My opinion is that opinions are irrelevant.
"I just never liked the guy," is a good example.
This list is important in that it is in the faces of those that do not know at all.
New cars suck, and they're ugly too.
I love my 40 year old Buick.
"Not on the passenger list."
Virtually endless supply combined with extremely low carbon emissions. Truth.
Co2 = .054%
Another one of those pesky numbers.
Percentage of carbon dioxide in an atmosphere of many gasses.
How much of that could mankind produce?
Grain of sand on a world full of beaches.
"The Great Global Warming Swindle"
The whole thing is a fraud, and it's easy to show.
This is how they lie to you while telling you the truth.
"James Comer, Jim Jordan, Jason Smith, and their colleagues have distorted the facts by cherry-picking lines from a bank statement."
Hunter Biden at D.C. press conference.
No mention of the 174... Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) or any of the other documented evidence.
The biggest lie of all is the lie of omission.
Lots of this at etsy all of a sudden. A little on-the-nose, don't ya think?
Feels like a plant to make us look bad.
What right do you have to demand payment from people and companies for not doing what you want?
Rhetorical. Don't answer that.
Extortion, plain and simple.
ALL of the bad things that we see every day stem from this in one way or another...
"One person or group imposing their will on another."
By manipulation, force, fraud or coercion.
Every agenda, every time.
And in this case it is working quite. well
ALL of the bad things that we see every day stem from this in one way or another...
One person or group imposing their will on another.
By manipulation, force, fraud or coercion.
Every agenda, every time.
We need one post, just one word, "Hi."
Correctly verified.
Send the gangsters into a tailspin for a while.
Yeah. And Levis suck.
So, "Hooray for Trannies" is okay..?
And don't forget about "drafting" where the email is never sent.
An email is written and saved in draft folder. Intended recipient is given login access to the account in order to read the email. Information is exchanged but email is never actually sent.
Damn those streemists.
This could get really big.
Thousands of fans doing the same next time.
It's not about the article, it's about the fact that they're writing it.
Aka, 451000 millions.
Alefantis is a Rothschild.
Fall of the Cabal has it all.