Please post evidence of this
Dave from x22 mentioned this last night. Interesting
Hmmm. Good point. Still, I think they will try.
Or ........and here's a thought....... You could stop inhaling CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NTY, WP, fumes and actually do a little research
I gave you everything you need to know. The Obama IRS and FBI harassed and audited Tea Party members and leadership into oblivion. And they were forced to stop all activities. THAT'S the only context you need.
If you don't remember how the IRS was used to eliminate the tea party then I don't have time or energy to tell you
No fear porn here. Remember the tea party? History is an uncomfortable truth
Brilliant retort
I hope that is the total balance and not your monthly payment
Yes. This happened about a year ago.
Thanks for the perspective
I'd like to know too
No surprise here. San Francisco is a sick, filth, crime ridden, bum infested, hell hole that actually celebrates this behavior. When God's wrath comes I believe he's got a little something extra planned for that place.
DC is it's own territory. Not part of the United States. Trump better bring his own muscle.
Good news. I'm getting nervous
This is great news but what does it actually mean? This vote will not decertify the election so I'm asking what's next ?
He said he would call for the vote. Could mean that he wants to get it over with and that there aren't enough votes to pass it.
Thanks. I needed that. I still feel as if I've been kicked in the nuts though.
I agree but I still don't understand exactly how they are able to convince someone to get a gun and shoot up a school.
Well.........I'd have seen for myself he "she"had a penis before giving her the ring if you know what I mean. Although I like the analogy.
Where is this trial taking place? DC?