INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doctors really don't know better. They are not expert in nutrition, and if someone is overweight they're likely to prescribe meds for them.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

My experience is the same. There were no more than five fat kids in my elementary school. Overweight kids were so unusual back then. I remember the school nurse weighing us once a year, weight and height measurement. One of my friends was a bit chubby (not fat), and the nurse sent a note home to her parents, along with a diet for her to follow. I live in an area where people are well off and well educated. Very few fat kids or adults. One town over and it seems nearly everyone is overweight.

INK10 10 points ago +10 / -0

Is this the same Michelle "The Canoeist" Kosinski who once filmed a news video of a "flooded street" in NJ? The one where two guys are seen clearly walking just behind her because there was no actual flood? She's such a stupid tool.

INK10 15 points ago +15 / -0

During my nursing career I worked in long term care (nursing homes mostly), and the patient to nurse ratio was appalling. There were days when I was responsible for over forty patients, which is insane. The nursing homes use the excuse that the patients were "medically stable". It's BS because even if they don't have an acute condition, they are mostly elderly with chronic conditions. There is no freaking way the nurses can adequately care for such patients in such large numbers. These places are business first (as in each patient is a cash cow), and good care is a mere afterthought. Most of the facilities I worked in were bought by businesses. They usually did a cosmetic rehab of the facilities so they looked bright and shiny, but patient to staff ratio was still terrible.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're very welcome. Thank you for your kind words as well. Sharing a burden is often very healing.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I have gone through a similar trial with one of my adult children. She's never had a DUI, or anything of that nature, but her alcoholism has damaged her body badly. When I took her to the hospital two months ago, her blood alcohol level was three times above the legal level. She's petite and only weighs about 115 pounds. She did rehab and now lives in a sober living home. She's very recently sober and I pray every day that she continues. AA has been enormously helpful to her. Is there no help such as AA in the detention facility? That would be very valuable as I'm sure there are many people there with alcohol addiction. As you know, prayer is very powerful, and I wish for all of you God's healing grace.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting theory, and I agree. I'm pretty old and I've never once had a fly land on my face (or head that I'm aware of). And yet certainly people often seem to have flies make guest appearances on their heads or faces.

INK10 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's what I did to. Voat to the Donald, then here. Very homelike and comfy here, but Voat was a wild ride.

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

My son just generated several songs about his four year old daughter. He put in prompts to describe her and what she likes to do. He generated four or five songs in different styles, and they are actually quite good. Music, voice, lyrics all by AI. Took about ten minutes or less.

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a nurse I'm thankful that I wasn't working during the great Vax debacle. Had planned to take a few years off before Covid happened, and should have been back to work by now. Doubtful I'll ever work again as a nurse, because in addition to the Covid Vaccine, I would never give anyone any kind of vaccine knowing what I know now. I'm actually getting job offers via text, which has never happened before.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO, a "marriage" between men is not marriage. I don't know what it is, but it ain't that.

by sol7
INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a dream when I was sixteen (I'm hella old now), of the entire Vatican State, including St. Peter's Basilica taken out by a nuclear bomb. That dream is as vivid to me today as it was when I dreamt it. Even though I was a practicing Catholic at the time, it made me happy.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a nurse who works in long term care (Nursing homes), my hat is always off to the CNA staff. Talk about heavy lifting, they are essential people in these facilities. A good staff of CNAs can make a place run smoothly.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that's a man. No real proof either way, but to me definitely looks female.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I immediately thought of tunnel blasting. The last time I felt an earthquake it was a fairly small one that originated in VA. I live in NJ and this time not only could we feel the shaking, but there was noise as well. Like a large tractor trailer going down the street. No big trucks allowed on local roads here. It was quite loud.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dunno, but there's a fairly big fault line called the Ramapo fault. The area is mountainous (for NJ at least), and lots of bedrock.

INK10 8 points ago +8 / -0

My house shook, and it seemed to last about thirty seconds, but the strangest thing was the noise. Like a gigantic, fully loaded eighteen wheeler rumbling in front of my house. It was loud.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also heard it. Like a very large tractor trailer on my street. But no trucks that big are permitted. Very strange.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently there was a smaller quake a few minutes ago: The 2.0 magnitude earthquake was detected with an epicenter seven kilometers west of Bedminster, New Jersey, according to the United States Geological Survey, which monitors earthquakes. Bedminster, really?

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

My first thought. There is however a fault line (Ramapo Fault line), that runs through where the quake was.

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