John_Murdock 13 points ago +14 / -1

"Cuban is Jewish, and grew up in Mount Lebanon, a suburb of Pittsburgh, in a Jewish working-class family. His paternal grandfather changed the surname from "Chabenisky" to "Cuban"

Sneaky per usual, always changing names to goyim names to blend in. I had no idea Cuban was one of "them" but not surprised in the least.

John_Murdock 3 points ago +3 / -0

You really think the Q operation is sloppy enough to just allow such blatant typos?

John_Murdock 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spelling matters, Q has stated this and nothing is done by accident. You really think an operation sophisticated enough to post deltas that are years in advance is careless enough not to spell check before posting?

And if you don't believe Q is a thing why are you even here?

John_Murdock 8 points ago +8 / -0

I completely disagree and believe you're extremely naive to human nature. Humans as a natural state are tribal and violent. Just look at cultures dating back to the dawn of time. Even among seemingly same peoples like the Native Americans there was constant war and slavery divided between tribal groups, because each tribe or group wants the resources and power to help their own tribe survive and flourish at the expense of others.

We even see it in modern times, humans naturally will divide themselves into tribes. Even this forum is itself a tribal group.

Sure within a tribe humans can cooperate, as in your own family or group because it can be beneficial. But this again stems from deriving a benefit from the relationship, and even within families there are many who selfishly exploit for their own gain.

It's only within religious frameworks that you see truly selfless behavior where people sacrifice at their own detriment to help others.

To say "love" is a natural state of being is just really out of touch, hippie new age viewpoint completely detached from reality.

John_Murdock 3 points ago +3 / -0

How so? Our laws make these things illegal. There will always be evil people who do these things, the difference is the status quo and agreed upon moral standards condemn them. And do you really think those that perpetrate these acts are pious or god-fearing?

Take for example musician Tim Lambesis. He hired a hitman to murder his wife and did some time in prison. He was once a devout Christian who lost faith. He stated that once he was an atheist he saw nothing wrong with murdering his wife because there was no such thing as morality in his mind.

Also every Communist genocide has been acted out by a secular government that abolished God.

John_Murdock 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Natural human morality"

What are you even talking about. Humans by nature are murderous, selfish beings. Society as it exists currently in the west is still at the core built on a christian moral framework. Murder and theft being wrong or helping others are not natural moral positions. Survival of the fittest is the natural state, meaning the weak would be cast aside and left to die like we see in the animal world.

Without god, morality becomes relative and subjective. Meaning if someone believes it's moral to kill you and take what you have, who would be able to say that their morality isn't valid, and by what standard?

I think atheists and godless people fail to realize this. Without a biblical moral framework, child sacrifice, pedophilia, murder...any kind of depraved act would fall under subjective morality.

John_Murdock 13 points ago +13 / -0

I never thought of this til now but think about Moloch/Molech as being traditionally depicted as a bull-headed god. In that context the bull nose ring is almost symbolic as a sign of subservience to Moloch.

Then consider Moloch would have children sacrificed to it, and the fact these bull nose ringed women are almost always pro abortion with many having had multiple already.

John_Murdock 3 points ago +3 / -0

If only some based billionaire would fund a new platform lol. Etsy is such a big established player at this point it would take a lot of startup capital to launch a competing site and draw enough eyes and interest to it.

The reason Etsy is so popular and sellers accept the abuse they receive is for the access to their massive customer base. Any competitor, even with a better model and selling platform will struggle to compete with the size of audience Etsy draws in. It's the same kind of advantage Youtube has over its competition. Sites like Rumble can work OK for creators who already built a large following on YT and then migrated over, but starting from scratch it's near impossible to build an audience on Rumble vs Youtube.

John_Murdock 11 points ago +11 / -0

I had a Wuhan Institute of Virology Bio Weapons Division shirt I designed that was selling like hotcakes and they removed it calling it racist.

I still sell on Etsy because it's just shirt designs that continue to sell with zero maintenance but the platform has become flooded with cheap Chinese knockoffs of stolen designs and product ideas. I wish there was an alternative marketplace but there really isn't.

John_Murdock 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yoo was still posting to YouTube after the explosion saying he wasn’t there. The media claims this was debunked because the account wasn’t the same YouTube he had linked to his LinkedIn as if people can’t have multiple YouTube accounts. The way the posts were worded and the content it was clear it was Yoo. The channel has since been scrubbed but archives of the posts exist. Some deep state cover up is going on surrounding this.

John_Murdock 2 points ago +2 / -0

My daughter is 2 weeks old and I will not have her vaccinated.

Did you deal with any pressure from your pediatrician? Seems hard to find any medical practitioners that don't just follow the playbook.

John_Murdock 5 points ago +5 / -0

I used to go to Moontribe festivals in CA, definitely know the types that go. Usually new age/hippie types or wooks and ravers that burned out on commercial raves so go to these psytrance burner parties instead since theyre usually low key.

Super chill people but majority are definitely leftists. Not really the aggressive ANTIFA type but the naive bleeding heart type.

John_Murdock 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was going to say this. He has the look of someone that lost weight and now has saggy skin because of it. Like Al Roker, he looked WAY older after he got thin.

John_Murdock 4 points ago +5 / -1

Taylor is 100% part of that club. You can find plenty of photos of her covering one eye and there are other telltale signs.

No musician can reach the heights she has without membership, they won't allow it. Beyonce, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Madonna...list goes on.

Kanye was also a member, he lashed out, tried to leave after his mother was "sacrificed" and he became a father and had a spiritual awakening but it looks like they wrangled him back in line.

Others end up like Britney Spears or Amanda Bynes when that MKULTRA programing fries their brain or they end up taken out like Michael Jackson or Stanley Kubrick when they start to reveal too much and become a liability.

John_Murdock 4 points ago +4 / -0

All that aside it’s an impossibility to mine the minerals and materials to build enough solar panels or batteries to go all electric. Simply not possible mathematically. It would take something like thousands of years at the current rate of mining.

John_Murdock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who is Joel Manke and what significance does any of it have regarding Kim Noble? Are you insinuating KT is her? An explanation would be nice. Also there are tons of TikTokers now claiming to have multiple personalities, it’s a fad now for mentally ill and attention seeking leftards so some random weirdo saying similar on insta doesn’t necessarily mean mkultra

John_Murdock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guessing Asians are included in the POC category.

Older Asians tend to mostly vote conservative but their American born kids have been indoctrinated by the system and most are leftists, even going as far as condemning their parents who voted Trump.

You see older Vietnamese who escaped communism and worked hard to give their kids the American dream only to have them become America hating entitled communists. It’s sad.

I’m Korean and seen this old vs young dichotomy firsthand as I was a clueless liberal when I was young too growing up in the 90s and 00s because of media and school brainwashing.

John_Murdock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can’t find a single news report about this

John_Murdock 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only some scenes were fake most of it was real death or aftermath footage basically a precursor to sites like rotten or best gore.

John_Murdock 1 point ago +2 / -1

Complete lie I’ve seen so many AMC zombies claim it’s the real play and bash GME relentlessly. If you haven’t realized AMC is a BS distraction by now there’s no hope for you. I dumped all mine at $60 and rolled it into the true play which is GME. AMC will never moon, too diluted with massive float and Aron will continue to dilute like he has with APE preferred stock. But go ahead and keep buying into a sunk cost fallacy.

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