JackieDaytona74 37 points ago +37 / -0

A nice step, though the bill wants to replace federal income tax with a national sales tax.

That's certainly more equitable, but still doesn't prevent the Federal Government from growing out of control. I would greatly prefer President Trump's plan of returning to a tariff-funded Federal Government.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amazing how many elected Republicans are saying things since November 6th that they didn't say once during the prior 4 years.

A lot of fair weather friends for President Trump and they can't be replaced quickly enough.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder what % of L.A. is gnashing their teeth over this and screaming about what a dictator Trump is.

Willing to bet it's a shockingly high percentage.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

You hit on one of the most important elements of that whole fear campaign and a hot button issue for me.

I have some level of compassion for the weak minded who gave into fear, more compassion for those who got the jab in order to keep their job and provide for their family.

But I have nothing but contempt for the parents who got that damned shot for their children. By the time it was approved for kids, we had good data showing that C19 lethality for children was in the same realm as getting eaten by a land shark.

And I can think of few other responsibilities of a parent than making proper risk analyses for their children. The parents that got their kid(s) that shot failed mightily.

Thank you for being one of the good/great ones, GW. And glad to hear that the wife came to her senses at the 11th hour.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Indeed, but we've got to spend the next 4 years fighting for him. That means speaking loudly to politicians on X.

DJT is kicking ass on the EO front, but more difficult battles are ahead and he needs our support for those.

One of the first big ones is getting RFK Jr. confirmed. There's going to be enormous pushback on that one.

There will be many others but two other major, key battles where we will be needed:

-Making sure that Republican majorities not only hold but expand in the Senate and House in the midterms. We're less than 18 months away from the campaigning to start and reps being less willing to stick their necks out.

-I strongly suspect that one of the key agenda items this term for our President is going to be Constitutional Amendments that revolve around additional safeguards to make sure our Republic does not descend into a 3rd world banana republic again. That's going to require huge support from all of us.

If any of you played hockey or basketball in college, you'll understand this analogy. If you've ever played with a truly gifted player who is effortlessly dominating the game, there can be a temptation to lose track of your own responsibilities and simply watch the greatness that's occurring in front of you.

We are witnessing greatness in this first week from President Trump, but we can't sit back and watch. We need to influence.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi FD, thanks for posting but this is the original thread. BWC implied that there was a separate thread regarding 2024.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

A very good point and very poor wording on my part as you are certainly correct.

Though Bernstein's article and the timing is rather interesting given the timeline. It points to a rather complex relationship between Bernstein and the CIA at the time.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Before he turned into a stooge for the very people he tried to expose, Carl Bernstein (of Woodward & Bernstein fame/infamy) had an article published in Rolling Stone that exposed the CIA's infiltration into American newsrooms:


I tend to keep this article at the ready whenever I talk to a Leftist who is skeptical of a controlled/captured mainstream media.

Showing a Leftist this article tend to set off all sorts of mental gymnastics.

JackieDaytona74 40 points ago +40 / -0

This first, miraculous week was the worst nightmare of the entrenched bureaucrats, deep state thugs and the shadow government/Cabal.

Normies have been conditioned for decades to believe that Washington D.C. is a figurative Titanic, only turning in a direction after countless compromises are made and even when that does happen, the ship cruises along at a speed resembling a Hutt's leisurely stroll.

But now America has seen the common sense reality that when a decisive leader that is devoid of puppet strings is in charge, simple things get done on behalf of the American people.

President Trump's approval after this first week has skyrocketed. 50% approval with whites and a whopping 69% approval with blacks: https://www.newsweek.com/trump-support-white-black-voters-immigration-2020299

And if a national pollster is saying this, slap another 10% approval on and you're probably close to reality.

Now what's needed is for some mainstream reporters to point out the elephant in the room because I suspect that few of DJT's critics can recognize what's sitting in front of them; The fact that previous Presidents were beholden to powers other than the American people.

