Whistleblower claims to have handed over audio and video proof that Obama was blackmailed by Iran over Osama Bin Laden decoy's death. Paid 150 billion U.S dollars on pallets of cash and murdered Seal Team 6 to cover it up
Does this make MOASS Irrelevant? If the currency is worthless I mean.
Does this effect the liklihood of XRP going up?
I'm considering investing in BRICS stable coin if it's gold backed. AITA
Yup, just finished paying my, "Please don't shoot me and take everything I already own" property tax. 1200 smackaroos every year.
Can someone please tell why his voice is so fkd up? I want to listen to the message but the orator is so awful
You don't sidle up to and make deals with Evil. Evil must be destroyed. America got off the rails because evil was not punished. Let the next Would be Fauci sit at a desk upholstered with the flayed skin of his predecessor to remind him what the wages of sin are. That'd be a powerful deterrent.
Damn how'd they get it into numbing agents? And wth else is it in ffs??!
People need to be executed for poisoning generations of Americans. One policy of China's I always liked, Corrupt corporate profiteers being executed for choosing money over people.
Oh is yours one of the states that just updated its PM laws?
So all of your precious metals investments are bullion? 27% Capital gains tax be damned?
What is the stock equivalent of real estate? Is there a publicly traded land developer you invest in? Or are you buying homes outright?
But she'd prefer I don't buy bullion,
Ive finally convinced my wife to let me buy silver for the kids savings accounts. But she'd prefer I don't buy bullion, to avoid capital gains max tax rate when it's eventually sold. Is there a trustworthy silver stock to buy? Redacted mentioned AGMR, but I wanted to ask around. Should I invest in a silver mining company or futures or what? Ty
Does this mean Parkinsons is a result of parasitic infection aswell? My God, how do they keep a lid on stuff like this???!
Divided equally that's over 10 Evil PoS' brought to Justice per unsealed indictment! Excellent work flipping States Witness' DoJ!
I have enough supply of freeze dried food from Patriot supply to feed 4 for about a month. But need to start collecting rainwater. Any other ideas?
Redacted said to buy AGMR (Silver Mountain Mining Company) but I've been watching their progress and havnt been convinced to buy. What company are you invested in?
Tell me more about China attempting to thwart the Khazarians. Weren't they missing in pots until 1930?
Distraction, psy-op glowie
We're still trying 9/11 terrorists? It's been 23 years ffs?!
Damn, just got a vasectomy.
Thats Ms. Massie. The very case I was mentioning. That man was fired from 4 departments before murdering her
End the IRS and income tax altogether
How many "votes" did Hobbs get in her general election? Hpe it was less than 500k
Ah ok so this starting to make the rounds again on social media, why now? And yea wth has been going on with this for 4 years