Damn, I miss Melania.
Three blackguards could fit the situation too.
It really is like living in The Matrix, ain't it?
Grenell was Trump's ambassador to Germany for a couple of years before he was made Acting Director of National Intelligence (because he'd already been confirmed by the Senate for the ambassador gig).
So technically he can be referred to as Ambassador Grenell, though it's more usual to address him by the more recent and higher-ranking title of Former Acting DNI.
LMAO! I see what you did there. Well played.
The whole image looks freakily photoshopped to me.
Yep... but with only 2 followers, he clearly wasn't trying his best in the job!
Met him once. Slimy, creepy type. Glad he lost.
If McAwful's social media manager has only 2 followers, he clearly wasn't trying his best.
So, looks like he's already thrown in the towel on 2021. Works for me.
And quite a winsome one too, don'tcha think? ;~)
Definition of winsome
1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence a winsome smile 2 : cheerful, lighthearted
Interdasting... Candace Owens actually titled her book Blackout.
Love it! And wow, so nice to see the lovely Melania again!
Well, it's Saturday morning here in Trumpland, so no need to hold back! ;~)
I admire your spirited attitude! Hang in there. And keep us posted.
Thank you so much for this!
So sorry for the loss of your dad.
Shoot him (and his sort) back the same answer when they challenge you about why you're not vaxxed...
Karrrrrma karma karma karma karma comes to Karen...
What a disturbing thread this is to read...
Could you provide a source on this, please?
I'm particularly curious because EVMS is where Governor Blackface Northam -- who has mandated the jab for all exec branch employees in VA -- went to med school.
Or whether some so-called citizens really aren't...
I bet they can vote, though.
Well, you see, when leftists screech, "My body my choice!" they actually mean, "My body AND my child's body, my choice!"
Frankly, they even mean, "My body AND YOUR body, my choice!"
Kinda fits when you consider the pro-vaxx, pro-trans, pro-"minor-attracted person," and pro-mandate things they're also into.
But those same leftists can't handle it when they hear us firmly stating, "My body my choice," because they know WE actually mean what we're saying.