Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen at least 3 close in my area, but not because of crime, but because of the insane rent prices. I mean, holy shit, if not even Starbucks wants to pay you rent, what makes you think another tenant would pay more than Starbucks?? These property investment funds are obviously pushing artificial scarcity with real estate.

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's interesting how they said it originated from someone having sex with a primate. The reality is, it was homosexuals who spread it. An average homosexual man back then would have partners in the hundred, so of course it spread like wildfire, as the bible warned about STDs.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be they want to switch over to a cashless society and just eliminate physical money altogether. This may not be a white hat occurrence, so be vigilant!

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was necessary when California became a state and there was a Spanish population of about a few thousand that resided there. The state constitution was written and printed in both languages.

So, Spanish, Navajo and other native American languages should be okay in just those states. Everything else can fuck off. Vietnamese? Cantonese? Hindi? Uh no. It's absurd to even play devils advocate

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

So glad to see Desantis removing all special privileges for Disney. Yet here they are DOUBLING down lmao

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vegas casinos get more scrutiny than our voting process. Slot machines all get full blown audits by the gaming commission, casinos can lose their licenses even for the smallest of violations. It just amazes me after Florida in 2000, nobody really ever fixed anything since, both right and left!

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Michael Obama Michael Obama Michael Obama!

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

At some point these schools need to be completely defunded of all funding. Redistribute all of that money back to the people. You know, it's good for everyone!

Mandigo 3 points ago +5 / -2

I'm sorry you guys disagree with Musk. Frankly I think he's unremarkable overall and his electric car is a poorly engineered piece of crap that will be mostly gone from the roads in 10 years. With that said, he is still an ally, an enemy of our enemy. The fact that he exposed twitter for what it is is a victory for everyone and I can't wait for whatever move he makes next against the NWO faggots.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd be surprised if we don't see more mass power outages. Food shortages, I'm not too sure, there's just too much food. The price increases certainly reflect the sabotaging going on. I would stock up on food, but I just don't see shelves going completely empty. Fuel on the other hand could definitely run out so we need to look out for that. Gas lines area coming, maybe in 2023, after the election. The other item on my list is the stock market completely crashing harder than 2008. Will this happen? Can they and will they try and print more money to keep it propped up to save their Democrat majority?

Everything is up in the air, but I know for certain energy will get expensive and start to run out!

Mandigo 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's so much worse there because these people are actually starving and the ONLY REASON for this is, of course, the government that locked them down. Notice how this isn't getting posted on lefty subreddits or any leftist, despite their love for brown people and revolutions and protests?

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the purpose of BRICS other than to undermine the US dollar? We know the Ruble and Yuan are also over inflated. Do they plan on just making trade deals WITHOUT currency? If so, that would be a humongous pitfall for the US dollar rendering it effectively worthless on the global market.

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this reminds me of that Jimmy Carter photo. All so weird.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

People are asking how this can be enforced... It can't. However, there are some ways you might be able to at least reduce it. For example, if a man checks in to a hospital with every possible parasite and STD in his rectum, wouldn't that be grounds for self-harm just like if he were to show up with needle marks all over? Instead we get people like Tim Cook whos probably told it's okay to get stitches regularly up the ass. Imagine having signs in hospitals telling gay men their behavior is actually harmful to them no matter what they do instead of virtue signaling it all!

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was one with a picture of George Floyd with the price of gas in the background lol

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

What happens to the millions of workers who get laid off? How can they possibly be useful in the private sector?

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to let the public know of ALL of the stories that have more credibility than these fake Trump accusations about OBAMA. There are witnesses who say all he ever had on was ESPN on TV in the White House, hence why he could recite all of the sports team so quickly but fumbled with everything else when he didn't have a teleprompter. There are also numerous people who witnessed him having gay sex, with their stories never changing or contradicting one another. But if these credible stories are fabricated and dont deserve attention, then neither do the ones about trump!

Mandigo 36 points ago +37 / -1

It's all artificial scarcity like everything else. We have plenty of water. There have been numerous projects cancelled by eco terrorists through legislation and litigation over the past few decades that have directly lead us to this problem. It's systematic destruction of the United States. They literally just blame working class people for using too much water, when it's just them projecting their hatred for humanity and free loving Americans. Sorry a working middle class white family isn't allowed to have grass and a few trees, while the elite get golf courses in Dubai.

Mandigo 4 points ago +4 / -0

They probably packed in 10% of the votes even back then, and it still lost! It was overwhelming, nobody likes gay marriage now more than ever.

Mandigo 4 points ago +4 / -0

White women don't riot. Been saying this over and over again. We'll just see random emotional tantrums being thrown but that's just about it.

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