We Are out there fighting. Did you miss the part about them rigging and cheating? Also, there are still oblivious and deliberately bad people out there. The fact we even got it on the ballot to try to get rid of the rank choice.. it took years... law procedures and such. Just like I don't believe the people trying to recall Gruesome were at fault for the 'loss'. It's obvious they were cheated. JMHO, of course. 🙄
Definitely find out about getting boxes from your local food bank, usually distributed through churches. Some churches have their own pantry give aways. Also look into local charities/help organizations.. we have one that can sometimes offer mechanic help and such.
The one in my family truly believes life is in jeopardy. She fears for what will happen to her daughters. She cried for hours. I think her husband needs to be tested for lack of testosterone, they need to get off leftie gaming and propaganda news, and we all need to pray for them! If we can save any more of them, I believe we still have a small window. Another year or two though, and if they don't see it.. I'm thinking they're fully gone.
I wish this walking skeleton would just get out. Justice is Hungry!