I worked in D.C. for many years and I received a very important lesson early on after attempting to tackle a very obvious and correctable cyber-security issue with a key IC system. I ran into nothing but stubborn bureaucrats, decision makers who were receiving kick backs from inferior vendors, and people who were simply and utterly incompetent. When venting my frustrations to a senior colleague, he explained:

"Problems don't get fixed in this town. All this town does is smoosh problems around. They get looked at, they get changed, but they never get solved. Problems just get monetized and then altered to the degree that your average person will either lose interest, believe it's unsolvable or blame the opposing political party."

People are going to realize that the last several decades of the federal government never needed to be as inept as they are and nothing should scare the parasite class more.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh God, read this headline and thought he was dying.

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +7 / -0

Two old commies that got rich off of capitalism.

No B&J's has been allowed in our house for well over a decade. My wife is absolutely based now, but wasn't back then. And I know a lot of husbands who don't want B&J's shit in their house but the wives love it as an occasional treat.

The route I took back then was doing some research on local dairies & ice cream shops. In most parts of the country you can find a local place that makes incredible ice cream that uses less than half a dozen ingredients, all of which are pronounceable.

Once I found a local place that would sell us containers, she was sold. The natural stuff is always better. These days she wouldn't dream of giving a cent to B&J's, but back then it was more of a challenge and finding a great local place did the trick.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% high-octane speculation on my part, but chemtrails are an extremely clandestine operation and there's evidence that the program has substantial ties to the private sector where it's even easier to keep secrets.

It may be more complex than an EO to stop it. However, I'm going to go out on a limb with another explanation:

DJT has long funded and maintained a private intelligence "agency". Arguably the best non-State funded intel agency in the world. If he's inclined, I suspect he has a lot of data on the chemtrails situation.

The problem is that the program is not widely known to the public. Heck, there are several pedes on GAW that are skeptical of its existence. I think for that EO to happen, the public has to be enlightened first for maximum impact. Though it always seemed odd to me that given the wide-ranging list of topics Q addressed in drops, chemtrails were never directly addressed as best as I can recall.

I can confidently say that at least in the twin cities, chemtrails have declined in frequency over the past 6-7 years but are not gone. I hear similar stories from other major cities but I can confidently say that it is still happening as evidenced by our GAW frens in the southwest.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well then fine, Gustavo. Maybe the CIA won't buy as much of your cocaine in the next fiscal year. Two can play at this game.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of Q drops for context before I make my comment:

Q Drop #88 Ten days. Darkness. Scare tactics (MSM). D's falling. R's walk-away/removed. SA --> US --> Asia --> EU Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary. Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc). Necessary. POTUS' Twitter attack (see above). Important. Why is this relevant? What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA? Why is this relevant? SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4). Where is POTUS? Why is this relevant? Military operations. Operators in US. Snow White The Great Awakening Godfather III Q

And the "darnkess" drop which Q never corrected, Q Drop #97 Game Theory. Define. Why is this relevant? Moves and countermoves. Who is the enemy? False flags. Shooter identification. Shooter history. Shooter background. Shooter family. MS13. Define hostage. Define leverage. MS13. Shooter. Family. Hostage. Force. Narrative. Race. Background. Why is this relevant? Flynn. What is Flynn’s background? What was his rank? Was he involved in intel ops? What access or special priv? Why is this relevant? Set up. Who wins? Who becomes exposed? Who knows where the bodies are buried? Who has access? What is MI? Who was part of MI during BO term? Who was fired during BO term (MI)? Why is this relevant? Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good). Paint the picture. Disinformation exists and is necessary. 10 days. Darnkess. War. Good v. Evil. Roadmap of big picture is here. Review post happenings. Clarified. Crumbs not only for /pol/. The silent ones. Others monitoring (friends and enemies). Instructions. Snow White. Godfather III. Q

Both of these drops mention 10 days of darkness/darnkess, though the rest of the data in these two drops is very focused on events at the time. I would posit that there's a possibility that whatever 10 days of darkness/darnkess means, it may something that already occurred and was simply not visible to the public.

