Is Trump the anime character All Might. I'm starting to think so
Top kek comment fren. I laughed
I immediately thought Ben Stiller. Kek
Meme them to death!
Friend of mine just sent this to me from a game he plays kek
Yep, that's what turned me here. I had to find out if the shills were right. Low and behold they was dead wrong about GAW.
Next batch of immigrants I assume.
Top comment, kek worthy
These glowfags or actually innocent civilians?
I tried to watch it on my phone but Johnny cash hurt was to op for it
Never forget this feeling. There will be hard times, but never better.
If only don would swing that way kek
Everything that has been said about the Fed on here has been true. π€― This place preps
That flair π€£ kek
Maybe the biggest sticky ever if abrams
With you fren. Lfg
The Shannon sharp interview was so raw. I thought half of it was hyperbole. Then I watched his joe Rogan interview and saw an intellect. Dare say he reads the board.
Yowza, nice throw back and connection.
I'm not going to keep harping on it tonight but frens... This is what winning feels like. 2024 the pendulum swings back to us. Look back and turn to salt
Fantastic info fren. This link has been shared to other holders.
The world wins fren
2024 meat and taters time
Do one better, the "administration"
Post like this let you frogs know to take a breath. The scope is huge