Most of my life, we had HUGE mechanical machines. This provided a perfectly accurate vote total that could be trusted. These should be brought back. If the gummit says they are too large and bulky, I think they would have an overload of patriots willing to tote them back and forth from storage to precincts!
I saw a video of a group of fellows who repair bridges for a living. They are going around and doing temporary bridges to homes cut off since the flood. They are doing this on their own dime. So far they’ve done more than forty!
I now, over the last few years, have come to the conclusion that the US. has been run by foreign entities over most of my lifetime. The exorbitant taxes we pay have been sending around the world in hidden ways, including military spending, have been to fill the coffers of a select few. The federal reserve act was the beginning of our downfall. Just ponder how well we could be doing by only paying a single digit percentage of our entire income on all taxes.
All physical evidence points to only Oswald. I studied it for five years back in the day, and believed as you do for two of the five. I can only say in this forum what I know to be true in first person. You have to do your own research and not just repeat what conspiracy writers hypothesize. I talked to original sources. Have you?And as for the diversion of 9/11….I am totally open to the truth, wherever it might lead. Building 7 anyone?
I will keep repeating what I’ve always said. Oswald was the only shooter. I believe now that he was prompted by a three letter agency, but was caught on his way to the Red Bird airport where two “Mexicans” were waiting to fly him to Mexico. This is where the Warren commission halted the investigation.
The confusion and conspiracy theories which developed around 1966 I believe, were attempts to confuse the public and divert attention from the agencies.
I saw somewhere a simple topographic map showing the western Appalachian mountains and the affected areas to the east. The rain falling on the mountains flowed eastward through all the valleys and flooded the towns. It made perfect sense. Also, remember, the are already had been saturated with rain for three days, and so when the winds blew, the trees were easily pushed over.
It was probably your address that dictates which machine. Different races for different areas is the reason.