The post is certainly notable regardless as any DOD information blackout this early into the new administration is meaningful. But I think we should consider the possibility that whatever 10 days of darkness/darnkess means, we may not see it happen.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's difficult to remove a senator. There's no equivalent to the 25th amendment for Presidents and physical/mental impairment would be the most obvious road (if it were possible) to travel down in removing McConnell.

In terms of removing him from the party, not sure what good that would do at this point. They could remove him from his committee assignments which would be a nice start since two of them are rather powerful (Appropriations & Rules and Administration). That would probably be the most useful step in neutering him.

The problem is that he'll carry weight with other Uniparty Republican Senators no matter what.

With apologies to Kentucky patriots on this board, the people of Kentucky should have removed that corrupt bastard many election cycles ago.

Because he will no doubt (health willing) spend the final two years of his term doing everything possible to undermine President Trump's agenda.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

AA, I really hope a day arrives where you and I get to hang out and cause a little trouble.

I had a somewhat similar (in terms of demoralizing C19 anecdotes) last Saturday. I have a fair amount of travel and executive meetings coming up in February so figured I'd better get a hair cut and look slightly more presentable (My wife always prefers my hair longer, so I'll grow it out as long as I can if I go a couple months in between customer or executive meetings).

Went down to the local/cheap chop shop and a young gay man guided me to the barber chair. Nice kid, probably 25 and did a good job with my hair. He was very chatty which was fine.

He was sharing a rather tragic anecdote about not being able to see a dying friend during the peak of the C19 insanity. They key bit was him saying: "And it was ridiculous, I got the vaccine. You CAN'T get covid if you've had the vaccine so what are they worried about?", without a trace of irony.

My normal reaction in these situations is to try to find a gentle way of trying to create a bit of logical doubt, but his statement was so certain, so devoid of any doubt, I didn't say a thing.

It's easy for me to forget sometimes just how many people are unknowingly isolated from reality.

Save some of that wine for me if you don't mind ; )

JackieDaytona74 11 points ago +11 / -0

Interesting end to the article:

"Israel's justification of its infringements against free speech on the basis of national security parallels similar laws passed in other countries including the US based on that same principle that have been proven to be used as a mechanism to suppress the truth. This begs questions about what truth the Netanyahu regime is trying to suppress about October 7th. If those facts ever do come to light then it may signal the death knell of the Netanyahu regime's future, if not his future as a free man all together."

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

Great post, OP. This is extremely important info that I think most of us weren't aware of. I know I wasn't.

Perhaps the most frustrating element is the unwillingness of the media to report on stories like this. Patriots have become extremely conscious about who they give their hard-earned money to these days and we have enormous influence with our collective wallet. If we'd had known about Smithfield's practices and their acquisition by the Chinese, I suspect the vast majority of us would have stopped purchasing their meat immediately.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Proud to say that where I in his shoes, a vicious beating would be handed out at the next family gathering.

JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

Your concerns are very valid. There are means of making EO's difficult to undo, but most can be undone by the next administration.

There is also some disagreement amongst legitimate Constitutional scholars on the legitimacy of Executive Orders.

That being said, I imagine that President Trump has far grander plans to transform this country in the coming 4 years. Many of those plans will be reliant on Congress to pass proper laws, but I strongly suspect he is eyeing Constitutional amendments as well to add additional safeguards and limits on the Federal government.

The Executive Orders are simply a means of undoing the controlled damage of Puppet Joe, and to jumpstart this term with a message to everyone that he means business.

But again, I agree with you and share your concerns. You may not know much about EO's, but your gut is spot on (IMHO).

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the only positive and daresay, amusing thing about the C19 Plandemic. As we hold our breath and wait to see the long-term impact of The Jab, I find a bit of comfort that the monstrous fools that implemented the plan allowed the most critical-thinking, ornery MF'ers to be unaffected by their poison. We are un-rulable.

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