Ivermectin is the ONLY drug rated 100% safe for pregnant women. I know of no other drug that doctors don't routinely restrict due to pregnancy. Your wife is entirely safe taking Ivermectin. Don't let the MSM put their fear-porn into you.
Crazy Days and Nights
Gen-X'er here. Keep your chin up. Don't let them get you down. Try to be empathetic when you see the trauma based mind control, and the constant mass formation hypnosis, and keep preparing yourself to be there for them when they finally get jolted awake.
The future belongs to whoever shows up! Your kids are going to learn to overcome adversity and win, and you're going to teach them. Yes, it's a burden, it's a lot of work, but you can do it! And when your strength runs out, God's grace is there to make up the difference.
Here's another interesting video about the relative harmlessness of radioactive material -
I love Harambe and P'Nut at the end - LMAO