Right, the solution here is that they all quit the stupid sorority. Or maybe they fix the problem they created by beating the crap out of this guy. Whining or suing about an improper erection are ridiculous solutions.
I had no idea.
Small correction to OP, once they drive out the low wage earners they will import their slaves. Much cheaper.
Still, it's the white people choosing not to have families. And they started making that choice long before the economy tanked. They were tricked, but they're not completely victims.
The highlight: "Boss, I'm getting tired and I need you to step back in soon" "I'm coming soon, I promise"
It was a reference to the food not the character
We get down on democrats for adopting black accents but I've never heard anyone get down on Bush for permanently adopting a Texas accent. Wasn't he raised in Connecticut? How did so many people fall for this clown?
He sounds like a wonderful man
Her conversion seems more genuine then let's say Kanye. Sounds like she just started reading the Bible and then going to church. Then she got rid of demonic tattoos. Now she's speaking out and encouraging other people to do the same thing. It didn't seem like she's really selling anything. Even when she says she wants to work on herself, that's called sanctification. And she used to be a satanic rapper she obviously has a lot to learn and a lot of changes to make.
Unfortunately our military's been corrupted from the top down and I don't think your husband sounds even capable of recognizing the depth of that corruption.
Interesting perspective but you are missing the point about modern Santa Claus who has nothing to do with these benevolent forerunners.
My intuition completely agrees with yours, op. But I suspect the history is beyond tracing out. I'm personally disappointed to see so many defenders of the Santa psyop responding, but the programming runs deep. What is even good about Santa? Yeah there were good things about the original Saint Nicholas but the modern day Santa doesn't do anything positive for a kid's psyche or a family's celebration.
There's nowhere in the Bible that says pray about something and God will tell you what to do apart from his Word. But there's a lot of passages that say you need to learn wisdom and live by it. Maybe he was rooting out the Christians who actually follow the Bible from those who follow their own ideas and think they're following the Bible.
"once you start looking" is a key phrase.
I've been following all this since the 2020 election. Until the last month I've only made a few comments here and there but I mostly just read things. But lately I've been putting out all sorts of negative comments, mostly on videos but maybe some here and a lot on truth social. Really what I'm hoping is that the white hats see it and understand how frustrated the Patriots are right now. I'm definitely sincere and I'm not trying to bring anybody down but I think they probably gauge the morale. I think since they have all the inside information and they can see the game plan they probably forget how frustrating it is for people on the other side who have to take their cryptic communications on faith. Specifically I I'm worried that they are foolishly depending on us to help wake up those around us. No way. I've tried and I'm not going to lose my job or family over this. I don't trust the military to step in in a timely manner at all and I've got to feed my family until whenever they decide to act. I appreciate the air Qs but there's no way they've given me enough to go out there and convince other people of the truth who are still fast asleep. I'm worried they're waiting for something that's never going to happen and with my negative comments I hope to show them that there are a lot of patriots who do believe Q is real but are not happy with the way it's going or getting on board with the whole "we are the plan" rhetoric. Since they are military I don't assume they are infallible and I assume they are sometimes too slow. I hope that my complaining, combined with all the other people, will help them see that they really do have to act and they can't stall forever. Maybe they're really going as fast as they can and I miss judging the situation. But they are the military, and the military is often slow, overly bureaucratic, and inefficient. If there's a chance my complaining will encourage someone to get their butt in gear, then I consider it worth doing. I also think it makes other Patriots who feel discouraged realize that they're not alone when they see similar comments by people who haven't given up on the overall narrative but are frustrated with the specific strategies.
Is another round of vaccines coming?
Catch 22 because a lot of people won't wake up until the military steps in. It would seem like if they're going to step in they could make sure they control enough of the MSM messaging.
You're sitting at a computer like the rest of us
There's nothing childish about wanting it to be over
The white hats are not above criticism.
Trying to be optimistic, if he's preparing to be arrested it looks a lot worse after he's declared?
Amen, but I can see why he keeps doing them for the newly awakened.
Amen. And I'm tired of the military waiting for enough people to wake up. They are the ones tasked with protecting our country. The reason people won't wake up is because no one will come out and say it publicly. They just need to get this thing done. I do believe the white hats are in control, but they are also military, and the military can be slow, inefficient, and can drag its feet just like anyone else. The super planners at some point I've just got to go for it. At some point if you know about all the evil and you haven't stepped in to stop it, you become partially complicit!
Who knows, but for what it's worth I think the child sacrifice would do it if enough details are leaked all at once. Especially the people killing their own children in gruesome ways. It disturbs me, and I had years to absorb and accept at my own pace. And then when people realize half of what they do to their children - drugs, video games, music - is part of dedicating their OWN children to Satan!