Fandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I originally believed Q was an "operation trust" setup made up by traitors within the Trump administration. This just isn't necessarily true and I saw last year the massive awakening happening and many people becoming fully aware of what's happening. Something impossible even a few years ago is now reasonable and out in the open that everyone sees.

There is also a possibility that Q was something to over-compensate Trump's actual hand in all of this. The coup rumors were swirling, and it ended up backfiring and blowing up in Biden's face when they overreacted to all of this, deploying troops to the capitol, and sending FBI agents to school board meetings. It's similar to constantly running air raid sirens, only to have no actual air raids, your troops get incredibly angry when this happens, and that is exactly what the deep state is doing right now, constantly running air raid sirens in the middle of the night with nothing to show for other than their incompetency toward their followers.

Fandigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

It doesn't matter. Trump is just the head of this movement. The movement goes on even without him. More people now more than ever are awakening to the true enemy we've all had for over 100 years. We're building alternative infrastructures to combat them and conducting a real war against them. Regardless of if Trump is on our side now at this point is irrelevant. We have accomplished a lot in the past 5 years. Built alternative news narratives, taken the teeth out of the mainstream. WE Make the news now, not them. I think a lot of you don't understand how significant this is. For example, 5 years ago Trump would say something and the Left, like a hivemind would attack all at once and we would be stuck defending him and wasting our time and energy while the Left plans on something new again. Today this is not the case, it's the Left who's playing defense and getting attacked on all fronts and all sides constantly with nothing to rebute other than blocking you or putting their hands over their ears. That's progress if you ask me.

Fandigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

The framework is being laid out. This won't happen overnight. Bolsenaro and his supporters firmly control the country. The failed assassination attempt on his life only solidified his support. Only power the globalists even have are a few holdovers in their court system and government.

Fandigo 28 points ago +28 / -0

Trump is not the authority on personal health care decisions and never has been. His opinion on vaccines holds as much weight as his opinion on eating his steaks well-done, or endorsing MLMs and unhealthy fast food in the past. That's his personal decision, and it's irrelevant if he advocates for it or not because he's a statesman, not our monarch. And when it comes to governing matters, he has come out strongly against vaccine and mask mandates. That's what matters. What even matters more is building alternative health care systems outside of mainstream death machines that we call hospitals. There is a framework being built for this. This never would have happened in the past.

We followed him primarily because of his leadership with regards to governing this country. He played them and forced their hand and had vaccine manufacturers release their stockpiled flu vaccines, and not something even more deadly they were planning to release in 5-10 years. There has never been this much exposure to the fraud that is our healthcare system in our history as there is now. Nearly EVERY comment you see on every social media platform are of people complaining about the vaccine and hospitals acting completely negligible. You now have countries openly against all of this, Brazil, one of the largest countries on earth is now out of globalist cabal hands. Same with Russia. China is also branching off and rejecting the depopulation agenda. The entire world realizes who the enemy is. Even 5 years ago this wasn't even conceivable. The elite can run to Hawaii or New Zealand, but it doesn't matter. They know. Their body guards all know. The local populations know. They can't hide and will face their crimes directly no matter how you view this.

Fandigo 4 points ago +4 / -0

His wife had STAGE 4 cancer which spread to her lungs in the last update, but it was detected a month earlier as stage 3. I'd like to hear the full details of this. It took 6 months but it's clear this is much more effective than chemotherapy.

And why would Stone lie about this? If he was lying, he'd extend this as long as possible, into next year. Instead it was just a 6 month issue.

Fandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lucky Larry is still alive. He wasn't the mastermind of all of this and is likely representing other parties who were responsible for 9/11 when he bought the buildings and took out the insurance for them. He's nothing more than a pawn and was given the call on the morning of 9/11 to stay back, all for the defense of Israel. I doubt he even knew the full plans of what would happen that day but was given exclusive information when he accidentally admitted they "pulled" building 7. I hope he repents to God and spills it all to the public before he passes, I'm certain he lost people he knew and saw because he was in that building every day, there must have been some remorse going on in his head. What does he even have to lose? Video footage of him banging a 12 year old in 1980? Who knows, even something as weak as that can scare the shit out most people to keep quiet. But my other suspicion is he may have nothing to spill, other than his shadowy handlers who gave him his orders, which is something that wouldn't lead anywhere.

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This doesn't work. The average leftist is so stupid they really can't make the connection at all.

The best way is pointing out how exactly 1 year ago these people were screaming about refusing to take Trump's vaccine and have made a complete 180 on all of this at a flip of a switch. It's just humiliating and they have nothing to counter this.

Fandigo 3 points ago +3 / -0

It made no sense how over 50% of the population was vaccinated by June, yet, we can barely get 50% of eligible voters to vote, unless of course it's in a Democrat state that could potentially flip Republican of course. And don't forget how in November of 2020, Leftists were screaming everywhere about how they wouldn't get Trump's shot.

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's funny that leftists and liberals are repeating that last part now. They finally understand part of this scam and that now, Democrats can never fully address this issue without destroying themselves.

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. While the defense of "I was just following orders" was rendered null in the Nuremberg trials, 99% of all Nazi soldiers still got off scott free. This will be true in this case, only the very higher ups will get punished. I think this is the best course of action, we can't just arrest 90% of our doctors and nurses who administered this poison.

