Enlightenment_Now 4 points ago +5 / -1

Go to his website and read his other works.

Much of it fits in here.

Editing to be more specific: How about this -- he thinks Isaac Kappy faked his death.


Happy reading. Thow a couple of bucks his way if you like his stuff.

Enlightenment_Now 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Legally distinct" was hugely important.

Such a pity people can't read.

Rather, it's a pity that people who can't read often have power of those who can.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except that some of them took it and got saline.

They may or may not have known that they got saline.

Otherwise, your idea would work.

Enlightenment_Now 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'd like it better if he didn't have dirty pants.

Then I'd identify more.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a better idea:

Eliminate the Dept of Education.

Defund teachers' unions.

Then bump this stuff down to the state level.

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I were in your shoes, I would not touch ANY vaccine.

None of them are good.

I heard some awful things about the tetanus jab, too, that it's also based on a lie.

I'm sorry -- I don't recall where I read about it but it was recent.

Enlightenment_Now 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guess what I think.

I think that you are 100% correct.

Both of them are actors.

We don't wear masks, either.

BTW, I actually do weird shaman stuff like that -- BUT I know enough not to go acting like that in public.

Well, I don't wear the get-up.

But I do sound healing chants and some of them sound like that...a bit.

There's a right place and time and a wrong place and time.

So I agree with you: both fakes.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the other hand, replying to my own comment:

Some of them do have good points about the media.

Listen to what they say and take it into consideration.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is sad:

They just don’t get that we generally take in a lot of media, and while any one source should be taken w a grain of salt, we have general trust in these institutions because they ALWAYS, without fail, provide a paper trail.

And have been for many, many years, from stuff no one even cares about to the biggest stories, they’re meticulous in CYA. And when they make a mistake, they actually admit it!

Contrast that with their “We Are the News Now” BS…it’s always sourced to some dude on the internet.

The whole point is, I don’t need to know the source of the source of the source offhand. The media I consume is constantly called into question by its competitors, readers, subjects, and occasionally lawyers, and they’ve always brought the receipts- so rather than make myself insane and just assume they’re lying and making unfalsifiable claims, I trust their expertise- because it’s well-earned.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I had the chance, I'd call him Dr. Mengele and tell him he needs to be charged for war crimes.

Enlightenment_Now 4 points ago +4 / -0

The real reason people find it threatening is right there:

some women could opt out of participating in the corporate working world...

That's the sin.

You must allow yourself to be owned by a corporation. You may not be independent. You may not own yourself.

And THAT is why it scares the communists so. If you work for a corporation, eventually, they can control what you say, think, and if you are allowed to feed yourself.

They control the corporations. Now they want them to all obey DIE and ESG.

They don't want anyone opting out.

And they don't want people at home possibly homeschooling their children.

They will lose control.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, that explains why they had to steal the election.

They wanted world domination to start. And in some info ChatGPT has access to, they are claiming that it did indeed begin in 2021.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

Suggestion: Read, read, and re-read Father Anthony de Mello's Awareness.

He was a Jesuit priest who made too much sense and empowered too many people, so they killed him.

That's my interpretation of his mysterious death.

That book is great for teaching you how to observe your own mind and disengage from the roller coaster. How to open yourself up to true happiness.

It has had a huge positive effect on me.

Awareness. Awareness. Awareness.


A book review and summary: https://www.turnerstories.com/book-reviews/2020/10/12/8-lessons-in-awareness-by-anthony-de-mello

A summary and mini-course - https://www.sloww.co/awareness-anthony-de-mello/

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0


This is great!

Now off to figure out how to build myself one or these.

Or two.

Or three.


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