Conflating constitutional law with sovereign citizen bs is like conflating flat earth with conspiracies.
Who you trying to mislead?
The only thing I need to know; is it safe for the children?
Does anyone know anything about Goldbacks?
Funny part is I have no idea where it’s from. I just heard someone else say it.
I think he’ll do just fine in federal pound me in the ass prison.
In regards to maine:
Fuck, we couldn’t rig this state. Quickly, on to the next.
2 very good books I’ve found while researching frequencies, for anyone interested.
Good thing none of us have an employer.
DWAC will probably be converted, DWACW will be converted if you pay the $11.50 (iirc) and I forgot how Units functions.
You said illegal drugs, now you want to change to narcotics? Fine, is cannabis a narcotic?
E: Maybe answer the question before going trigger happy on the downvote button.
Would you say the same thing if ivermectin was deemed illegal?
they must be shown. Only at the precipice will people find the will to change.
Just because someone changes the way they report news doesn’t change the fact that it’s still sheeps following.
A real win will be when they turn off the tv and not rely on any false idols.
Someone get me a marker
Go/woke Go/broke
I’m alone but I’m not lonely.
California goes red and trump doesn’t even need Colorado to win. Now that would make a great show.
As useful as that information is, don’t bring that judicial stuff into an administrative court. Hold your own court and force them to present a verifiable bill.
who says I owe a debt?
E: this works with traffic court too.
Can’t be manufactured if it’s coming from Mexico.
Casualties of war. Saying it sucks diminish what these men are willing to do in the face of evil.
It sucks that our founding fathers all were murdered and tortured within a few years of signing the constitution but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Same story, new heros.
I think he was saying grow your own.
None of you here (except the fbi agents) are employees, you don’t have an employer and you don’t work for a business or trade.
USC 26, read their definitions.
We’ve already won, you’re just watching the formalities play out.
Why did it happen, I don’t know, but I know it’ll serve a purpose later on.
Let’s count together.
1 shot
2 shot
3 shot
Or revert voting rights back to those who own land, you know like it originally was, when families voted together not against each other.
remind them it is their motto
Likewise you can exercise common lore without the sovereign citizen bullshit.