Yikes! Man, they love their symbols. There's a long term care facility near where I live, and the sign out front is a lovely stylized sailboat on the water. Appropriate I thought as it's very near a river. So, I was sitting in my car one day staring at it, and then my brain started deconstructing it and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Snapped a picture with my phone, printed it out, cut it up, and put it together. Lo and behold it was the Eye of Ra. In plain sight and disguised as something beautiful.
Isn't he the co-founder or part owner of Soho house where Meghan Markle and her idiot prince first hooked up? Harry and Meghan are all for censorship. He thinks our First Amendment is bonkers. Please look into their bogus charities, and ASAID money.
The idiot governor who "mandated" masks during Covid, then had a big party for his friends and family totally maskless. As a native of NJ, I can't wait to see him perp walked out of his house. One of the most arrogant, stupid and clownish politicians I've ever seen. This is NJ, so he's had some serious competition. Even worse than Old Crispy Creme Christy, a huge (literally) RINO.
Actually illegals get paid by we, the taxpayers. Employers pay them the bare minimum, under the table, and we provide free healthcare, free housing, free education, free money and all the social services they can get. Where I live they driver newer cars, shop quite a bit and always seem to have cash on them. Their children go to top rated public schools, at our expense and they have English as a Second language classes, as well as tutoring services. We pay for all of it.
I worked for the Federal Gov in my early twenties and having come from private industry I couldn't believe the incompetence, wastefulness, sense of entitlement and downright laziness that I witnessed. Jobs for life, nearly impossible to get fired.
I'm married to a naturalized legal immigrant whose parents escaped a hellish life in a Communist country. My FIL did back breaking labor for seven years in a European non communist country in order to make enough money to come here. It was difficult, expensive, and nerve wracking. There were no government handouts when they got here, and both parents worked many hours to afford housing and food. Needless to say watching illegals streaming in for the past several years has been infuriating to watch. I say 'eff 'em all, I have no sympathy for anyone being deported. In fact I'm enjoying the process of taking our country back. Our taxes are horrendous because we have to pay for their many children in our schools, rental prices have sky rocketed, buying a house is nearly impossible because greedy landlords have allowed 20 to 30 people to rent a house. Good riddance to all of them. BTW I'm a second generation American, and my grandparents had an equally difficult time to do it all legally.
Like the ones on hair dryers and curling irons that caution to not use them in the bathtub or shower.