Uh, is water wet? Good info. Thank for posting. Jerome Corsi is a GREAT resource.
Not surprising at all that she's at the top of the list. No typo in that comment.
I'm about 20 minutes into this ~ hour long interview. Loving it so far. Lots of good insights. Good be a good red-pill candidate for some in our circles of still blue-pilled.
Edit: It just hit me that here we have a Scottish man and a black woman having a conversation where you can see throughout genuine mutual respect, appreciation, and fondness. I HATE the cabal!
It's been a LONG time since I laughed out loud so hard!
Not everybody can be a robot polisher ; -)
Batman "bat ears".
Maybe Matthew 20:1-16 should be on the sidebar for awhile.
"con-vention". Nice touch!
I’ve purchased ivermectin from them 3 or 4 times now (last time a couple of months ago) and have always received well packaged product as advertised. Last time had the same PayPal routine, but everything worked out.
Pretty darn good summary. I think most here will agree "The Fall of the Cabal" is a good documentary.
I like this source:
Scroll down until you get to "The Sequel". The Sequel goes back in time. Part 1 of the sequel (approx. 28 minute video) covers this really well. Parts 1 through 4 of the sequel will take you to the Protocols of Zion.
Absolutely. Satanic and Demonic. Not to oversimplify everything, but in the most important sense that is what all the horrible things we are fighting against the cabal ultimately comes down to. U.N soldiers invading the U.K. funded by laundering of untold millions of dollars to Ukraine to fight "evil" Russia.? The communists (meaning the satanists) are behind it every time.
I'm more and more convinced the greatest danger we face are those whose guiding star seems to be to "not be a conspiracy theorist". Are you listening Glen Beck, Dan Bongino, ...?
Edit: I hope they are listening to people like Candace Owens who so rightly says she "hates cowards".
This whole video from Candace is really good, but starting at the 26:52 mark she goes into a dark rabbit hole of a murder coverup involving Shapiro:
"That logic takes a lot of balls, but there's no reason to bring Michelle Obama into this"!!! Oh my goodness! That line should be copywriteable!
Do any of those mockingbirds even have a brain? Every last one of them completely plugged into the matrix.
Thank you. I should have thought of that. I'll check it out.
Thank you for posting this. You beat me to it.
For those of us who aren't as adept at downloading from YouTube could an Anon create a link for this at Catbox or something similar? This video is FIRE and the cabal won't like it one bit. I don't think I'm alone in hoping to go back to it from time to time and to share it with those needing to wake up.
Very interesting interpretation!
Man I love this place! Your comment is like you are reading my mind but expressing it better than I would!
My wife and I started drinking it exclusively as our only milk and it has been life changing.
This site has a lot of good information and also a source finder.
Killary mind-blanking on those balloons is the gift that keeps on giving!
Megyn Kelly would be good. What a turn-around from her moderation in the 2016 debate. She recently said she would crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. I'd need to stock up on popcorn for those press conferences.
I took it that way too - as a sign of genuine humility. Tucker and Candace Owens have been going through deep transformations and awakenings lately and are on fire. Great news for a big reach to wake up a lot of people.
I hope this means Bongino is starting to wake up. He hasn't yet come across to me on his radio show as moving beyond informing us of his expertise on procedures and explaining why he is one of the most qualified to explain the "intelligence failures".
More and more I'm realizing our pride could be the most easily exploited trait for the deep state to use against us in their gas-lighting. It feels good to be "an expert". We need experts in the fight, but we need them to be awake to evil. Otherwise, they can often do more harm than good.
Follow-Up Edit: A favorite saying by of an old colleague of mine is "I'm disappointed, but not surprised". Looks like that applies to me in relation to Bongino. On his radio program today he just said about his inside sources telling him the sloped roof was supposed to have a counter-sniper on it: "I have no explanation for this other than incompetence. Absolute incompetence".
If I was better with emojis I would post the face-palm. One of Bongino's favorite phrases is "stupid smart people." That's what he is exhibiting here. He can't see the forest through the trees because of his "secret service expertise". Everything is stroking his ego to help us understand his breaking news (that "we're not getting anywhere else") about this gross incompetence by the SS.
Hey Dan. The attempt on Trump's life was about the dress that Melania wore and the blue tiffany box the gift was wrapped in the day the Obamas "welcomed" the Trumps to the White House on the day of his inauguration. It was about the envelopes at the Bush Sr. funeral. It was about the glorious scene of the military surrounding Trump in his inauguration speech when he said power was being given back to the people (the scene that scared the shit out of Killary). It was about the bioweapons labs targeted for Russia that Putin is taking out. It was about the mountains of corrupt money and blood being spent on the endless banker's wars that they have been engineering and funding both sides on for centuries (and the kick-backs to the corrupt soulless politicians). Maybe more than anything it was about the 1st command on the Georgia Guidestones that either God or the White Hats obliterated.
I'm sorry but I've run out of patience with Bongino. It is long past time for him to wake the hell up. As Candace Owens said recently to everyone: "YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!".
No wonder she makes the transgender Baphomet "As above so below" gesture with her hands every time she utters her "I can imagine what can be unburdened by what has been" signature line.