The FBI is a terrorist organization.
What has he done that threatens big pharma?
Before we splinter him into a thousand pieces and scatter them in the winds.
I would drop out of that class. If not that college.
Soros being dead would be a gift from God.
That is super nitpicky.
Down the line they should declare the ATF a terrorist organization.
Along with the CIA.
The FBI is a terrorist organization.
I say we start using their own language against them.
We should outlaw thinking machines, like in Dune.
We should execute Soros on Jesus' resurrection day.
The crash will wake people up, but it will be the vaccines that will make people want blood from the enemies.
That is way I support public floggings and executions.
Only problem is, the moment we start holding these fucks accountable they will resort to finger pointing and throwing each other under the bus.
If this is not an act of war, I don't know what is.
Trannies are a drain on society anyways.
What is the penalty for corruption in the military?
There is a reason I have no qualms calling for their execution.
All those at big tech who have been censoring the truth need to be executed.
Not your body can be evicted.
What would be awesome is if all the bodies of the dead deep state agents got revealed right now.
Even if this is the case, DeSantis still has good accomplishments under his belt.
It's going to become increasingly hard to get away with stealing future elections.