touches inappropriately -- and in public?

The lip kisses with his granddaughter?

It's part of the same brazenness.

Oh, and then giving Ruby Freeman a medal.

He is taunting us.

Enlightenment_Now 6 points ago +6 / -0

I read SOMEWHERE -- don't recall where -- that the Rothschild class of entities infiltrated Tibetan Buddhism to destroy it.

So I would review any and all religions carefully. Leave what feels wrong. Embrace what feels right.

And stay away from groups.

I've learned a lot from Tibetan Buddhism but then I'm not one to join groups. I learn, I add to my store of knowledge, I move on.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh by the way, Kaiser employees were required to watch the series when it first came out.

Good to know. Surprising, but good to know.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

$197 is for the physical + digital copies.

$97 if you're okay with digital only.

So it definitely is affordable.

Hope you have a great birthday!

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who are all those people freely crossing our southern border?

I don't know who they are.

Does anyone?

Maybe they will be paid to false flag this summer.

Enlightenment_Now 4 points ago +4 / -0

The top three causes od death for 65 and under were:

  1. Sudden death
  2. Cardiac-related
  3. Cancer

Sounds like the jab could be exacerbating all three.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +5 / -2

Because they are cultists just like the commies? They were just socialized or brainwashed into a Christian religion.

That is why I do not like organized religion.

Give me my Christ straight, without the trappings.

Whenever you have an organized religion or a "church" you have to get people involved to maintain it.

There's a saying: the more times people touch a thing (a process, a file, for example), the greater the opportunities to screw it up.

Religion is no exception.

Organized religion has too many people touching it.

Enlightenment_Now 19 points ago +19 / -0

I comment, then RARELY return to read replies.


  1. I don't care what most people think.
  2. Most of my comments aren't made for the benefit of the person I'm replying to, but for the lurkers.
  3. The goal is to add to the general discussion, perhaps contribute a different point of view, not necessarily to change the mind of the person commenting in the thread.
Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stop texting and driving!

Unless someone else is driving and you're a passenger.

Seriously. It's dangerous and getting more so with people randomly getting the suddenlies while driving.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why I haven't donated recently.

I want to be sure it goes to HIM and not to anyone else.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

New, as in

New (World Order) Public Relations.

Illuminati Radio, paid for by the people, against the people.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have thought for a long time that Tulsi and Crenshaw could run together as middle of the road moderates.

Once upon a time, I was driving at night on a dark country road.

Suddenly, something in the headlights caught my eye.

I slammed on the brakes.

Just in time to avoid the two skunks fornicating in the middle of the road.

Story unrelated.

Edit: clarity

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suspect it's part of the ESG social scoring.

They want to get their propaganda out there so they get points for social justice and punish us if we reject it.

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