Kussdom 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was literally sitting here, before seeing the vid, thinking what if Biden is Q. That would be mind blowing....haha

Kussdom 18 points ago +18 / -0

And they are firing a rocket today!

Kussdom 1 point ago +3 / -2

Why is he having trouble saying military? Struggled twice with that word...kind of concerning

Kussdom 1 point ago +1 / -0

SECRET SOC. have ties to drugs/riots/terror'm: JFK wam'd of SS. A sign/\word/symb. sys. unites SS.4t's tied to Satum, Lord olt RINGs/time: Audi rgs, CIANBC's BIRD; Cross (+)wl rg/fire/(Bayer/ KKK); Islam/CHINA's cresc.(Cr) W/ star/ball., eye/1/2 face/TARGET; *Pyra'd/A (Paramt); shield (Harv'dINSA). SSIheir agents create div'n, cond'n'g us 2b control'd Clues: Nwo-New Age/era.. 'change. SS/rel. merge: VAT/EUMafia/FBl's rg of stars-dots/rg kis'g; bars/lines (FOX/Euro); red/ oranbk โ‚ฉ.(Crest/GulfMobIZ-11Nazis black sun); "Hindu's (-sin/san/ZEN-du's) swastika; doubl- Malta HX (Exn/Episc.); cup/bwl (grail/sports). SS front4a tiny race call'd Drag'n Kings (royalty's origin). DK'sLONG skulls-eyes/archit were fnd in *Peru/*Turkey/Eastr Is..DK's agenda: surveil'ce state; "caste sys (Caucasian)/eug'nics; debt/infa'n(thef); destablizn(gangsimmnigrn/univ.creatd confus'n (pronouns); subtl sex'm/ped'philia.. Symbs: I.C.E.JNRA/IMF/DD; Rainbo/arch/gate.; lion', heart, wing'd/horn'd objs (horse); clock; Eiffel Tower/ pillrftree; wand/swd/arro (Sunoco): MtZion SPIRALIe/6/9 (Disney); crown; gems; KEY/co..STONE; blu +.(Bk/PfiziFord/Riz/AFT). Sign'g uses: COLORS; fouch'g(rg/chin/lip)Ifreq pointg/dbl "/thum uplwink'glpinct!effngricuf/rais'g.. fist (socm/MAND-fwdhorns/ok.Opra"/Putin/judges/mil-.Gop-Dem-LOCAL.eadrs sign. Signs date to 'Goldn S,eS Symbs: fountn; shell; geom/Flower/star/Ems/spin'g-lke symbs (Bp/Nato/W-M Brit. flag/prayr wheel); bell; bee(Lds); snake/Sivrtongue out; "torch/lamp/lantn/llumin8; 'maze/ S,NO Ordwebhyknouschain.(ene symbs); light/sp@rk IM cr/rg/mt/dots.(Dole/Post); sg/cube (Dep-of Ed); tridlalera...ChvyDominos Ydel-o/Bai4cN" cafe/Life); brokn/dif. length RAYS; SKULL-BONES 830) SS-YALE); Ltn'g bolt. Resistance grows: DKISS need disarm'd

Kussdom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is that The Gladiator music I hear?

Kussdom 6 points ago +6 / -0

Google maps as well...

Kussdom 2 points ago +2 / -0

2 to the chest and 1 to the head 7 times. That is what I take from the picture provided.

Kussdom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Plumber, because everyone is full of shit!

Kussdom 4 points ago +4 / -0

They cancelled the evac notice apparently...false alarm

Kussdom 3 points ago +3 / -0

The comment section is priceless!

by JC77
Kussdom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it is black it is cheaper.... how racist!

Kussdom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Should have put this out before 23 and me came out! How many foolish people voluntarily sent their DNA out with no knowledge who would ultimately collect and store it at the end...

Kussdom 2 points ago +2 / -0

More important is getting that generator that you have been wanting! May need it in times of darkness!

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