FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been meaning to dig on the connections between MIT and Nygard/epstein and other medical stuff they were into... I've just been really busy and lazy. Hoping the story is big enough someone else does the heavy lifting, mostly. It's interesting as a topic though.

I do recall a story about nano-research Epstein was funding but again, I'm lazy, and busy.

FvckTheBidens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peter Nygard went down for raping and impregnating underage girls and then aborting the babies to inject himself with the stem cells.

These people were obsessed with life extension and weren't going to let a little thing like morality or laws get in the way.

Real life vampires

I'm sure they were all involved with each other at a certain point when it comes to these things.

FvckTheBidens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hollywood is dead. South Korea is the new and improved. Better movies. Better quality.

I don't know anyone who supports the writers strike. It's like... they suck so bad at their job, fkn stay gone.

FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why are ponzicoin morons allowed to peddle their scams here?

This content is beneath the awakening. You'd have to be retarded at this point to not see the BTC scam for what it's always been.

It was a scam when it was bitgold. It will be the same scam when fedcoin is enabled and they literally outlaw competitor coins.

"ItS GoInG tO BrInG dOwN ThE BaNkS!?" -then why do you need a bank account to buy it?

I feel like I don't have the patience to headbutt every single shill peddling this bullshit.

Why do the mods allow this?

FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I was dealing with the writer strike I would just fire them all. Hollywood movies have been dogshit for soooooo long. Terrible woke agenda commie bastards.

FvckTheBidens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't believe this for a second.

You need a bank account to deposit or withdraw BTC.

"It's going to kill the central banks"

The same banks that funded it's development and implementation?

They tried multiple times before BTC.

Research Nick Szabo and bitgold to see why you've been completely hoodwinked.

Resist CBDCs. Resist digital scarcity model.

You're being scammed.

Buy gold Buy silver

The end.

FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're only just now realizing twitter is full of grifters???

Do you side with General Flynn and Trump?

Then why does what some cashier with blue hair thinks on twitter matter?

FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +1 / -0

There have been a ton a commie arsonists all up and down the West Coast year after year. People just have their head in the sand.

"BuT ClImAtE ChAnGe!!!"

They gray fire in Spokane a few weeks ago... the few weeks leading up to it had "burn Spokane down" msgs graffitied all over the city.


They don't even try to hide the shit anymore.

Edit: https://www.khq.com/fires/investigators-believe-gray-fire-in-medical-lake-was-human-caused/video_238f04d8-4356-11ee-8823-bbfc31d201fc.html

FvckTheBidens 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck the DNC and their attempt to import a standing army to uphold their gibberish.

This election year marks the end of civility.

There will be a reckoning. Mark my words.

FvckTheBidens 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm old enough to remember the consistency.

That's why the lies work on young people, they are too distracted to dig for the truth, and too young to know it inherently.

It's why "middle eastern terrorists" often used children and teenagers for violence. Easy to indoctrinate.

That's why the DNC targets youth and children for their propaganda.

I'm sure this is an oversimplification but it's a thought I had.

FvckTheBidens 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are so many videos out there of Kary Mullis eviscerating Fauci. Decades worth.

I feel bad for those who fell for the scam. Just not THAT bad.

The former CEO of Phizer has also been very vocal.

Mike Yeadon.

Ignorance is a choice.

FvckTheBidens 3 points ago +3 / -0

Worst case scenario: I will sit by and eat popcorn while the jabbed die off. Not locking down. Not complying with any edicts from the supreme authority. Just eating popcorn and enjoying the clown show.

FvckTheBidens -3 points ago +2 / -5

Literally kek. This made me :O. GJ!

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