Fandigo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Another scenario is the Supreme Court sides with Mike Lindell, but the Biden administration refuses to comply. What happens then?

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other big reason was the Democrat states were all bankrupt and needed a bailout. California included. Imagine Newsom and Deblasio being forced to make budget cuts in 2021?

Fandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

The governor made a mandate... against the mask mandate. what in the hell were they even thinking? The hypocrisy is off the charts with these people.

Fandigo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It doesn't matter. no matter what you show these people, they don't care. It's going to take kids dying around them before they finally get it. I think the mask mandate on kids really awoken a lot of people, especially women. Their maternal instincts kicked in and it shows. We outnumber them significantly and they know it. But, unfortunately it's going to go back to the kids getting heart attacks before there's a real change to all of this.

Fandigo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The deep state has nukes. They have control over nuclear weapons and could easily detonate maybe a few anywhere in the world. They don't have the entire arsenal, but I imagine a few slipped away when the Soviet Union collapsed and it's likely in their hands as a last resort. Unfortunately the exposure is the only way to really get us out of this mess and educate the masses. I really believe at this point, the muscle behind the deep state have been deeply wounded. They cannot hide in their bunkers or their remote island mansions anymore, when all of their housekeepers and private guards know exactly who they are and what they have done. This wasn't the case just 20 years ago or 30. Trump amassed two million people to DC. It scared them to the core, and triggered this reaction of acceleration. Simply Art of War stuff, trick your enemy out into the open to better assess him and ultimately build the plans to defeat him. The Russians did this to Napoleon and lured him deep into their own territory, and defeated him, despite Napoleon having a significantly larger army and supply line, it didn't matter, his greed got the better of him and he really thought he could march into Moscow in the winter and be the conqueror of Europe, but that was taken away. France never recovered after this, and it was a permanent loss and permanent defeat that would secure anyone else from ever taking over Europe again for another hundred years.

Fandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

This needs to happen in the U.S. but obviously we have to be very careful about this. We already have laws already against fraud, the media clearly shows this with regards to pushing an agenda for their advertisers and sponsors that exist in big pharma. The same argument cannot be used anywhere else. You can't arrest people for promoting flat earth theories, area 51, etc. etc. because there isn't a profit motive to fraud people out of their money AND cause detrimental economic and social damage to a nation like what the media is doing right now.

Fandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the best thing ever. Bernie is basically a broken record saying the same thing over and over again and Elon calls him out! The silence for the past 24 hours should tell you something. Bernie is just controlled and bought off, how else was he able to keep his senate seat for so long?

Fandigo 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are. It just takes a long ass time. I really believe in 10 years, people will be embarrassed they ever supported any Democrat party policies. Just look at where we were 10 years ago and where we are now.

Fandigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, notice how all of the threads posted about "X Europeans aren't white!" get hundreds of replies? Years ago those threads would get maybe a few replies then disappear. Now they use their bots to spam these threads like crazy.

Fandigo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The media are the ones spreading information online, and are probably the only instance where they are causing massive amounts of harm to people.

Fandigo 19 points ago +19 / -0

This happens with every open message board on the internet. It's actually very, very common. The deep state has been doing this for decades now. They send their OWN people into these message boards and post child porn to get them to shut down through warrants and legal issues. This is why so many free speech platforms that get big either get shut down, or taken over or bought out by one of their minions.

Meanwhile, places like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook are exempt from all of this, despite having numerous places for pedophiles to post their content on those platforms. They are completely EXEMPT, from law enforcement, from the courts, from just about everything, because the deep state owns it all. This is how they got too large and have such a big commanding control over the internet. ALL at our expense thanks to tax payer money for taking down all of their competition and financing them.

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reagan came around the time the Deep state had lost all patience with the Soviet Union. Command and control iron fisted communism did not work and everyone knew it and it was an embarrassment. The old idea of having the Soviets take over the U.S. just wasn't within the realm of possibility by the late 70s. And most people in the government had caught on to the espionage, so it was getting harder and harder to export all of our tech to the Russians, especially when their system was so incredibly incompetent. Even if they were given the entire plans for the SR-71 blackbird, it wouldn't matter because they simply weren't capable of producing half of the components without people stealing parts or getting drunk on the job. The exact plans for the space shuttle were even hand delivered to them, and they were still a decade behind the U.S.

The fall of the Soviet Union was handled by Bush Sr. Reagan had nothing to do with the handling of the new Russian Federation government. They thought Putin was their loyal subject, but he seemed to have flipped long ago which was why they really really hate him.

Fandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I was growing up, there were almost no shots, other than Polio and Measles and a bunch of others. Then, all of a sudden they get the chicken pox vaccine, then HPV vaccine, then the seasonal flu. It made no sense. These viruses killed almost nobody. The flu made even less sense because it mutated every year and by the time you received it it would hardly protect you because the virus would've already been out in the wild long enough to mutate fast enough. This was well accepted thought and almost no one took them.

Now everything changed in 2020, because they fixed the numbers to count every other death as a covid death, including seasonal flu deaths.

Fandigo 8 points ago +8 / -0

This was heavily shilled on other websites that JFK JR. was still alive, including a bunch of pictures of an older guy they claim to be him. And then George.news. It's all insanity. And every time the Left points this out how insane this is, I tell them the insane garbage they bought into for four years with Mueller, pissgate, Russian hacking, and Trump being secretly a white supremacist with no proof. Then they shut up.

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