Hey, now. It's just adulterous sex. It doesn't affect his ability to do his job or anything.
/s, in case anyone needs it
It will be BIBLICAL! ;~)
She mentions the SRO, which probably stands for school resource officer. In my area the SRO is a sheriff's deputy. That might be why the school refused to give her the SRO's contact info.
And the tats... good grief!
This is the way.
Fani didn't wanna get spanked.
Damn, I miss Melania. Not to mention PDJT.
Heckin' outstanding job by the LEOs. Justice got served that day.
Feckin' hilarious!
So.... why would the prosecution's "star witness" do something like this?
Of course, it's wackjob Cohen, so there's that...
Fani gettin' spanked!
And Richmond and Tidewater and C-ville!
Halper-Hayes... any relation to Stefan Halper, the fat deepstate professor dude (American but based in UK, I think) paid by Obama's Pentagon, who helped to entrap George Papadopoulos in the London cigar bar?
prediction: PDJT's killer nickname for Vivek will be... RAMA SCAMA DINGDONG!**
Maybe he wants them to get their part over with first, so they can get back to working on his behalf behind the scenes (or out in the open!).
edit: and maybe he's doing it too as a favor to them, because he knows damn well that the slimeballs in power will drag HIS case out for months and even years.
It is! The last part (quoted in the thread title) is from his role as Coach Herman Boone in Remember the Titans.
Like, with a cloth or something!
Um... RICO is a federal law. Not within the purview of a state- or county-level prosecutor.
This is Alvin Bragg-level bullshit again.
And June 14 is his 77th birthday. Nice timing on their part, eh?
So was "the man with the moustache in Germany!"
The way I put it was, "Once you go vaxxed, you can never go back."
And now I apply that to any jab, because I can't trust any of "them" who develop and market and push these poisons.
Page no longer exists.
Yeah... I sniff lefty projection here.