IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

So a bunch of things have happened in the past week or so, may as well seperate/share them (it may seem weird using this chat to share my life stories like a "blog", but I've found it allows me to maintain my goals):

-After the death of one of my close family members due to a heart attack my "paying it forward" charity work is off to a breakneck start. I have an interview next week for the local big brothers/big sisters chapter which would have me mentoring the child of a single mother/giving them the "father experience" they wouldn't normally have.

-On the same vein the city approved my request for a plaque-bench to be placed in one of the local parks in tribute to her. It'll cost me nothing, will only cost them about $400, and is a huge win for the park as it's been sorely lacking places to sit down (it's about 1.5 square kilometers yet has 1 bench in the entire thing)

-One of my buddies introduced me to "Tinder", but being a boomer I got it backwards and accidentally ended up with a dozen or so DM's from fat ugly chicks. I know better for next time, but it was hilarious seeing all the people I didn't want to see after half an hour.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure part of it also has to do with the sheer amount of onlyfans requests as well. Gotta supplement that women's baseketball money with something.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know there were a few studies on it showing that the "consistency" of them isn't natural and could only be man-made. Also the speed in which they were occurring and the colour of the smoke suggested some sort of fuel-additive like gas or kerosene.

IamM 6 points ago +6 / -0

I live in canada, and one of the rumors going around is that trudy solely targeted ontario because he wants to use this crisis to get more votes/not rig the next election again. Ontario has more than a third of our total population and the vast majority of the forests here are wetlands/"swampey" (if you've ever been to louisiana it's kinda the same feel). Our next federal election is happening later this year, so it makes sense he'd do this now just in time for the re-vote.

IamM 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they were already losing money and are now using the tucker leaving excuse as a reason to try and get bought out by someone else. Would not be surprised to see the murdoch family sell fox in the next year or so.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

As someone who recently had a close relative die, the best advice I can give with dealing with this is to use it as a spring-board into other things. Continue on their spirit by doing charity work or adopting a new pet, and going out and doing good deeds. Just because someone's physical body may go, it doesn't mean their essence can't live on afterwards.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

See, I think you'll have a few republican presidents but they'll be rinos like desantis who are put in just to try and prove the elections matter.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's gays too in the next few days, so they'll be trying to jam a lot more than opinions down peoples throats.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

See, I demand that urban dictionary add a new meaning for "target on your back", where it'd be a gay sex position involving dragging a scrote across another person's shoulders while screaming "I'm empowered now!".

IamM 0 points ago +3 / -3

This is australia though, a place that willingly gave up all of their guns and got themselves into heaps of trouble in the first place. Just because they're anti-jab now doesn't mean they won't suddenly be pro-jab later on and go back to the way they were before.

IamM 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd say a large swathe of them were though and that the few who had any amount of "respect" were incredibly silent about it. Mind you I live in western canada, a place where they once burned down a starbucks because they ran out of rainbow cups for pride month.

IamM 4 points ago +5 / -1

Which much like "twitch streamer" is codeword for "basically unemployed and living off government subsidies, but makes about $30 a month from ad revenue".

IamM 2 points ago +5 / -3

Yeah, I have no sympathy for these people as not only were they hoping all of the un-jabbed died (I refuse to use the word "vaxxed" now as "vaccine" implies that it gives you some sort of immunity or protection, something this jab doesn't) but they also heavily supported the governments preventing them from doing basic things like buying food or taking their kids to daycare. I guarantee if the shoe was on the other foot and he found out your mother died/was un-jabbed, he'd be the first to tell you that it was your fault and that you should be put in jail for not forcing her to take it.

IamM 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know who is a huge fan of killing people with drones? Obama. Guy can't go an hour without taking his out of the closet and trying to murder a syrian child with it.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think r kelly took this a bit too literally.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I called it last year, but I am 100% convinced lemon is a serial child molester/murderer and that they only took him off the air before that stuff was revealed.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think people realize that you don't necessarily have to be "religious" in order to enjoy church. Back in 2017 I started going because I was approaching a bit of a midlife crisis. Work was stagnating, life was getting extremely boring, and although I was middle class it felt like I wasn't "living" life and more voyeuring it. Ended up going near the beginning of winter, and the added structure has given me more focus on things. Noone there has asked me on my view of religion, thankfully, as that's a 45min discussion involving a few scientific theories that I'd much rather save for other times.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wrestling had this happen a few years ago where a bunch of independent-scent guys started their own company with funding from the jacksonville jaguars' owner's son. While it's had a bit of success, it also indirectly showed that WWE was god-tier at scouting wrestling talent as their "rejects" looked extremely bad when given a bigger spotlight over there.

I could see this happening here too especially if some of the daily wire people/tim poole try to grift off of this, giving us an overflow of conservative content but extremely little quality content.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Here's our first guest Chaequandla, and her boyfriend Troymethius is denying their two month old twins Sheepandwia and Doug"

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean it's a bit funny too as barring montel williams he's on the "younger end" of the people in his genre. Hell, maury's 4 years older than him and is probably the biggest grifter of his success.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, in most parts of southern vancouver they're better looking than some of the women. By god are they ugly.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I can tell they had a different idea with her, where they're going to ship her and lizzo out to the east-china sea and force them to have sex for a few hours, causing massive tsunamis that'll flood the region.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only reason we do is because a ton of our good comedians are either dead, retired, or moved over to US television. The likes of red green, air farce, this hour has 22 minutes (at least the non-shit ones with shaun majumder and rick mercer). Early 2000s canadian comedy was some of the best to ever exist.

IamM 6 points ago +6 / -0

So the craziness of the last 2 weeks is finally over with. Despite destroying my wrist/getting surgery on it last sunday, we rebuilt 20 engines and swapped over about 60 sets of tires (I've been relegated to light duty/"fluid" related work, which sucks). We're expected to still be busy for the next month or so due to a backlog of repairs, but the commission should more than make up for it.

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